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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 131, Chimaera Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   What did he mean, I need to stop associating with Billy? I do recall that, back when we'd first met, Dallas had said he was acquainted with Billy, but what's going on here?   "Sir Billy is a good person!"   Pochi was quite fond of Billy, so her response was understandable. It was all about food and snacks, sure, but that didn't change Billy's gestures of goodwill toward her.   "He's a lover of all…
    • Chapter 138, Masaki and Randolph Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "Eh-hem! 132! Hundred and thirty-two, Master!"   "...Yeah, good for you."   "And what's your level, hmm~~?"   I feel I must do something about this grinning Familiar at my side, but I have so many other things I must think about right now. Having asked the receptionist guy for a detailed explanation of over-leveling, it seemed that one's accumulated EXP won't be released until one hovers their hand…
    • Chapter 182, One Year After the Transfer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul   "Woof!"   "Woof! How was it, mother?"   "Weak! Still too weak! Ah, Master, when will the snacks be ready?!"   "When, father?!"   It's your patience that's weak, you two. Chappie the Violet Phoenix - he had grown up quite a lot in these past eight months. Now he was big enough to be considered an adult... pretty close to the size of back Shi'shichou when we'd first met the latter,…
    • Chapter 234, Holy Warrior Poer Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn Editor: Anna Proofreader: Xemul     "Rise, All Up: Count 5 & Remote Control!"   Just before their enhancement effects expired, Asley cast his spells for all of his party members in battle.   "...I never asked for that!"   Lylia clacked her teeth in annoyance...   "...Hmph!"   Seki'teigyu snorted loudly, also annoyed...   "Niiice!"   ...And Giorno was as casual as ever. The…
    • Chapter 272, Going Solo Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Show me how competent you are. As the great and powerful, it is within my rights to give you a chance. Show me how you... groove, Asley, to the best of your abilities."   I don't know how much I'll achieve, but I feel that it won't amount to much...   "Keep dancing... to the death, Asley. Well? Are you ready?"   He's fearless... well, no, he's just absolutely trusting in his powers. Within his rights to give me a chance!? Hah! Then as the…
    • Chapter 276, ….Huh? Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "......Whew. --!? Ouch--!" "Don't just stand around like that, sir!? Do you have any idea how lonely I was!? I popped up here alone, and you were nowhere around! Where'd you do, sir!?" "Did you really need to hit my head like that!? The hell are you so damn angry about!?" "WELL! Just now, you were... being so friendly with Lylia! And you were showing off so hard, your nose was stretching like that liar wood puppet-- AHH! MY NOSE IS TOO SHORT TO DO THAT!!" "THE…
    • Chapter 278, A New Era… Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "M-maybe they just lost the signboard, sir!" "Nope, can't be -- the building itself is also completely different. And stop snooping around! You want the security called on us or what!?"   Seeing Pochi trying to peek inside through one of the front windows, I promptly pulled her away.   "MEOW!? But I thought we were finally home!!" "You're not supposed to meow! That's what cats do! C'mon, we're getting outta here!" "But I wan-nya be called cute…
    • Chapter 302, Bathym’s Memories Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn                         "What Asley has achieved... I see. Yes, I suppose that could be what it's called. And I see that the people who remained are the ones I needed... Perhaps this means I shouldn't ignore those 'predictions' I was told..."   Billy muttered to himself.   "Anyway... who among you…
    • Chapter 309, The Return of a Legend Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Seeing a Garm appear before him, Asley's face twitched.   "Hah hah hah... hweh--!?"   It was too hungry to notice all the unusual characters right in front of it.  A few moments passed until it realized what kind of scene it had just walked into.   "Hah... hah... hah...?"   And then... it sat down on the spot. As the duel between Sagan and the Living Dead King raged on in the background, Asley glanced at Pochi in a corner of…
    • Chapter 317, To Overwhelm the Overwhelming Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Stepping outside, I found myself in quite a familiar-looking place. Though I have no idea where exactly this is... I can see that we're high up on a mountain, in a decently spacious clearing that seems good for sparring matches and the like. Probably shaped artificially with magic -- I'm sensing trace amounts of residual arcane energy in the air. I've been back to this era for a few hours now. By this time, the night is starting to crack into dawn, the streaks of red…