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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 132, To the Place that Marked My Beginning… Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Three O'clock in the Afternoon, Twenty-Sixth Day of the Fourth Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   At Pochisley Agency, Pochi and I woke up late. See, we'd gotten to bed quite late last night... which was to say, technically quite early today's morning.   We had a reason for doing that, of course. We had planned to head to the place of my beginning today, and for that, we needed to adjust…
    • Chapter 131, Chimaera Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   What did he mean, I need to stop associating with Billy? I do recall that, back when we'd first met, Dallas had said he was acquainted with Billy, but what's going on here?   "Sir Billy is a good person!"   Pochi was quite fond of Billy, so her response was understandable. It was all about food and snacks, sure, but that didn't change Billy's gestures of goodwill toward her.   "He's a lover of all…
    • Chapter 133, Named by Pochi Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "WHOAAAAA?!"   "AAAHHHHH!!"   "Pochi! Do something about them!"   "You know that's impossible! I mean, it's a herd of Grand Centaurs! You know, Rank S monsters?! I'll die if I go in! You do it yourself!"   We were running like hell, with a herd of half-horse beastman monsters behind us.    Their technical name was 'Kentauros,' and it was said that their numbers have been decreasing…
    • Chapter 119, Oh, Magic University, How I Missed Thee Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Once I was done discussing matters with everyone - at least for the time being - I went out to visit my oh-so-dearly missed alma mater, the Magic University. By sneaking in, of course.   "Good evening." "Bah, just my luck... I'm pretty damn busy, you know. What do you want?"   Irene, although sounding like that, still let me into her office.   "Besides... do you have any idea what time it…
    • Chapter 120, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (I) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Forty Past Seven in the Afternoon, Third Day of the Fourth Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   In front of me was my Familiar, yawning as she idled around. And behind me were my students, Lina and Tifa, whispering to each other. Accompanying them was Tarawo, the latter's Familiar.   "Say, Tifa, I've heard that you've slept on Sir Asley's Bed... is that true?"   I couldn't turn…
    • Chapter 121, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (II) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "Guh - ngh - go - ho-! Can't... move...!"   Tarawo, body rendered immovable within the Quadra Boundary, tried every way he could to escape, but I wasn't quite sure whether his arcane energy level was enough to deal with it.   "I will never live this down! You hear me?!"   Lina and Pochi were speechless, not only by the surprise from seeing the magecraft's invocation, but even more so by the fact that it…
    • Chapter 122, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (III) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "So... you use magic to keep your Familiar in a compressed space. Who's the one mistreating her Familiar now, huh?!" "Baladd's size makes it hard for her to stay out - and besides, she did agree to this. Now... looks like Tarawo is having difficulties standing in front of Baladd, hmm? I wonder what's wrong?" "Tch - hey! Hurry it up!" "Y-y-y-y-y-you called for me?!" "Do you see any other Tarawo around…
    • Chapter 123, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (IV) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Tifa was now out of breath. Her MP was about to run out - any second now. Lina, on the other hand, was perfectly calm as she fended off Tifa attacks. Yeah... it's more or less a wrap at this point.   "Ugh..."   From my observation of Tifa's moves, I could tell what she has been trying to do, but her output wasn't following along with her thoughts. That was what made it so easy for her opponent - in this…
    • Chapter 124, Oh, My Students, How Far You Have Come (V) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   And here they are - two sheets of paper, filled up as much as they could. Two years ago, I had tried to teach Lina some magecraft via the parchment I'd passed to her - the Distance Line, as I liked to call it - but in the end, Tifa still had a deeper understanding of the subject. I suppose that was to be expected from having access to heaps and heaps of my research materials. Then again, she hadn't just read it, but also understood…
    • Chapter 125, Asley the Alchemist Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Twenty-Four Past Nine in the Morning, Seventh Day of the Fourth Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   The magecraft class commenced with Tifa and Lina, and the newly applied student, Lala. A few days passed. Although I'd already known how talented Lala was as a mage, she had been exceptionally quick to master basic magecraft, and was now threatening to catch up to Tifa. By all accounts, she was what I…