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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 466,  An Even Stranger Turn Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Why... why are you here!? Gaston!!"   In the direst moment, there emerged Gaston, the Great Mage of Flame. An image of Gaston's final moments flashed through Billy's mind. Gaston had indeed burned through his life force -- yet, inexplicably, there he stood among the mages, defying comprehension.   "Gaston!!" "Master!!" ""Sir Gaston!!""   Irene, Konoha, Lina, and the Magic Guardians Brigade, along with the warriors, greeted…
    • Chapter 467.1, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 1 (Split Part 1/4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The darkness was all-encompassing, stretching endlessly. Asley knew nothing -- not when or where he was, or why he was here. The blast of arcane energy unleashed by Lucifer had swallowed him whole. And yet, here he was, trapped in an endless void. Despite being battered and worn, he was still breathing.   "Ugh...!"   When he opened his eyes, there was nothing before him. Such was understandable, considering there was no light in this…
    • Chapter 467.2, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 2, 3, 4 (Split Part 2/4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "I see, I see... So this is its completed form..."   The man said weakly. However, in that voice, there was a sense of satisfaction, as if he had achieved everything. At the edge of the man's vision, as he lay on the enormous bed, he could see numerous ornate ceiling decorations. The room was one that ordinary aristocrats could never hope to inhabit. That alone hinted at the man's high status. The man with silver hair had a face full of wrinkles,…
    • Chapter 467.3, To Embrace the Past and Seize the Future Scene 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 (Split Part 3/4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn     It was the night when Asley, Pochi, Lylia, Blazer, Bruce, and Betty infiltrated Regalia Castle. Chappie halted Gaspard, who was by this point Lucifer, with a massive Zenith Breath attack. Seeing this while staying hidden with Perfect Invisibility, Asley clenched his teeth, silently praying for Chappie's safety. Then, he realized that Bright had not come here unprepared. It was the fact that Asley was calm -- and not engaging in the battle here --…
    • Chapter 452, The Battle of the Best Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Descending to Regalia Castle, Asley was welcomed by Lucifer with a smile.   "Have you gotten back your arcane energy?" "Sure have." "Don't try to sound so confident. I can sense your voice trembling."   Asley's arcane energy had indeed been restored. However, the wounds from his defeat at the hands of Devil King Lucifer -- the one standing before him -- were still not completely healed. As Lucifer spoke as if seeing through it, Asley averted…
    • Chapter 453, A Surprise Attack Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Vestment: Thor's Hammer!" "As terrifying a spell as ever." "All Up!" "Aren't you relying too much on borrowed power?" "Hmph!" "No matter how much you enhance your physical abilities, you will never be a match for me. When will you realize that?" "Shut the hell up! Take this!"   Repeated collisions of powerful punches echoed through the air. As before, Asley attacked Lucifer in response to the latter's defense. Lucifer showed a sense of…
    • Chapter 454, “GAAAAAAHHHHHH!!” Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Cleath blasted out a Zenith Breath at Charlie. Charlie, dodging it with a leap, wore a stern expression as he surveyed the ravaged earth.   "That one blast could have actually killed me...!" "And look at us -- we have to keep hitting him again and again! It's soooooo not fair!"   Duncan's powerful strikes were being deflected by Cleath's tentacles.   "Excuuuuuse me, princess! Lend me your shoulder for a bit, eh?"   Melchi,…
    • Chapter 455, A Rare Kind of Genius Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "High Cure Adjust. Hehehe... Now, let me ask you: Do you think just the two of you will be enough to restrain me?"   Irene had unleashed a Pochi Pad Bomb with Swift Magic, dealing undeniable damage to Idïa. However, Idïa had quickly retreated and cast a recovery spell on herself. With her wounds healed, a sense of calmness settled within her mind. Barun and his allies, who had repelled Cleath, had succeeded only thanks to their combined strength. Yet,…
    • Chapter 456, A Strange Thing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "...Formidable."   Leon's words were calm, yet exceptionally cold. Lylia, wielding her own sword and Giorno's, assumed a grand stance before Leon.   "This is my line! Hah!"   As Lylia rushed, she slashed at Leon. The crossing of her blades created a powerful shockwave, slicing through the monsters in the vicinity. However, Leon effortlessly evaded it. Lylia tried thrusting at Leon while he was airborne, but only got her blade seized by…
    • Chapter 457, A Coincidence Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "GARRRRRR!"   Gigantified Pochi sank her fangs into the Hell Emperor's torso. However, she quickly had to cease the attack and back away from its armored body.   "It's... so tough...!"   With her jaws open wide, Pochi, panting heavily, faced the Hell Emperor, who grinned smugly. Pochi paid no attention to its condescending gaze, for the fact remained that Pochi could land attacks on it. Despite its tough outer layer, the Hell Emperor was…