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    1369 Results in the "The Steward Demonic Emperor" category


    • Chapter 1229, You Won Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Boom!   The black flames ran rampant.   Zhuo Fan drifted to the floor, staring at the raging blackness. He refused to believe this expert would offer himself up to be blindsided like this.   The fact that his face showed no fear, no shock, no reaction to the black flames' sudden attack, left Zhuo Fan increasingly uneasy.   Bam!   Like he expected, the black flames…
    • Chapter 1228, Guardian Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Hum~   Outside of the Nether Sea, Zhuo Fan sat cross-legged near a pillar of light. His right hand began to shone a bright red, making the air shimmer around him.   The Enchanting Empress looked on curiously. Bali Yuyu and Shuang'er turned grave.   "It's strange how he keeps swaying and shaking. Did something bad happen inside?" Bali Yuyu whispered to Shuang'er, "I'm going in to help. Watch…
    • Chapter 1227, First Trial Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Senior, are you ignoring us?"   Chu Qingcheng cried at nothing, with silence her only reply. Zhuo Fan shrugged, "He crosses the dead, not the living. He'll just take us when we breathe our last, ha-ha-ha..."   "What else can I expect from a creep. I don't need his help anyway."    "Why, you'd have a chance to be reborn."   "That means living another life and forgetting…
    • Chapter 1226, Crossing the Sea Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Chu Qingcheng lowered her head, flustered, "I wasn't thinking, driven to take on any danger in your stead. As for the consequences, it didn't matter even if I died."   "Ha-ha-ha, you haven't changed at all."   Hugging her, Zhuo Fan rubbed her back with a smile.   Chu Qingcheng leaned on his shoulder, her heart content to just lay there in his arms. She then cried with a start, "Don't…
    • Chapter 1225, Roaming Lost Soul Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Zhuo Fan said, "The Nether Sovereign said in his guiding poem that lost souls may roam in the Nether Sea, lest they will be destroyed on sight. That's why the Gambling Emperor had such a grizzly death."   Everyone nodded.   "You mean to say only the dead can enter?"   He Xiaofeng rose an eyebrow, "Once you're dead, what's the point?"   Zhuo Fan shook his head, "The Nether…
    • Chapter 1224, Death’s Entrance Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Like a match made in heaven, they deigned the world with their presence as He Xiaofeng sneered. Chu Qingcheng looked away, unable to meet Zhuo Fan's eyes. He Xiaofeng had her soft hands gripped in a vice, preventing her from moving away.     Zhuo Fan grimaced, feeling like decking the bastard. But he recalled the bigger picture and reined in his anger.   He'd get his chance sooner or…
    • Chapter 1223, Snatched Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Whoosh~   Figures landed in a thick forest, with Demonic Emperor Zhao Chen in the lead. Behind him was Bali Yuyu who brought Zhuo Fan, as well as a young lady that glanced about.   "Steward Zhuo, are you certain the entrance is around here?"   Zhao Chen asked Zhuo Fan, who glanced back at Shuang'er, "This is the place, right? We can't make any mistake, it is Demonic Emperor's great…
    • Chapter 1222, Off on a Treasure Hunt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   The old man placed the map in his ring, pointing out as he looked at the Emperors, "You all should take the Demonic Emperor's example and be sincere. Understand what you can and can't have, to not overstep your bounds in your schemes."   "Yeah, yeah, sir is absolutely right, ha-ha-ha..."   Beaming and bobbing their heads, the Enchanting Empress and Sword Emperor felt their hearts sink, reporting,…
    • Chapter 1221, Summons Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Someone from the Sacred Mountains came?"   In Devil Mountain's main hall, the Demonic Emperor shouted out after the Sword Emperor's messenger left. Then his fury exploded and he smashed a good table to splinters.   "Damn them all! They just couldn't pick a better timing than right when things were getting heated up. I was just about to charge in and sweep everything but they just had to butt in and…
    • Chapter 1220, The One from Sacred Mountains Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks     The Falcon Emperor waved and a golden falcon flew out from his body, high above, growing larger and larger as it enveloped the sky. It flapped its wings and shot golden feathers down like meteors.   Everything in a thousand miles was covered in craters. The ground quaked, the air warped, everything ended up reduced to nothing from the overbearing power.   Both sides were wise enough to…