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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 10.1, The Philosopher’s Test Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   In the Far East Wasteland... A single beam of light pierced through the swirling dust storms. Anyone who had ever used the arcane arts would recognize it as the glow of a Teleportation Spell Circle -- the invention of Asley, the self-proclaimed Philosopher. A man appeared, stepping out of the light -- his body rugged, covered in countless scars that spoke of battles fought and survived.   "Damn, man! He REALLY lives like this? I didn't believe it at…
    • Chapter 1, Girls’ Talk Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hwaaah… what a lovely day," Lina said with a stretch. "Haha, Lina, you're a girl, you shouldn't open your mouth so wide," Pochi teased.   It was a bright afternoon, and Pochi and Lina were lounging on a bench in the courtyard of the Magic University, basking in the sunlight. Lina's large yawn brought tears to her eyes, and Pochi's comment made her blink one eye in apology and embarrassment. Despite her wide yawn, her small mouth and the tiny bit of tongue…
    • Chapter 2, Real Delusion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   In the vast Far East Wasteland, where the winds howled fiercely, Asley's body was screaming in agony. He had done nothing but training after training. Today's physical regimen consisted of push-ups. The sand carried by the wind mixed with his sweat, covering his body in a dusty layer. His upper body moved vigorously up and down, supported by the powerful muscles he had diligently trained. Watching him was a blonde, blue-eyed woman named Melchi, her eyes shining as…
    • Chapter 4, A Day in the Life of Fuyu Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   It had been about a month since Asley and Pochi returned to Beilanea. Fuyu had been leading a busy life.   "This one is for Lady Viola, this one for the Majors, and this one for each squad's Captain," she muttered to herself.   Her small frame moved briskly, shuttling back and forth between the east and west wings of the Royal Capital Magic Guardian Brigade headquarters. She clutched numerous documents to her chest, sweat beading on her…
    • Chapter 3, A Wonderful Day For Duncan Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Adventurers' Guild Counter ~~   Hehehe... Asley has become so strong and sturdy. He's really come into his own! Anyway, it sure has been a slow day today. Itsuki, our temporary hire, looks exhausted from working so many days in a row. Maybe I should let her go early. Hmm, all right -- If it stays quiet until five, I think I'll do just that. In the meantime, I'll tidy up the quest board. It's great everyone is so lively, but they really should put the…
    • Chapter 5, Feminine Charms Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The sky was covered in gray clouds, and despite nearing noon, it showed no sign of brightening. Silver crystals fell from the winter sky. One of the guards outside felt the coldness on his cheek and brushed it off. Gazing outside from the guardhouse window, Guile frowned and muttered,   "Tch, it's snowing again..."   Kugg Village lay silent and still.  At the very far end stood the Adams residence, home to renowned mages. One was Polco, the…
    • Chapter 6, The Cave’s Illusion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Master! I've come up with something amazing!" Pochi exclaimed.   Though it was probably nothing significant, there wasn't much else to do in this long, long cave, so I listened to Pochi's words.   "What is it?" "We're in a cave!" "Right, we are." "And it's full of rocks!" "Yup, nothing but rocks." "How about that?? Isn't it amazing!?!?"   ......Pochi occasionally said things that made no sense. Usually, it happened when she…
    • Chapter, The Twin Black Emperors’ Secret Meeting Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "To prevent misunderstandings, I must ask bluntly... Are you suggesting we hold a Devil King Cup?" "For the ladies who wish to confess their love to our beloved Devil King, it's the perfect event." "I can't fathom your thoughts. What exactly are you planning?" "Don't overthink it. The objective is straightforward, and the reason for it is even simpler..." "What reason?" "Lina and the others have been holding back their feelings for far too long." "And…
    • Chapter 485.3, The Battle for Asley Scene 3 (Split Part 3/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   As Betty and Itsuki exchanged a few words between themselves, Bruce continued his role as the host.   <"All right, who's next? Ah, it's Lina! We've got high hopes for this one!">   A dish was placed in front of Asley. It contained vibrant orange, brown, and translucent ingredients.   "Meat and potato stew!" Lina announced.   Betty clutched her forehead dramatically and exclaimed,   <"Now THAT is the food for…
    • Chapter 485.4, The Battle for Asley Scene 4 (Split Part 4/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The next to approach Asley was... Tifa's familiar, Tarawo. After trotting over, he started barking enthusiastically at Asley's feet.   "Devil King! If you don't want the rest of that soup, I'll finish it for you!" "Huh? You'll eat it?" "Tifa spent so much time on it, you know! Fwahahaha! It looks even tastier than usual!"   Instantly, all eyes fixed on the single Chihuahua. Oblivious to the stares, Tarawo dove right into the…