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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 87, The Royal Capital, Regalia Cover
      by Gills Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Eight O'clock in the Afternoon, Twenty-second Day of the Third Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   At this time, we have arrived at Radeata, halfway between Beilanea and Royal Capital Regalia. The majority of the town was made up of old buildings, giving a strong feeling of a historic site. That reminds me, Tzar had said that he had picked up Lala from around here. Once we got ourselves a roof to…
    • Chapter 86, Irene the Invincible Sprout Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Noon of an Unmarked Day During the Fourth Month, Ninety-Fourth Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   Amid the incessant sunlight, the skin-piercing wind, and the ceaseless, violent sweeps of sand, was one girl, body bent as she kept herself standing with her hands rested on her knees. She raised one hand to wipe the stream of sweat down her chin, without taking her eyes off the man who stood in front of her. The man was…
    • Chapter 85, A Disaster Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   As the Assault Kobolds drew near, Tifa and Haruhana took one step back, then another, and then another... Tifa tried to start drawing a Spell Circle, but the disruption from the wounded Assault Kobold forbid her from going through with it. If she were to move recklessly, it would surely not end well for Haruhana as well. Haruhana herself did not move, having also understood the potential consequences of doing so. Suddenly,…
    • Chapter 84, Assault Kobold Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   ~~Adventurer's Guild, Night of the Twenty-First Day of the Third Month~~   I am Tarawo. My Master is Tifa. Tifa has been holed up in her room of the building called 'University Dormitory' up until yesterday, and now she is finally coming outside. All the while, I was stuck in this fascinating pose the humans called 'sitting' in front of the room. Tifa never let me in no matter how much I tapped on the door, so I…
    • Chapter 83, Argent of the Silver General Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   As Pochi and I were on high alert for what she had detected, a fairly large group of warriors in silver armor emerged from the east. Their perfectly lined march made them look like an official army. Well, not that I knew how well-trained the soldiers at Regalia were, but chances are that this group was even better than the army there. From what I could see now, the majority seemed to be on the relatively low level of B-ranked…
    • Chapter 82, Lina’s Purpose Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Afterwards, Pochi and I did a lengthy selection for the four spells to put into the Torrent Dragon Staff. Having taken our time, we returned to the Pochisley Agency in the dead of night. We popped into my room undetected via the Teleportation spell and then crashed into my bed. However, in contrast to Pochi's almost immediate visit to dreamland and subsequent snoring, I could not make myself fall asleep. Although Pochi's belly…
    • Chapter 81, An Inquiry Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   The store's interior turned out to not be as shabby as its exterior would suggest. A wide range of equipment, from armor for lightweight fighters to that for the heaviest soldiers, was on display for customers to browse through. They were organized distinctly into categories, so we immediately searched for the things that Haruhana would prefer. The wide and deep interior of the store was filled with weapons such as daggers, long…
    • Chapter 80, Gone Shopping Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   All right, I've got to get myself a brand-new staff today. Thanks to Pochi, my wallet underwent quite a severe weight loss a few days ago. Seriously, I couldn't believe a Familiar like her could make her Master cry that hard. I also have to contribute to the Pochisley Agency's work in some way, so I'll have to watch where my money goes from now. Fortunately, transactions for the selling of my magecraft to Gaston, Billy, and…
    • Chapter 8, The Adventurers’ Guild Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~Iverialtown, Ten O'clock in the Morning, Seventh Day of the First Month, Ninety-First Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   Since we had departed from Faltown, a week had passed. Upon heading north from Faltown's east game, we had found a highway that did not reach up to Faltown. We walked along it and arrived at a place called Iverialtown. I had been able to identify traces of it having reached all the way in the past, but the path was so overgrown that I…
    • Chapter 79, Another Entrance Examination Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   I am Tarawo. My Master is Tifa. As I had feared, the Lord and Retainer Contract between her and I, has not been voided upon leaving the Thirsty Desert. According to Tifa's hypothesis, it is possible that my inability to handle my original powers is caused by the insufficiency of my once-vast pool of arcane energy.   "If that is so, what about your ability to control me, Tifa?"    I had asked, but failed to…