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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 453, A Surprise Attack Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Vestment: Thor's Hammer!" "As terrifying a spell as ever." "All Up!" "Aren't you relying too much on borrowed power?" "Hmph!" "No matter how much you enhance your physical abilities, you will never be a match for me. When will you realize that?" "Shut the hell up! Take this!"   Repeated collisions of powerful punches echoed through the air. As before, Asley attacked Lucifer in response to the latter's defense. Lucifer showed a sense of…
    • Chapter 452, The Battle of the Best Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Descending to Regalia Castle, Asley was welcomed by Lucifer with a smile.   "Have you gotten back your arcane energy?" "Sure have." "Don't try to sound so confident. I can sense your voice trembling."   Asley's arcane energy had indeed been restored. However, the wounds from his defeat at the hands of Devil King Lucifer -- the one standing before him -- were still not completely healed. As Lucifer spoke as if seeing through it, Asley averted…
    • Chapter 451, Cleath and Idïa Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   While Billy stood before Jeanne and Viola, Cleath was also standing in front of the former Duodecad members.   "So that strange guy is Cleath?"   Charlie the Thousand Morphing Blade asked Barun, who was casting support magic behind him.   "That's right, sir. And get this... he's probably a member of the ancient imperial family."   Upon Barun's words, Cleath's eyes widened -- and filled with intense, sharp, and furious…
    • Chapter 450, Billy and Leon Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Asley's Gate Eater had its limits. The immense doors to the void, initially seemingly capable of devouring everything, gradually shrank as it swallowed more and more monsters.   "Hmph, that is quite a potent spell. It took a tenth of my forces with twelve invocations..."   Lucifer muttered as he observed the monsters fleeing down below. Various monsters, Betas, and lesser Devils were engulfed, and eventually, the gates disappeared. The monsters…
    • Chapter 449, The Devil King’s Army’s Advance Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ""OOOHHHHHH!!!!""   Following Asley's signal for the battle's commencement, humanity roared.   ""GAAAHHHHHH!!!!""   And before everyone's eyes, a roar of a hundred million monsters echoed -- a sound that would remain forever etched in their memories. Yet, right here and now, no one retreated. The battle here today was one to secure a lifetime, and everyone knew that. That was precisely why no one backed down.   "LET'S…
    • Chapter 448, The Roar of Their Bonds Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   ~~ Thirty-First Day of the Eighth Month, Ninety-Sixth Year of the War Demon Calendar ~~   The beautiful streets of Regalia, the Royal Capital, had been completely destroyed, trampled into the ground by giant monsters. And now, countless monsters, numbering over a hundred million, were facing south with Regalia Castle behind them. No matter how weak the monster, all their eyes were fierce, their mouths dripping with saliva, eagerly awaiting the moment of the…
    • Chapter 447.7, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scenes 7, 8 (Split Part 7/7) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   The wayside shrine of the Title-erasing Shamanesses in Eddo -- Here, once upon a time, Asley handed a vial of Pochibitan D to Kaoru, one of the Shamanesses, and had her erase some of his titles. Kaoru now sat formally in front of the hearth, and on the other side of the hearth sat another man. His name was Eigul. He was a descendant of Guile, who led the Kugg Boars during the previous war.  Even now, Eigul led their successors, the Eddo Boars, and guarded both the…
    • Chapter 447.6, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 6 (Split Part 6/7) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Gathered in the south of Eddo, where Betty and Belia, Idéa, and Midors had just departed, were the colossal Beasts: Haiko, the Ashen Tiger; Kokki, the Black Tortoise; Kohryu, the Yellow Dragon; Shi'shichou, the Violet Phoenix; and Weldhun, the Crimson King Ox.   "It seems that we are all of the same mind..."   Kokki, the Black Tortoise, muttered as he looked at everyone.   "Hey, I was just out for a walk! Really!"   Weldhun,…
    • Chapter 447.5, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 5 (Split Part 5/7) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   South of Beilanea, and further south through the Giants' Passage, was the site of the ruined Faltown. Here, the once somber ambiance has long disappeared, replaced by cultivated lands adorned with lush greenery, where fruits, vegetables, and grains thrived abundantly. Amidst a recently tilled field were two women, their bodies smeared with soil.   "Lala... I gotta say... My back is killing me!"   Itsuki, bent over while digging evenly spaced…
    • Chapter 447.4, How They Spend the Night ~~Act 2~~ Scene 4 (Split Part 4/7) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   After Egd, Dragan, and Hornel departed from the Adventurers' Guild, Haruhana, also known as the Silver Princess, paid a visit to the establishment. In the end, Egd said nothing to Lina, keeping his thoughts to himself -- thought doing things this way was not so uncommon among men his age. Greeted by numerous adventurers, Haruhana proceeded to respond to them, taking a moment of her time to listen to each individual's grievances. After lending her ear to the final…