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    1369 Results in the "The Steward Demonic Emperor" category


    • Chapter 926, Expendable Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Say kid, just what are you looking for in the cave?"   Having looked over most of the cave yet not particularly interested in anything there, or maybe they were beneath him, one man got curious since he also didn't start choosing his party.   Zhuo Fan's eyes shone and looked at the puzzled people, "Looking for someone, a…
    • Chapter 925, Love Between Father and Daughter Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks     They all watched, sighing helplessly and stunned. This kid had such a gall on him that he'd go and just slap a Genesis Stage expert's face, literally.    Second elder had his mind black for a second there.   But the feel of his scorching sting on that cheek made his face twist in fury as he howled. He unleashed all his power filled with bloodlust, thinking only about killing Zhuo Fan as…
    • Chapter 924, Successful Cooperation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Zhuo Fan's eyes shone with disdain, his face skewed in the most condescending way possible, "Shangguan Clan Head, that's quite a fact twisting. It's no different than saying that I and my son ended up causing your heavy casualties. Even with saving your precious daughter, it pales to the hundreds of lost lives. But ask yourself this, was your clan's losses the result of my design?"   Shangguan Feixiong shook,…
    • Chapter 923, Renegotiations Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Ugh!   Shangguan Qingyan's heart sank, stuck on what would be a good response. She wanted to start off by making Zhuo Fan sound good and get her clan to change their impression of him. This way, the request wouldn't sound so harsh.   Now her dad wouldn't even let her speak her intention. The two might even come to blows. It was like bringing fire to gunpowder.     Shangguan…
    • Chapter 922, Goodbye Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "H-how..." Shangguan Qingyan's lip quivered as she stared at Zhuo Fan's flat expression in shock and doubt.   Zhuo Fan sighed, having figured out her question, "What's the problem? I just advanced in these two days, is all."   "Advance? Then how..."   "I use a different cultivation method than the rest. It focuses on the mind, into going back to one's nature, the True Self…
    • Chapter 921, Back at the Start Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   "Ha-ha-ha, we have it!"   All watched the fading light with crushed looks. Flying Cloud manor's hundreds of Genesis Stage experts, with a Sword King and the sage of the empire, found themselves utterly helpless in stopping one small thief.   The news was hard to swallow to anyone and the mood was bleak. But not for all, evident by that bright laughter.   With twitching faces and angry…
    • Chapter 920, No Winner Tonight Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar...   With every star shining down on earth, Zhuo Fan's hands shifted and changed locations. Each time he was brought hundreds of miles away from Shangguan Feiyun, now over five hundred miles out of Flying Cloud City.    Shangguan Feiyun's team were like flies drawn to the glorious light, always in pursuit yet always coming short. This short delay was compounded with each…
    • Chapter 92, Only a Game Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: p4553r Proofreader: Spectre   "Dandan, what happened?"   The white youth turned a blind eye to Dong Tianba and focused on the red lady. She, on the other hand, had only naked disdain for the Dong clan, "Nothing of importance, just some blind dogs yapping at my feet."   "Oh, they must be truly ignorant to offend Peony Edifice's grand Miss Xiao, ha-ha-ha..." The youth mocked.   His words caused widespread shock, especially to…
    • Chapter 919, Light/Glow Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Baili Jingwei turned to the ever silent Danqing Shen. Understanding his gaze, Danqing Shen came to his side and grabbed him before shooting for the light.   As a mere Ethereal Stage cultivator, he'd never catch up to the others with his meager speed unless he had a Genesis Stage expert helping him.   Shangguan Feiyun figured out the little brat still had his uses as a hostage. Without further ado, he…
    • Chapter 918, Young Sanzi Cover
      by Silavin Translator: StarReader Editor: CutieBinkie Proofreader: Papatonks   Whoosh!   The tearing in space was clear in everyone's ears. As the sword was just a meter away from taking their lives, the Divine Eye of the Void warped the space beneath it, working its best to save them instead.    Shangguan Feiyun and Zhuo Fan acted from different sides on the same target, one to kill and one to save, yet both giving their all.   It was in this strained contest that…