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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 486.3, The Principles of a Philosopher Scenes 5, 6 (Split Part 3/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Hmm, here it is... From 'Chapter 075 - Truly...': 'Humans' perseverance with life illustrated how much of an interesting creature they are'... Actually, no -- while it's true that many of those around the Devil King are peculiar, this isn't about me. From 'Chapter 076 - Baladd's Revolution, Revisited': 'I have heard that one would see their life flash before their eyes when they die, but now all I see is a smiling four-winged dragon in all its deathly innocent glory.'…
    • Chapter 486.2, The Principles of a Philosopher Scenes 3, 4 (Split Part 2/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   For a moment, Patty kept staring in the direction the four had left with wide, bewildered eyes.   ""Good grief... what a noisy bunch,"" Tzar sighed, exasperation evident in his voice.   Lala turned to him and said,   "Sir Instructor, is the plate--" ""No problem.""   On the already set plate, a brown-grilled spherical dish was placed.   "Here's your Bruce Baka-Yaki!"   Patty tilted her head, examining the…
    • Chapter 486.1, The Principles of a Philosopher Scenes 1, 2 (Split Part 1/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The streets stretched on, flanked by lush greenery and flourishing crops. In the bustling central district of the Holy Demon Kingdom, a man and a woman materialized from a gigantic Teleportation Spell Circle, the area of which was also known as the Central Gate. They surveyed their surroundings, overwhelmed by the vibrant scene around them.   "Oh-ho, so this is the Holy Demon Kingdom ruled by the Devil King...!" the man murmured in admiration, his eyes…
    • Chapter 485.6, The Battle for Asley Scene 7, 8, 9 (Split Part 6/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Wha-what's going on, everyone? Your faces look scary!"   The three Ministers surrounded Pochi and crouched down.   "Pochi." "We have a question." "A very important question." "Are you aware of the laboratory?" "His Majesty's laboratory?" "And the beaker that has gone missing?" "This is important." "IT is important." "Please answer seriously."   Leon, Warren, and Bright took turns closing in on Pochi. Suddenly,…
    • Chapter 485.5, The Battle for Asley Scenes 5, 6 (Split Part 5/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   In the second-floor corridor of the Devil King's Royal Castle, Warren walked with his hands clasped behind his back. A shadow appeared before him, one that had been waiting for his arrival.   "Oh? You're here." "Yes! I was drawn awake by the smell of Haruhana's cooking! The Devil King Cup was quite entertaining!" "I'm glad to hear it was worth organizing... Pochi."   Warren acknowledged Pochi's praise with a nod. And then, as Pochi started…
    • Chapter 485.4, The Battle for Asley Scene 4 (Split Part 4/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The next to approach Asley was... Tifa's familiar, Tarawo. After trotting over, he started barking enthusiastically at Asley's feet.   "Devil King! If you don't want the rest of that soup, I'll finish it for you!" "Huh? You'll eat it?" "Tifa spent so much time on it, you know! Fwahahaha! It looks even tastier than usual!"   Instantly, all eyes fixed on the single Chihuahua. Oblivious to the stares, Tarawo dove right into the…
    • Chapter 485.3, The Battle for Asley Scene 3 (Split Part 3/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   As Betty and Itsuki exchanged a few words between themselves, Bruce continued his role as the host.   <"All right, who's next? Ah, it's Lina! We've got high hopes for this one!">   A dish was placed in front of Asley. It contained vibrant orange, brown, and translucent ingredients.   "Meat and potato stew!" Lina announced.   Betty clutched her forehead dramatically and exclaimed,   <"Now THAT is the food for…
    • Chapter 485.2, The Battle for Asley Scene 2 (Split Part 2/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley had spent the past few moments gazing dully at the clouds, but the disturbance in the courtyard drew his eyes back down. Irene and Warren had appeared. Positioned on the diagonal farthest from Lylia, who had been wary of her opponents' invisibility, the two unleashed a barrage of Fire Lances. Naturally, Lylia moved to target the opponents before her, but they vanished just before her strike connected. In the spot where Lylia had stood a moment ago, Lina and Fuyu…
    • Chapter 485.1, The Battle for Asley Scene 1 (Split Part 1/6) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   <"Welcome, welcome, everyone! We're here for the inaugural Devil King Cup, hosted by the Holy Demon Kingdom! We're your hosts, Betty and...!"> <"THE ONE AND ONLY Bruce, here to bring you all the action!">   On the balcony equipped with a magical amplification Circle, another woman sat beside the hosts.   <"For astute commentary, we have our very own accountant of Silver Corporation, Itsuki!"> <"Hello, I'm Itsuki. I accepted…
    • Chapter 484, Serious Business Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Early Morning, Thirtieth Day of the Seventh Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar (First Year of the Holy Demon Calendar) ~~   The Devil King Asley, ruler of this land, was assigned a very large room. Asley divided this spacious, empty room into two sections: a personal space and a laboratory. Naturally, Pochi shared the same room. Since creating a laboratory was second nature to Asley, there were no arguments, but a few minor issues did…