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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 338, Unstoppable Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...Now, let us have some fun." "Ngh...!"   By the time Gaspard finished his sentence, Asley had engaged his Ultimate Limit form once more.     Having decided that, Asley walked around Lylia, toward the enemy.   "Be careful, Asley!" "I know! Everyone, get away!"   Asley also decided that the Silver trio already had so much to deal with right now.   "Pochi, you go help them out! Make sure you find…
    • Chapter 337, A Fierce Fight Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "AHAHAHA! I see you still remember me, Poer!" "Empress Idïa, how are you still alive!?" "Boy, you see what I am now, and you still have not figured it out? Surely you are a fool among fools."   She couldn't have taken a Drop of Eternity. There's no way a Drop of Eternity would manifest itself to a person with an evil heart. Still, what is it that she said I saw? Her Devil transformation? Or is this actually a Devil's original form? Could it be that…
    • Chapter 336, Ishtar of the Black Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   I reapplied Invisible Illusion to everyone, and then we resumed on our way to the north-east tower.     Why'd Bruce say something like that all of a sudden?     Right, I did throw Catherine and Jacob into the Storeroom after we knocked them out. We couldn't just leave them back there -- They would still be hostile and cause trouble for us later. And so, to be perfectly safe, 'kidnapping' them shouldn't be a problem...…
    • Chapter 335, Infiltrating Regalia Castle! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Late into the night, we hid in one of the Royal Capital's unfrequented back alleys. I proceeded to cast the Invisible Illusion on everyone.   "Hmm? Wait, are we really disappearin'?" "I can see everyone else just fine." "The spell's been coded so that we can still see one another. Other people won't--" ""Cool! Let's try it out!"" "Wait for me!"   And there goes Bruce, Betty, and the stupid dog. Why the hell they're having so much fun,…
    • Chapter 334, Being Stylish Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Oh? Did I? Hehehe..."   Konoha chuckled, and then hopped back onto Baladd's head. Lina, oblivious as to why Konoha was grinning, tilted her head, while I stood behind her with eyes opened wide. After that, I proceeded to take a look at Baladd's magic spell invocation techniques, and gave Lina some pointers on magic and magecraft she was having difficulty learning. By the time we were done, the sun was already setting, and the air was getting…
    • Chapter 333, Hanging Out In The Mountains Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   As it turns out, Lina is back here because she would get to her next destination much faster by running straight through the hideout. And so she decided to stop by the mess hall to get something to eat first, and was subsequently surprised to see me here.   "Quite a coincidence, isn't it?"   Lina said, smiling ear-to-ear. Hmm, she's really matured mentally, too. She probably would've been quite a bit more shy before... Huh, wait a…
    • Chapter 332, A Hooded Mantle Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "And here's the thing -- I also knew about Holy Warrior Poer's two students. Young aristocrats from... somewhere I don't remember, but I heard that they disappeared after the Devil King was killed. Which means they likely weren't in Regalia at the time. But you did meet them, Lylia, so you should know where they were, right?" "They were staying in the mountains in northern T'oued." "North-east of here, then..."   Well, we certainly can't deny the possibility…
    • Chapter 331, A Big Fight Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...!"   Oh, she's finally awake! All right, we succeeded in getting her out. I was afraid that she was going to die, but her heart was beating, so I had been worrying over nothing.   "Good morning... or evening, I guess. Here, drink this if you're still feeling tired. It's the Pochibitan D!" "W-what is this place...?"   Lylia took a look around. This is the Far East Wasteland. It should be safe to assume that Lylia doesn't recognize…
    • Chapter 330, Analysis of War Potential Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Aww mah Gawddd......"   Asley's voice turned weird as he collapsed on the spot. Pochi, having woken up during the battle between Tūs and Asley, ran up to where Asley was and poked him.   "Are you all right, Master?" "Nope... definitely not..." "You know, Master, you've been getting into nothing but embarrassing situations lately." "Sh-shaddup! I was up against Tūs -- you know, THE Tūs! How about you try fighting him as well,…
    • Chapter 329, The Boundary Solution Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hah...! Hah...! Hah...! C-CABBAGE ROLLS...!"   As, yes, cabbage rolls. Such an impressively motivating factor. Finally, here we are in the Far East Wasteland... after two days of non-stop running. And, well, it's quite late into the night right now... Should be about nine o'clock. Tūs must already be asleep by now... Huh?   "Well what do we have here... I was wonderin' what the big arcane energy was comin' from, but it's just you, huh?" "Hey,…