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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 354, First Ever Levitating Human Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!! THIS is what you're having me help with!? You can't be serious, Master!" "Hahaha, no need to scream so loud, Pochi. I'm recalculating the magic formulas properly right now." "Why would I NOT scream!? I know I'm strong as all hell, but I'll still get seriously hurt if I hit the ground after falling from this high up! Right, Master!? Hey--! Why are you laughing!? WHY!?"   There's this little mountain near Eddo... which contains the cliff…
    • Chapter 353, Souvenir from the Past Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The day after my meeting with Kaoru, I headed back to the Resistance hideout by myself. Fortunately, this place is close to T'oued, so being apart from Pochi for a few moments won't be a problem at all. As for why I'm back here... Well, because what Warren had said about the deciding of details 'not taking much longer than a couple of days' turned out to be true.   "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us at such a busy time, Asley." "It's no trouble at all.…
    • Chapter 352, 5,000 Years Old and 7,000 Years Old Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hell yeah! Called it! My experience points are going up faster! And I just figured out another awesome thing!" "What is it, sir?"   Pochi tilted her head.   "So this All Up spell that Tūs made -- it's a GREAT spell that combines the formulas and effects of Power Up, Speed Up, Hype Up, and even Title Up, all in one convenient cast. It makes all the other enhancement spells redundant, so to speak." "Ah, so that's why you haven't been using those…
    • Chapter 351, The Fool’s Discovery Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Fwahahaha! So light! I'm practically weightless now!" "Rise, A-rise, Transient Blades!"   Tarawo, in his Garm form, utilized his greatly enhanced power and speed to attack the three kings and keep their attention on him while Tifa whipped out the big moves to deal heavy damage. I expected the fight to be more... balanced than this. Maybe I should have cast some more powerful enhancements on the enemies. Anyway, Tifa has gotten quite a lot stronger. From…
    • Chapter 350, Asley’s Anticipation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The three monsters each have a dark aura around them. No doubt about it -- they're Inspirited, given a boost of power by a technique that sacrifices a large number of other monsters.   "Now it's usable on even B-ranked... no, A-ranked monsters, even." "According to Sir Bruce and Miss Betty, there have been sightings of an S-ranked monster, the Ogre Queen, as well."   Pochi opened her mouth in surprise at Haruhana's words.   "First the…
    • Chapter 35, The Mystery and the Implementation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Nine O'clock in the Morning, Tenth Day of the Ninth Month, Ninety-First Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   Pochi and I were in Archmage Irene's special laboratory. We were performing an experiment before today's classes started.   "All right, the goal is to transfer you from this Spell Circle to that one."   Pochi was seated on one of the two Spell Circles. The distance from one to the other being…
    • Chapter 349, March of Three Kings Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Looking at Pochi's face of pure shock, it's quite apparent that she only remembered just now as well. I left her standing there, closed the Storeroom, and immediately teleported over to the Resistance hideout. Thanks to how quick and competent Warren and Trace were in taking action, Catherine and Jacob were as good as unharmed.   "Hahaha, even I wouldn't have expected this sort of... souvenir!"   Warren burst out laughing, tears welling in his…
    • Chapter 348, The Forgotten Heroes Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "You're still here, Haruhana? Weren't you supposed to go to Hita'achi with everyone else?"   Haruhana smiled in response to my confused question... But she did not give an actual answer. She proceeded to wave her hand as a sign for me to wait -- probably for the food to be ready -- before immediately heading into the kitchen. I tilted my head, and leaving my question aside for now, I dragged Pochi by her hind legs to the…
    • Chapter 347, Meeting Of The Silver Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "N-new... house?"   I was so behind on organizing my thoughts that I just repeated what Blazer had said to me. But then it was Bruce, not Blazer, who answered,   "We rounded up our funds to add to the money Tifa had prepared, and got enough to buy us a new base of operations. That's pretty much it. We'll be keeping in touch with Itsuki back at our old place, and she'll be sending the kids over so they could live here instead."   I see, I…
    • Chapter 346, Can’t Write This In The Book Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Oh? Hey, they're back already. Heh, and look at all your faces -- something nice happened to your attitude out there, eh?"   Bruce, carefree as ever, greeted us after seeing that we had completed our party quest. Looks like Blazer is finally back, too; he's talking with Ryan about some stuff. Although they had faced quite a bit of difficulty, Reyna, Adolf, Natsu, and Shiny managed to defeat the S-ranked target. This success is sure to give them a boost of…