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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 472, Reunion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Early Morning, Second Day of the Ninth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~   With the Teleportation spell, Asley returned from the ruins of Regalia Castle to the western forest of Eddo. There, he found a certain woman waiting for him.   "Huh? Lylia?" "Your arcane energy signal vanished here, Asley. I've been waiting." "Ah, sharp as ever." "It's nothing special. Every single one of us noticed but chose not to pursue.…
    • Chapter 473, Ryan In Captivity Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "What... did you just say?" Ryan, perplexed, asked. "I asked, 'When is your wedding?'" Blazer responded with utmost seriousness.   This exchange occurred when Ryan, the second-in-command of Team Silver, visited Blazer, the leader, to discuss their future plans.   "W-what do you mean by that...?"   Ryan, never expecting such a statement from Blazer, inquired about its meaning.   "At the recent Team Silver meeting... You left in…
    • Chapter 474, Boys’ Talk Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! That was GOLDEN, Asley!"   Ryan's wedding had proceeded without any particular incident... up to a certain point. Though it was a peculiar marriage ceremony, blending T'oued culture's temple ritual with the presence of a completely different religion's priest, Asley flawlessly took on his designated role. However, as it went on, Asley had ended up delivering a spectacular blunder.   "Together in times of wellness, times of sickness,…
    • Chapter 475, Girls’ Talk Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Sooo... Midors! You and Ideà seem to be hitting it off lately! What's going on there, eh?" "Gah-- Bruce, you stink! Come on, you've had too much to drink..." "What? So you wouldn't tell me if I'm drunk, is that it? Fine! Asley! Invoke Recover!" "Rise, Recover..." "Woo-hoo! Eyes wide open! Now, Midors, spill the beans, eh?" "I swear, you have WAY too much energy..."   With the alcohol being detoxified from his system, Bruce flashed a fresh smile.…
    • Chapter 476, The One in the Corner Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Late into the night, both the men's and the women's parties showed no signs of winding down, persisting unabated. Amidst this, the former guardians of the Capital, both of the Magic Guardians and the Warrior Guardians Brigades, had gathered at a different place of their choosing -- a T'oued-style restaurant called an izakaya. Among them were Konoha, Viola, Jeanne, Hornel, and Egd.   "So... Sir Egd, is Sir Dragan coming?" Jeanne asked the young man sitting…
    • Chapter 477, The Invincible Itsuki Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Magic University? What about it?"   As the chatter of the women's gathering subsided, amidst Lylia's admonitions directed at Giorno, Itsuki, sitting in a corner of the Adventurers' Guild with Tifa, sipped her tea and tilted her head. Tifa nodded to Itsuki's remark.   "You know, since I've already been there for a while, I thought I might as well complete the whole thing." "Well, with your skills, Tifa, you don't really need to graduate. Well, I…
    • Chapter 467.4, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 10, 11 (Split Part 4/4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...Huh?"   Minerva, the tanned beauty known as the Mage of the North, awoke within the cave several moments later.   "Miss Minerva, I apologize for... abducting you." "Mister Asley? ...And who might you be?" "I'm Gaston." "Oh, you are... THE Gaston!? But I thought you were--"   Minerva looked at Asley with surprise at Gaston's presence. Then she became certain -- that this Asley was different from the one she had just met not long…
    • Chapter 468, A Miracle Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   An emerald brilliance enveloped the world. It lasted but a moment, yet in that brief instant, the world became aware of his presence.   ""ASLEY!?""   Those battling at the center, humanity itself, knew the bearer of that warm aura. Temporarily, the movements of the monsters slowed under this surge of energy.   "Huh... Brother!?"   Betty's voice sounded bewildered.   "The hell do you want from me!? I'm kinda busy…
    • Chapter 469, The Eternal Fool Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "What... is this?"   What Lucifer saw, what the monsters on the battlefield saw, what all of humanity saw... it was not Asley. It was the warm aura of arcane energy of Asley enveloping the world. There was no pressure in the arcane energy, no waves, no fear induced. It simply embraced the world's arcane energy like a calm of sea, resonating with Asley, clinging to him. But only Lucifer saw something different. He understood something he wished he did…
    • Chapter 470.1, The Grand Finale Scene 1 (Split Part 1/8) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The Devil King's arcane energy faded from the sky. And as Asley's aura settled down, the darkness gradually gave way to light. The countless clashes and struggles that had commenced in the evening now found their conclusion. The sun emerged from the darkness, coinciding with the descent of the Hero, Asley, from the sky. With this, everyone raised their voices in unison.   ""OOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!""   The clamor echoed through the ruins of…