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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 23, To the Labyrinth Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Beilanea North Gate, Fifty Past Seven in the Evening~~   At this time of day, the only ones who would typically leave town were adventurers and those who wanted to gain some levels. Pochi and I had arrived at this meeting point ten minutes ago. We were at the little guardhouse in front of the now-closed north gate. By illumination from the torches on both sides of the gate, we could see that there was no one else around except…
    • Chapter 25, The Labyrinth of No Return Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Eighteenth Day of the Fourth Month, Six O'clock in the Morning~~   We had entered the Labyrinth of No Return... And one hour had already passed. A chilly ambience that couldn't be considered cold, man-made flooring and wall material, strange cries in the distance and darkness that rendered one unable to see their companions' faces without a torch or Light Source magic. Locations called labyrinths were, basically speaking, linear…
    • Chapter 28, Misfortune Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   I'm technically the oldest one, but here I am, conversing with two elderly men... and Irene. Doesn't this imply that she is also around their age?   "Are you perhaps curious about our acquaintanceship, Asley?" "Oh, I'm just wondering about the Faction competition, that's all." "It's something called the Magic University's Old Boys and Old Girls. Irene and Billy were classmates, you see. They used to be at each…
    • Chapter 40, The Colorful Food District Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "You're kidding, right?" "Now hold it, Asley - you've never been with a woman all your life? Being a virgin for 5,000 years is a bit..." "But I am." "Are you for real, man!?" I've made no advances on Lina despite how charming she had become, yet Bruce still thought until moments ago that I've had that kind of experience?   Ngh - Now look at how he's looking at me. It's as if he's looking at an endangered species. Why does that…
    • Chapter 41, The Plan to Raise Money and the Foolish Teacher Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "I'll cut right to the chase... Haruhana, how would one usually get themselves out of this line of work?" "There is a system in place called 'buyout'." "Buyout..." "Workers here were sold into the business. So in reverse, they can be bought out of it, huh..." "...Ofuyu, Onatsu. We are out of liquor, so go bring out some more." "Yes, ma'am." "Yes, ma'am~~"   Haruhana instructed them and saw them off as they left the room.…
    • Chapter 57, The Time of Departure Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   It's... it's over... Looks like the invention of a spell to restore physical fatigue is still far off. So what should I do? I could increase the intensity of the Clockback spell's time-reverse formula... no, that would turn back the physical progress gained through training, too. Then maybe I could convert my physical strength into numerical statistics with a spell and then apply a restoration and-or energy supplement spell?  I…
    • Chapter 61, The Green-Haired Lala Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "So, you feel like talking now?" "Hmph, what's there to talk about? How about you hurry and kill me off? C'mon, Mister Silver Wolf..." "Quit playing dumb. You're strong, but there's no way in hell you bossed around all these elites by yourself. I'll remind you that I'm with THE Blazer - and he knows all too well how hard it is to gather talented individuals for a team effort. So let's start with having you explain those 'job…
    • Chapter 62, The Elusive Jewel Apple Pie Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "-ah... Sir Asley? You have returned?"   Haruhana, drowsy from her sudden wake, rubbed her eyes as she spoke. Maybe it was my imagination, but her voice also seemed to have matured slightly.   "Yeah. I'll have to leave soon, but I wanted to pay a visit here first."   "Is that so..."   "Dude, you just got here, and you're leaving again already!?"   Once again, Lina's face clouded…
    • Chapter 63, Lala and Tzar Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   As brief and simple as it ended up being, everyone present with me at this time in the Guild treated me to a meal to celebrate my return.   From the beginning to the end, Hornel looked quite stern, and his speech was hard to make out, but I think at one point he said to me to "tell him all about what I'd gone through" at a later time.   Pochi was running around wildly at first, but once her stomach was full, all she…
    • Chapter 64, The Prophecy Monument Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Morning, Seventeenth Day of the First Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   One whole day had passed after Lala had first arrived in this house. The snow, which had suddenly stopped for a time, has finally begun falling again. Lala's cheerful shouting echoed through the Pochisley Agency as she waded through the snow on the courtyard. Still sleepy, I rubbed my eyes, while I peeked out the window, observing…