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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 328, The Boundary Solution Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "......Nope, can't do it!" "Master! Your portion's already gone! Whose portion should I eat next!?" "Damn it! Why are you even eating other people's food in the first place!? I-Itsuki! Is there anything left for me!?" "I'm afraid not, Sir Asley! Pochi's already emptied the pot!" "WHAAAAAATTTTTT!?"   I was so surprised that I immediately looked into the pot. Holy... It's shining even though it hasn't been washed yet! Damn it, Pochi... She not only…
    • Chapter 327, Departure with Expectations Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   I have no clue what Ryan is thinking right now, but I do know that his hands on my shoulders are REALLY heavy.   "Um... Sir Ryan?" "Answer the question."   Ngh... So this is what people call a non-hostile smile that still feels threatening.   "C-Chief, I was--" "Not a word, Tifa."   Now he's directing that totally non-hostile look at Tifa. Seeing Ryan act like this, everyone else started talking about their own…
    • Chapter 326, The Charismatic Leader’s Smile Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "NOOOOOO!! I DON'T WANNAAAAAA!! WHY!? WHY ME!? THAT'S DEEP IN ENEMY TERRITORY! I DON'T WANNA GO THERE!!" "Damn it! And you were boasting about delivering the final blow to the Devil King just moments ago! Where'd all that confidence go, huh!? You were a Holy Warrior's Familiar, right!? Come on, get a grip, Pochi!" "Well! You were the only one who was mentally prepared, Master! I haven't said anything to Warren yet!" "You're already taking advantage of my answer --…
    • Chapter 325, The Top Priority Mission Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Sir Barun? He returned to T'oued soon after arriving here."   Ah, so that's why he'd been missing for such a long time. Still, I never would've expected Barun to be operating in T'oued now. I guess it goes to show how hard it is for targeted individuals to stay in the War Demon Nation... in the Nation's current form, that is.   "Ah, I almost forgot!"   Fuyu said, clasping her hands together and standing up.   "Everyone in…
    • Chapter 324, Party Tricks Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hmm...... Huh? What was I doing?"   The ceiling looks unfamiliar, and there's no Pochi pillow under my head. The bed is nice and fluffy, at least... But where the hell is this?   "G-good morning, Asley..."   ......And why am I sharing the bed with Warren? Have some sense of personal space, dude.   "What... sort of situation did I get myself into?" "What, you don't remember? You forcibly brought me along into this room,…
    • Chapter 323, Warren’s Miscalculation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   As Warren stood before Asley, Viola, watching in the distance, coughed to clear her throat.   "...So? What's your take on this match?"   She turned to ask Hornel, seeing that the latter was an acquaintance of Warren's.   "Asley seems to have the high ground here, of course..."   Hornel stopped for a moment. Then he closed his eyes as if he was looking back to the past -- to the short time they had spent together at the Magic…
    • Chapter 322, The Other Reason Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley, quite unaware of what was going on in Irene's mind, was having a hard time dealing with her as she lunged at him again and again, getting more and more hurt each time. A strike too powerful could very well injure her fatally. That momentary fear caused Asley to slightly lower his attacking power.   "What wrong!? You won't ever beat me if you don't start hitting harder!" "Ngh...! Gah!"   A dull pain started to build up bit by bit in…
    • Chapter 321, The Distance Between Hearts Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Having just witnessed Irene whipping out a barrage of spells with Split Invocation, Asley took a deep breath to process his surprise, and then quietly said,   "...That was impressive." "It's thanks to that one guy who showed it to me two years ago."   Irene was staring straight at Asley -- And Asley was scratching his cheek, cracking a dry grin as he looked away.   "Miss Irene... What was your opinion on me as I was up to now?" "Oh,…
    • Chapter 320, Dallas’ Secret Move Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   A few moments had passed since Dallas readied his sword.   "Man, you're talking a damn long time for someone so 'excited' to go, ol' Dallas!"   Jennifer's voice came echoing from behind me -- from where Lina and the others were watching. And Dallas... the impression he's giving off is quite different from all the other opponents I've faced today. Could it be that he's waiting for me to attack him?   "...All right."   I took a…
    • Chapter 319, The Bone Fist and the Scarlet Blade Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   While Dallas was talking to Jennifer, Lina walked over to where Fuyu and Hornel were.   "Woo-hoo!!"   And once Dallas was done talking, Jennifer leaped in front of Asley and gleefully exclaimed,   "Never thought you'd get this much stronger since last time, stinky-feet! Then again, you've always been on a lot of people's radars..."   A spark of curiosity danced in her pitch-black eyes as she lowered her posture into a battle-ready…