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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 322, The Other Reason Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley, quite unaware of what was going on in Irene's mind, was having a hard time dealing with her as she lunged at him again and again, getting more and more hurt each time. A strike too powerful could very well injure her fatally. That momentary fear caused Asley to slightly lower his attacking power.   "What wrong!? You won't ever beat me if you don't start hitting harder!" "Ngh...! Gah!"   A dull pain started to build up bit by bit in…
    • Chapter 321, The Distance Between Hearts Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Having just witnessed Irene whipping out a barrage of spells with Split Invocation, Asley took a deep breath to process his surprise, and then quietly said,   "...That was impressive." "It's thanks to that one guy who showed it to me two years ago."   Irene was staring straight at Asley -- And Asley was scratching his cheek, cracking a dry grin as he looked away.   "Miss Irene... What was your opinion on me as I was up to now?" "Oh,…
    • Chapter 320, Dallas’ Secret Move Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   A few moments had passed since Dallas readied his sword.   "Man, you're talking a damn long time for someone so 'excited' to go, ol' Dallas!"   Jennifer's voice came echoing from behind me -- from where Lina and the others were watching. And Dallas... the impression he's giving off is quite different from all the other opponents I've faced today. Could it be that he's waiting for me to attack him?   "...All right."   I took a…
    • Chapter 32, The Great Mage of Flame Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   They were huge -- like really huge, considering how large the surrounding Ogres were. Behind a phalanx of Imperial Ogres, the King and the Queen observed the vicinity and saw that a great number of their kind had been slaughtered. All movements ceased.   And then, ""GWOOOOOHH!!""   The two Ogres' roars shook the heavens and the earth. Their voices resounded throughout the sky, freezing up even the Magic…
    • Chapter 319, The Bone Fist and the Scarlet Blade Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   While Dallas was talking to Jennifer, Lina walked over to where Fuyu and Hornel were.   "Woo-hoo!!"   And once Dallas was done talking, Jennifer leaped in front of Asley and gleefully exclaimed,   "Never thought you'd get this much stronger since last time, stinky-feet! Then again, you've always been on a lot of people's radars..."   A spark of curiosity danced in her pitch-black eyes as she lowered her posture into a battle-ready…
    • Chapter 318, Abdominal & Thighs! Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...What the hell?"   Irene grumbled in frustration while forcing her trembling body back under control. Fuyu, done raining down her fire spears by now, stiffened up upon witnessing Asley's transformation. Trace and Dallas were unable to say anything, their mouths agape with surprise. And the Black Emperor and his sister seemed just as excited as children in a candy shop.   "Very interesting...! From what I see, he has disengaged his arcane…
    • Chapter 317, To Overwhelm the Overwhelming Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Stepping outside, I found myself in quite a familiar-looking place. Though I have no idea where exactly this is... I can see that we're high up on a mountain, in a decently spacious clearing that seems good for sparring matches and the like. Probably shaped artificially with magic -- I'm sensing trace amounts of residual arcane energy in the air. I've been back to this era for a few hours now. By this time, the night is starting to crack into dawn, the streaks of red…
    • Chapter 316, What A Fool, Asley Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Pochi left the room and walked down the long, narrow corridor. The guard in front of the door glanced at her, but she only snorted arrogantly and kept strutting on. After a while, she exited into what looked like a lobby, where Lina and Fuyu were sitting at one of the tables. For some reason, they were sitting beside each other, so the chairs on the opposite side of the table were free. Pochi leaped and landed with a thump on one of those free…
    • Chapter 315, Talk of What Had Past Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Man, it's been nothing but weird stuff happening lately. Why is Irene here, in the hideout of the Resistance? Trace is standing right next to her, too. I don't know if the former Six Braves, Jennifer the Bone Fist, is here right now... but with Viola and Hornel here, this gathering of characters is bound to feel awkward.   "Go ahead, sit anywhere you like, everyone."   Doing as told, we all sat on the chairs in front of the long, rectangular…
    • Chapter 314, The Mischievous Black Emperor Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   After Tifa and Tarawo used the Teleportation spell to return to their dorm room, Pochi came down to the first floor, her eyes still sleepy.   "Mawstahhh... What was that commotion just now... ZZZzzz..."   Then she fell asleep again.   "Man, if she was going to keep sleeping, she shouldn't have walked down here..." "Ooh, Pochi's here, too! I missed her!" "And why are you still here, Itsuki? I thought you'd joined up with the Silver…