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    1369 Results in the "The Steward Demonic Emperor" category


    • Chapter 1218, Inconsistent Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Wearing a decorated black robe, Zhao Chen took his twenty Demon Guards to welcome them, with Zhuo Fan in their lead, of course, "Sword Emperor, Enchanting Empress, it's been a long time. I'm thrilled to have both of your support in this matter, ha-ha-ha..."    "Demonic Emperor, please, we came to do our part and receive our just reward, ha-ha-ha..." The two replied back with respect. Sword Emperor went right to…
    • Chapter 1219, Eight Emperor War Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   The Sword Emperor and Enchanting Empress were obsessed with the map at this point, taking their good time copying it and then comparing it for good measure. This whole process took a week, before handing the paper to the Gambling Emperor.   Zhuo Fan sent the three great people on their way, as the representative of Devil Mountain, to get ready for war. Zhao Chen looked to not have gotten over his loss in this…
    • Chapter 1220, The One from Sacred Mountains Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks     The Falcon Emperor waved and a golden falcon flew out from his body, high above, growing larger and larger as it enveloped the sky. It flapped its wings and shot golden feathers down like meteors.   Everything in a thousand miles was covered in craters. The ground quaked, the air warped, everything ended up reduced to nothing from the overbearing power.   Both sides were wise enough to…
    • Chapter 1221, Summons Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Someone from the Sacred Mountains came?"   In Devil Mountain's main hall, the Demonic Emperor shouted out after the Sword Emperor's messenger left. Then his fury exploded and he smashed a good table to splinters.   "Damn them all! They just couldn't pick a better timing than right when things were getting heated up. I was just about to charge in and sweep everything but they just had to butt in and…
    • Chapter 1222, Off on a Treasure Hunt Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   The old man placed the map in his ring, pointing out as he looked at the Emperors, "You all should take the Demonic Emperor's example and be sincere. Understand what you can and can't have, to not overstep your bounds in your schemes."   "Yeah, yeah, sir is absolutely right, ha-ha-ha..."   Beaming and bobbing their heads, the Enchanting Empress and Sword Emperor felt their hearts sink, reporting,…
    • Chapter 1223, Snatched Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Whoosh~   Figures landed in a thick forest, with Demonic Emperor Zhao Chen in the lead. Behind him was Bali Yuyu who brought Zhuo Fan, as well as a young lady that glanced about.   "Steward Zhuo, are you certain the entrance is around here?"   Zhao Chen asked Zhuo Fan, who glanced back at Shuang'er, "This is the place, right? We can't make any mistake, it is Demonic Emperor's great…
    • Chapter 1207, Star Chart Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "In the Nether Sea's depth, the endless hellhold, Where lost souls roam, their fate foretold. Who dares to tread upon our shore, Shall be condemned to suffer more. With mortal eyes forever blind, In the abyss, their souls confined!"   Shuang'er held a black paper covered in squiggles in an elegant room, reading the first line at the top. Murong Xue and Luo Yunchang frowned.   Murong Xue…
    • Chapter 1208, The Draw Map Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Senior aunt, I brought it!"   Chu Qingcheng bounced happily in a courtyard, calling in joy.   The hopeful women had waited a long time to hear this. They welcomed her with Mei Sangu in the lead, looking pleased and greedy. Fang Min and the others behind her were boiling in envy.   "Qingcheng, you've done well. Where is it?"   "Here!"   Chu Qingcheng beamed and Mei…
    • Chapter 1209, Trouble Ahead Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Steward Zhuo, I feel a lot of eyes on us after leaving the city."   An hour on the rough road, and old man whispered in Zhuo Fan's ear.    Zhuo Fan nodded, "With the map with us, they won't stop spying on us until it's gone. Some think ahead while others will go for it on our way. We might have picked a long tail, but few of them will ever attack us. It doesn't…
    • Chapter 1210, Two Heads Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Huff~   Thousand Faced Devil panted hard with a wane and sweaty face, a clear sign of weakness.     Sword Child and Bali Yuyu flinched, only to relax the next moment upon seeing he picked Zhuo Fan of all the targets.   Not registering the casualness the others had, Thousand Faced Devil roared, "Give me the Nether Sea map or it's off with his head!"   He gripped Zhuo Fan's neck…