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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 212, Resurrection Spell, I Guess? Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "Gah, how'd you even get so insanely strong...?!"   "Hah... hah... whew... didn't you know? This whole world... is made of macho...!"   "Yeah, no, it's not. You're a real pain in the ass, you know that?"   That's a compliment... right? Hey, I mean, even if it's conveyed through sarcasm, I always appreciated being appreciated. Also, this is just a sample of a Holy Warrior's power... The boost that just…
    • Chapter 213, The Limit of Rational Thought Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   It didn't take long for Blue to regain consciousness - probably thanks to the strong Dragon life force. The warriors and Dīnō, though not attacking me anymore, are still on their guard. Chiquiata, whose face showed great joy and relief at Blue's revival, finally came to her senses and wiped her teary eyes.   "H-hmph. Hope you're proud of yourself, reviving someone you just killed..."   "Whatever... I just…
    • Chapter 218, Entry Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   After entering the eastern district of Regalia through the east gate, we went into an inn in the same area and rented a room to relieve our fatigue. Inside our room, Pochi jumped up and down on the bed, with Chappie watching her, his head bobbing up and down as well. Bah, I can't tell which one of them is the child anymore.   "Master! What are we gonna do after we wake up, sir?"   "First of all, we'll go to…
    • Chapter 224, A Formidable Enemy Appears Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Familiar Chalice, day two...   In another block, Lylia and her Familiar Seki'teigyu have been winning, and also instilling fear in all the other contestants. They've already won their third round, and apparently they're getting past the fourth round by default because their opponent is a no-show. It's apparent that Lylia is famous around here as well, which with the addition of the Ox's overwhelmingly threatening aura is…
    • Chapter 231, A Score Unsettled Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   So... why did Lylia even participate in the Familiar Chalice in the first place? She'd never seemed to be the kind of person who would do that, and would rather show off her own power instead. Like, isn't she supposed to be fighting on the front-front lines at Sodom? So why was she here? Considering how far Sodom is from here, Regalia isn't a place she could just visit on a whim. And then there's Seki'teigyu -- why did she…
    • Chapter 232, The Clash Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "Well well, there you are, my man Poer!"   Giorno greeted me cheerfully, flicking his smooth blond hair in the process. He sure is the stereotypical hero, being able to stay that carefree in this situation. We're in the middle of a wasteland region, the Holy City of Regalia visible in the distance behind us. Lylia and Seki'teigyu are in front of the group, standing tall in the face of a terrifyingly large army of…
    • Chapter 235, Fight, Asley, Fight! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Asley and Pochi kept screaming, the former holding his ears and the latter holding her eyes... and all the while, the monsters were still too scared to move. A few moments later, once Asley and Pochi had recovered, the monsters then returned to their usual hostility. Individual monsters' rage turned into that of a whole army, and slowly but surely, they advanced, from weak steps to an earth-shaking march... And meanwhile, Pochi…
    • Chapter 236, A Devil Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   A Devil... So this is one of those so-called Apostles of Despair, huh? Pochi is shaking, but she can still stand, so I guess the enemy isn't too bad. It's got a hunched back, but its height should be about six meters. That's about the same size as Tūs. Doesn't look like it has any reproductive organs. At a glance, one would think it's just a pure black-colored Giant-type monster... but it's got a ton of arcane energy - both inside its body and…
    • Chapter 240, The Promised Article Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "Wowwwwww-"   ""-IT'S SO FLUFFY!!"   Now look at them, bouncing on the beds like they're the bounciest things ever... Man, their fur and feathers are gonna create quite a mess by the time they're done. So I'm sharing this guest room with Pochi and Chappie - and even though it's called a 'guest room,' it's actually quite spacious and has a whopping four king-sized beds. Pochi and Chappie are REALLY loving this. I'd thought…
    • Chapter 242.0, Gaston Buys a Star Horse (Volume 8 Web Special) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   Royal Capital Magic Guardians Headquarters...   "A Familiar... for Fuyu, sir?"   Brigadier Viola asked, with quite a troubled look on her face.   "Right. Figured I'd pick out a good one myself... what do you think?"   Viola's superior, Gaston, ask as he sat in his office chair.   "I think it will well be worth the effort, and the process of choosing one for her specifically could be interesting in…