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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 364, The Guild Master Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   I made my way back to the mansion, carrying Pochi on my back and Lina in my arms. Then, after putting both of them to bed, I teleported to the hideout of the Resistance. Pochi will probably whine about me leaving her behind later, but who the hell cares? Her fault for getting drunk! It's pretty late into the night now, but Warren doesn't seem to take any issue with that, maybe because I told him in advance that I had another appointment before this.   "Good…
    • Chapter 363, The Mage from the North Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Now give it a try, Hornel!" "How about I DON'T!? I mean, why do I have to imitate your whole process, down to that humiliating chant!?" "Surely I've already explained -- By letting the movements of your body follow the rhythm of the chant, you can increase the speeds at which you draw Circles of all types, be it normal or fixed-position, magic of magecraft." "...And why does it have to be variations of 'rise' and 'a-rise'?" "Because those are what have worked…
    • Chapter 362, A Speech Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Despite the 'slightly' rough start, Asley and Pochi managed to address the audience well enough. Every single mage in the audience could perceive just how much arcane energy they carried, so it was not as if their reputation was ruined... or at least not yet. The next person to address the audience was Irene, formerly one of the Six Archmages and the current leader of the Resistance. From Asley and Pochi's perspective, her speech was so different from her usual…
    • Chapter 361, Class Is In Session! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~Thirtieth Day of the Sixth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   A new morning in Eddo, the capital city of T'oued, was accompanied by an unfortunately cloudy sky. It was so cloudy that, in fact, it could start raining at any moment. In a room of an inn frequented by adventurers, one young woman was shifting restlessly as she sat on her bed.   "This can't be right. Have I been gaining too much muscle?"   She had…
    • Chapter 360, The Instant Transmission Theory, and Some Other Stuff Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Ah, I just remembered... I did plop Pochi right into the Storeroom right after we were back in this era. Yup, that sour face she's making is totally warranted.   "Master... you're thinking about something dangerous, aren't you?" "No way. Here's the thing -- the Storeroom can be used as an excellent attack magic if edited properly. Which is not without its risks, I guess."   Even after listening to my explanation, Pochi did not stop staring at…
    • Chapter 359, Formidable Foes Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "So we're getting the A-ranked Kerberoses right off the bat, huh?"   I invoked my Appraisal Glasses and looked at Bruce as he fought on the front lines, waiting to see how many experience points he would get from each kill. For reference, a normal Kerberos can be expected to give out 9,000 points. If the amount he gets is higher, then it would prove that there is value in coming to hunt monsters here.   "Ora! Whoa--!? Damn you…
    • Chapter 358, The Scarlet Monsters Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Watch each other's backs! Start by taking out the monsters in front of us!"   We ran into a horde of monsters not long after we entered the Kamiyama. Ryan is in command for now since Blazer is sitting this trip out.  And to my surprise, it turned out that he was quite good at taking care of the kids... So much so that, out of all of us, he's the second most popular with the kids, in fact. The most popular one is Natsu, apparently. Which makes sense --…
    • Chapter 357, To the Scarlet Devil Wetlands Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Let's get started, then." "Don't expect to beat our challenge so easily -- 'cause we've changed a whole lot!" "Fire Lance & Remote Control!"   Idéa sent the single Fire Lance high up into the sky -- so high that it's probably the highest a Fire Lance could reach. Then it just... stopped and stayed there, about 400 meters overhead.   "Now, can you get rid of that Fire Lance way up there? And do it without using magic and…
    • Chapter 356, Night of the Mages Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "I've completed the Levitation magic spell -- most of you guys have probably seen it in action just now. As it is, though, I don't think there are many mages who can handle it." "Yeah, that's what I thought. You were drawing its circle so quickly, my eyes couldn't even keep up."   Betty catches on fast -- this is probably thanks to her magic and magecraft studies bolstering her fundamental understanding. ...That, and she was sitting right on top of me,…
    • Chapter 355, Return of The Silver Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Damn, that flying thing actually WORKED! C'mon, Asley, one more time!"   Looks like Betty's totally hooked. She's practically begging for me to cast the spell again, and also trying to distract me from the fact that I've just been through tickling hell moments ago. Well, I did manage to bail myself out of there, at least. Using my barely movable fingertips, I invoked my brand new Levitation spell and forced my way out, ascending into the air and dragging…