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    551 Results in the "The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”" category


    • Chapter 14.5, Everyone’s After Stories, And A Few Words From The Grand Philosopher Part 4/4 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Melchi Affiliation: Far East Wasteland Alias: Philosopher's Second Student, Devil King's Senior Status: Immortal Background: After the war against Devil King Lucifer, Melchi chose to live in the Far East Wasteland with Tūs and Gaspard. In a gesture of affection -- or perhaps just on a whim -- she took Gaspard as her husband, though they never held a wedding reception. Details about her personal life in the distant wasteland were scarce, but according to Tūs,…
    • Chapter 12.2, Secret Warren Strats. Scenes 2, 3 (Split Part 2/3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Time passed, and the long-awaited audience between the Devil King Lucifer and Kaoru finally began.   "...They're moving!"   In front of the southern gate of Eddo, the capital of T'oued, a fierce clash of arcane energies erupted. Lylia, who had been watching the battle from behind the outer wall, tensed up. The oppressive presence she felt behind her only added to the pressure.     Lylia's knowledge of the truth allowed her to…
    • Chapter 14.4, Everyone’s After Stories, And A Few Words From The Grand Philosopher Part 3/4 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Don Affiliation: Holy Demon Kingdom Alias: Master Artisan Status: Immortal Background: The head of the Kisaragi household, Don, had many of his works displayed in the Devil King's Museum. His popularity soared to such heights that the museum housed a dedicated Kisaragi Floor, separate from the Devil King's own collection. Though he took pride in Laeus's growth, Don opposed his son's dreams for the future. The Grand Philosopher refrains from commenting further. A…
    • Chapter 14.3, Everyone’s After Stories, And A Few Words From The Grand Philosopher Part 2/4 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Sayaka Affiliation: Northern Alliance Alias: Master Fortune Teller Status: Immortal Background: After the war against Devil King Lucifer, Sayaka followed her mentor, Minerva, and joined the Northern Alliance. As she traveled from place to place, her reputation as a fortune teller spread, drawing crowds to her main fortune-telling shop in the Northern Alliance. Her unique divination techniques were said to rival Jun'ko's Evil Eyes of Prophecy, earning her the…
    • Chapter 14.2, Everyone’s After Stories, And A Few Words From The Grand Philosopher Part 1/4 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Argent Affiliation: Unknown Alias: Old Silver Status: Immortal Background: After the founding of the Holy Demon Kingdom, Argent parted ways with Team Silver General. He vanished along with Charlie of the Thousand Morphing Blade, though letters occasionally arrive at Belia's doorstep. Having no clue where Argent could be, Belia couldn't send her replies, yet each one from Argent scolded, "You should write back sometimes," leaving Belia at her wit's end. A friend…
    • Chapter 14.1, Another Dancer on the Black Emperors’ Palms Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "The Devil King Cup!?"   It all started with a single letter that arrived at the Magic University in Beilanea. The sender hadn't signed it, but the recipient's name was clearly written:   To Miss Irene.   Irene knew that handwriting quite well.   "...What is Warren up to this time?"   Indeed, the letter had come from Warren, the man known as the Black Emperor, and a Junior Minister of the Holy Demon Kingdom. If Warren…
    • Chapter 13, Asley and Crew Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Right over this way, Sir Asley."   Why, Haruhana?   "Sir Asley! Over here, over here!"   Why are even YOU so excited, Lina?   "Sir Asley, hurry up!" "Let's go already!"   Why do Tifa and Fuyu insist on clinging to my arms?   "Heehee, they're all having so much fun~~"   And why was my Familiar doing a so deliberately fake laugh like that? Honestly, why do I have to manage such a large group…
    • Chapter 12.4, Pochi’s Straw-Whatever Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   In Eddo, the capital of T'oued, the midday sun blazed down upon the city. Pochi, the Familiar of Asley the Eternal Fool, walked proudly through the heart of Eddo, her tail swishing with each step.   "Hmm hm hmm~~♪ ...Hey, Master~~!"   Ever since Asley won against Tūs and started being called the symbol of humanity's hope, Pochi had been in an exceptionally good mood. She hummed a cheerful tune as she made her way toward the Silver Mansion. Just…
    • Chapter 12.3, Secret Warren Strats. Scenes 4, 5 (Split Part 3/3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   "Guh!" Cleath grunted as he leaped to the right, narrowly dodging Adolf's diagonal slash and the fatal would it would have inflicted.   The five warriors of Faltown circled in, with Ryan a step behind.   "Nicely done, Adolf." "Thank you!" "Reid, don't let your guard down!" Ryan's sharp command snapped Reid to attention. "I know... Chieff," Reid answered in his low, steady voice, never taking his eyes off Cleath. "Finally, a chance for…
    • Chapter 8.1, Irene’s Turning Point Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Barnnn   Shortly after Billy assumed the role of leader of the Duodecad, a major incident occurred within the Duodecad Conference. Upon hearing the news, Irene, in her office at the Magic University, raised her voice in frustration.   "Why is Barun leaving before me? I should be the one to leave first!"   Trace, standing in front of her, appeared to calmly deflect Irene's anger.   "Even so, wasn't it you, Miss Irene, who maneuvered to have Barun's…