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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 247, Crawling Speed Ahead! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   Okay, who thinks it's such a good idea to call me when I'm busy? Let's check their arcane energy signature... huh? Polco? Why?       Polco knows that I'm in Sodom, so he wouldn't even think of calling me under normal circumstances. Just that fact is enough to convey to me the intended meaning of his words.     Hmm... I have a feeling that this is gonna be something super…
    • Chapter 250, Grill It Good Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "...Wait, what did you just say?"   So I've walked with Lylia to meet up with Seki'teigyu, and things were going good so far, but then something so very unexpected turned up...   "Did you not hear me? I said, if able to, I would like to give you a unique name."   I mean, man...   "No, I did hear that... but it's the name itself that I have a problem with!"   "What? Whatever could be wrong with the…
    • Chapter 252, His Type Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   I am Asley, also known as Poer. Today, I'm stealthily tailing Pochi and Giorno, who have recently become good friends. As for why I'm doing this... I just feel like I mustn't show myself to them.  Just a little earlier, I saw Pochi having some friendly talk with someone, so I ran up to her... but then that someone turned out to be Giorno. I can interact with Pochi just fine, of course, but it's still an almost impossible task to constantly…
    • Chapter 269, The Final Battle = The Time to Say Goodbye Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Bright!"   I called out to the boy, and he dropped everything and hopped down over to me. Seeing me say nothing as I stared at him, Bright immediately realized what was going on.   "...Will you be heading away from this position?"   Giorno whistled. Even Lylia was surprised by how quickly Bright had caught on. And he's exactly right. Seeing that excluding Chappie, Bright is the youngest person here on this battlefield, I feel like I…
    • Chapter 277, The Anxious Day Before Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Late into the night, at the lodgings of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians base, a certain person went out for a walk. Going out to the corridor that led to the training ground, she rubbed her hands on her shoulders, feeling the typical cold of this time of the year. Then she took a deep breath, basking in the crisp spring air. Although she was a soldier, her build was delicate -- almost frail-looking, even -- but that did not change her powerful aura. The moonlight…
    • Chapter 279, Serious Sentiments Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~Second Day of the Sixth Month, Ninety-sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   Two years and two months had passed since Asley and Pochi had been sent through time. Today, a new serious incident occurred at the Pochisley Agency in Beilanea.   "So this is the order that came in yesterday? Man, the Nation sure is tired of waiting now, huh?"   In the dining room, Bruce looked quite exasperated as he finished reading from the parchment sheet…
    • Chapter 285, Specimen Data Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~Morning, Second Day of the Sixth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   At the Headquarters of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians in Regalia, the elite of the Royal Capital Magic Guardians -- including Lina, Hornel, Fuyu, and Jeanne -- were in a formation astride their horses, each and everyone visibly quite tense.   "Sir Gaston, preparations are all in order."   Brigadier Viola said to her Commander and bowed. Gaston,…
    • Chapter 287, A Reunion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   After leaving Irene and departing from Beilanea, we reached Radeata, the stopping point before Regalia, in the afternoon.   "Thanks for the ride, Pochi~~" "Yes, thanks for the ride, me~~!" "First of all, we--" "--FOOD!?" "Well, not NOW, but--" "--FOOD!?" "Gah--" "--FOOD! ...Ah..." "You're doing that on purpose, right?" "I actually AM hungry, sir!"   It's so blatant whenever she complains.   "Well, I guess you've…
    • Chapter 292, Pochi’s Suspicion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Heh..." "Why're you standing there, trying to look cool, Master?" "Fwahahaha! The Grand Philosopher Asley has been rejuvenated! Look, Pochi! The morning sun!" "Yes, Master, we did NOT leave town during the night as initially planned. And it's your fault." "Ngh--! Hehehehe... Listen well, Pochi. The plan was... an estimate. And being an estimate means we don't necessarily have to follow it!" "Okay, so when we're back home, I can tell Bruce about what happened…
    • Chapter 294, The Welcoming Door in the Rock Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "REGA--!" "--LIA!" "WE'RE HERE, POCHI!" "WE'RE FINALLY HERE, MASTER!" "Royal Capital Regalia, more than sixty years before our time! We gotta keep a low profile, doggo!" "Huh? We're still THAT far back in the past?"   Right. I forgot just how bad she was at maths.   "W-well, I'd say it's pretty far back, yeah." "You're being vague again, Master..."   Arguing against her remark is gonna be a hassle. And it's not like doing…