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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 36, The Apprentice Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   "Asley, my boy~~ I've been sooo lonely during summer break~~" "Ah, uh... I... I see..." "Dinéya, you're clearly bothering Asley. Get any closer to him and you'll get a penalty, understood?" "Boo~~ You can't just hog Asley all to yourself, Warren Emperor-boy~~"   Dinéya's charming and sweet-sounding voice assaulted my ears. Her breath blew through my skull and sent chills down my spine. As seductive as…
    • Chapter 37, The Birth of a Magic Sword Fighter Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Maginasium~~   Noone could make the head nor tails of this situation. It was as if Lina was here as an adventurer. She wore clothes that couldn't be any farther from the image of a mage, but from Lina's face, it was evident that she wasn't messing around. Her red skirt was not too long, exposing her thighs, and thin pink leggings covered up to just above her knees. Her white shirt was slightly puffed up, and on top of it…
    • Chapter 38, House Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   Ten seconds had passed since the beginning of the battle. Both Lina and Hornel stood stock still. Pochi and I, in order to observe the match more closely, using the special privileges of the Student Council that I wouldn't usually take advantage of, made our way to where Warren and the others were seated. We pushed our way through the crowd, while keeping an eye on the fight. It took us twenty seconds to get to the Student…
    • Chapter 39, Baladd’s Revolution Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   Baladd, awaiting Lina's orders, directed her piercing glare at Hornel. Those blue eyes of hers locked on to Hornel, tracking his every move. I suppose this was a representation of a giant serpent staring down at a frog.   "Kuh--!"   Hornel, although anxious, stood his ground against the overwhelming pressure. He slowly raised his trembling hand and started tracing a Circle.   "Freeze Fire!"   It was…
    • Chapter 40, The Colorful Food District Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Proofreader: Xemul   "You're kidding, right?" "Now hold it, Asley - you've never been with a woman all your life? Being a virgin for 5,000 years is a bit..." "But I am." "Are you for real, man!?" I've made no advances on Lina despite how charming she had become, yet Bruce still thought until moments ago that I've had that kind of experience?   Ngh - Now look at how he's looking at me. It's as if he's looking at an endangered species. Why does that…
    • Chapter 35, The Mystery and the Implementation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Nine O'clock in the Morning, Tenth Day of the Ninth Month, Ninety-First Year of the War Demon Calendar~~   Pochi and I were in Archmage Irene's special laboratory. We were performing an experiment before today's classes started.   "All right, the goal is to transfer you from this Spell Circle to that one."   Pochi was seated on one of the two Spell Circles. The distance from one to the other being…
    • Chapter 30, Departure to the Front Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Magic University, Tenth Day of the Fifth Month, Five O'clock in the Morning~~   Now, I'm working with the committee in the temporary tent in the plaza in front of the Central School Building, where everyone is set to gather. There is a chair in the middle, but Gaston isn't sitting down. He seems full of determination, perhaps because we are preparing for battle. Although the area had been sealed by ropes, the outside…
    • Chapter 31, A Collision Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   ~~Hills to the West of Beilanea~~   In the forefront of the march, Irene stopped her advance. She stood on top of the horse she was riding, because of her short stature, and focused. She seemed to have observed some abnormal activity in the distance. The Squad leaders were permitted to ride horses but Blazer, Bruce and Betty chose not to do so. Asley, who was part of Gaston's Squad as the sole assistant, had also been…
    • Chapter 32, The Great Mage of Flame Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   They were huge -- like really huge, considering how large the surrounding Ogres were. Behind a phalanx of Imperial Ogres, the King and the Queen observed the vicinity and saw that a great number of their kind had been slaughtered. All movements ceased.   And then, ""GWOOOOOHH!!""   The two Ogres' roars shook the heavens and the earth. Their voices resounded throughout the sky, freezing up even the Magic…
    • Chapter 33, Rank SS Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: p4553r   Blood on their bodies, exhaustion in their arms, thunderous roars constantly echoing through the vicinity. Blazer and the other warriors were still being tormented by the black spears.   "High Cure Adjust!"   Thanks to Irene's and Warren's Squads, the Imperial Ogres surrounding the Ogre King had already been eliminated. But the battering attacks never stopped coming. The King kept picking up the black spears…