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    1369 Results in the "The Steward Demonic Emperor" category


    • Chapter 1324, Supreme Stage Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   “I now understand why Heavenly Sovereign said he felt the next stage after having completed his void path.” Murong Xue came out of her room, brimming with power, but also had a noble air about her.   “What makes you say that? You’ve barely completed yours and you already sensed the next stage? Isn’t that too much?” Kunpeng asked in shock.   “It’s more like an instinct, or vague sense of something out of reach with…
    • Chapter 1323, Second-hand Enlightenment Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   Kunpeng looked around to see the elders, Sword Kings, and even some girls sitting cross-legged in hope of widening their perspective through this incredible event. It was insane how something only happening every eon or so, at the soonest, was popping out every other month or so.   “It’s one of ours, that upright lady,” Sea Ao spoke. “But this time might be beyond what we can do to hide her aura from Heavenly Sovereign. It’ll need…
    • Chapter 1322, Obsession Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   There was a thunderous detonation. The world went suddenly, entirely silent but for a faint, high-pitched whine. The earth shook.   Wind ripped and eddied through the Luo Clan’s compound, tearing at the people walking about their business and nearly dragging them over from the sheer blast. A cloud of choking dust filled the air, nipping at their lungs and making them cough.   “Master! Not again!” One man ran like mad…
    • Chapter 1321, Point of no Return Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   Fate, luck, chance, fortune, it was called many things and, as impossible as it might seem, they were making up new terms for it every other day. But if there was one thing the people were unanimous and unequivocally about, it was that destiny, or whatever kids called it these days, saw one’s future.   How did that even work? Through dice, bones, entrails of some exotic animal hardly anyone heard about? The movement of stars, the moon,…
    • Chapter 1320, Demonic Path Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   It was a daunting task to be sure, trying to complete ten paths in such a short time when even one would take ages, if not eons, on a normal basis. But, form the start, nothing about this was normal. Heavenly Sovereign’s thirst for a cleansed world, whatever that meant, was a project of gargantuan size and length bound to have unforeseen and disastrous consequences.   On the other hand, following the other Sovereigns’ wishes in opposing…
    • Chapter 1319, Mindset Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   “When is he getting back? It’s been a month now!” Dragon Ancestor tapped his foot harder and harder, cracking the polished marble of the meeting hall.   The other experts had shown great progress thanks to the recent prismatic event, with Danqing Shen exceeding everyone’s expectations. He could hold his own against a sacred beast now.   “Do you know of any time that Zhuo Fan was random in his actions?” He asked the…
    • Chapter 1318, Vacation! Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   Zhuo Fan carries himself with difficulty, wobbling back to Luo Clan, looking ragged and weary.   Kunpeng gasped in fright at his weakened state, hardly better than a cripple, but saw something in his steeled gaze. “You knew how this meeting was going to play out, so why did you still go through with it? Are you trying to allow Heavenly Sovereign to win?”   Everyone was panicking, thinking that their renewed hope got crushed…
    • Chapter 1317, Cooperation? Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   “I don’t see your goons around to do your bidding. Have you grown tired of them, or you just like being alone as usual, big brother?” Zhuo Fan smirked.   Heavenly Sovereign’s eyebrow twitched at the appellation, soon regaining his calm, yet strained, smile. “Well, well, look who decided to wake up. I’m curious though, how did you regain your past lives’ memories when you had no Heavenly Rebirth Lake to aid in the process?…
    • Chapter 1316, Sword Sovereign Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   “You’re finally here, Sword Sovereign. For a second there, I thought Heavenly Sovereign changed his mind, but we both know that if he’s fixated on cleansing Heaven’s Will for millions of years, he’s sure to stick with it for millions more.” Zhuo Fan grinned.   Sword Sovereign blinked, finding something changed in him. The last time, he saw this man at Heavenly Sovereign’s complete whim. Now, his confidence was off-putting.…
    • Chapter 1315, Way Forward Cover
      by Silavin Writer: StarReader Proofreader: Silavin   “Having woken up, I remember bits and pieces. Now it all makes sense why Heavenly Sovereign kept calling me little brother. I thought it was a weird kink of his, rubbing me the off the wrong way. Thank the heavens it’s not.” Zhuo Fan joked.   Kunpeng cheered, “It’s true what they say, every disaster is a blessing in disguise. Guess the heavy loss must’ve taken you so deep that it accessed your past lives’…