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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 344, What The Cards Say Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   She totally said 'the Fool' while looking my way.   "Um, excuse me?"   I blurted out, prompting the woman to widen her eyes in surprise.   "Ah-- oh. Sorry, I was in the middle of training."   Flustered, she hurried to apologize to me. And the eerie aura in her eyes is gone now. Still, training, huh? Training what exactly? While I tilted my head curiously, the woman trotted over to me.   "Here, check this…
    • Chapter 343, Distracted Eyes and Ears Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   With all of us agreeing to head to T'oued, we spent the remainder of the day resting up in the hideout. Wouldn't want Natsu, who's already in T'oued right now, to stay up late into the night and help us get things set up, after all. In my room, both Pochi and I crashed onto the bed and immediately fell asleep. Well, rather than sleeping, it felt more like fainting, really. My body's been strained THAT much, apparently.   "Master! MASTER! Breakfast! It's…
    • Chapter 342, Journey to the East Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Pochi and me, back at the Resistance hideout, spent some time in complete silence in our room. The Silver trio and Lylia have taken War Demon Emperor Vaas over to see Irene. They probably need to explain Lylia's circumstances as well. And then there's the thing with Lloyd of the White... Could it be that he's actually Leon?   "Hey, Pochi." "What is it, Master?" "Do you think that white-robed guy is Leon?" "...If he is, then why would he be working…
    • Chapter 341, Dark Entanglements Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Although Asley had already used his Teleportation spell to escape back to the Resistance hideout, Chappie was still stuck in a battle with Gaspard, making do with what little arcane energy he had left to spare. At this point, the Phoenix was already close to his limit, only holding on with sheer willpower. Eventually, Bright finally broke his reluctant silence and issued his order,     As soon as he heard Bright and Ferris' voices, Chappie…
    • Chapter 340.4, The Legendary Mouse Instructor Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Lina had joined up with the Resistance, and while she was busy with her mission of delivering letters requesting support from various influential people all around the Nation, she did get some days off due to the recipients' schedule conflicts and the like. In order to make the most of her free time, Lina went to an unfrequented, wide grassy field and thought of ways for her Familiar -- and her Familiar's Familiar -- to relax.   "Rise, A-rise!…
    • Chapter 340.3, A Fateful Encounter in Antiquity Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   A village of Elves existed deep in a certain forest located to the north of Holy City regalia. It was said that a mysterious, mystical force was at work here, helping it be dense with vegetation, and the seeds and fruits to always be in abundance.   "Hey, Lylia, you're in my way." "Why don't you just walk around me, Tūs? Shouldn't be too difficult."   Lylia looked even younger now than when she would first meet Asley. Indeed, this encounter…
    • Chapter 340.2, The Tiger’s Decision Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Dragan of the Six Braves had just had a reunion with Asley under a difficult series of circumstances. Now the large man was in the Warrior University -- specifically the Headmaster's office, sitting in the seat that Charlie had passed on to him. Dragan proceeded to heave a deep sigh.   "Ishtar is a Devil." -- That was what Asley had declared back then. It had since been constantly swirling around in Dragan's mind.     Dragan quietly…
    • Chapter 340.1, The Tentative Contract Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   A man calmly walked through a wasteland ravaged by constant sandstorms. His name was Warren, one of the leaders of the Resistance -- And he actually had a good reason to be here in the middle of nowhere. The man was traveling all over the War Demon Nation, recruiting unaffiliated mages to his cause. He had started with Regalia, then Radeata, Beilanea, Romanetown, Iverialtown -- going further and further south, until he was here in the suspiciously uncharted southern…
    • Chapter 340, The Unforgettable Past Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley called out to Pochi from behind, but she did not respond. In the meantime, Lylia tried attacking Lloyd, but she never could land even a single hit. Asley walked around to Pochi's front and crouched down to her eye level, put his hands on Pochi's cheeks, and shouted her name.   "Pochi! Hey, Pochi! What's wrong!?" "M-Master... Y-you see..." "Thank goodness! Man, I thought he'd used a brainwashing spell on you or something!"   Asley stood…
    • Chapter 339, Lloyd of the White Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Bruce and Betty were busy shaking off the countless guards attacking them.   "Hah hah hah...! Damn it!" "It's already so chaotic."   All the explosions in the north-east section of Regalia Castle had alerted all the guards inside, and now they were doing all they could to capture Pochi and the Silver trio.   "Hey! Don't break formation! Keep Pochi in the center!" ""Yeah, I know!""   Bruce and Betty responded to Blazer's…