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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 269, From Accepting The Commission To Departing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   To strike while the iron was still hot, the group went to Ivy immediately after they had secured the participation of Nim, a silver rank adventurer, and went through the procedures for accepting the commission to explore the area around Mt. Fire Flute.   Ivy did not think there would be any problem with their party accepting the commission as long as they met the conditions set forth by the Adventurers' Guild, and she registered Nim as the…
    • Chapter 268, From Reporting To Boasting About Love Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Collaboration with a silver rank adventurer?"   After ending his conversation with Ivy, Loren returned to Lapis and Gula, who were in the adjacent dining hall, and explained the condition to accept the commission as Ivy had told him about. And after hearing him out, Lapis let out such a comment with a raised eyebrow.   Perhaps Lapis had in mind the name of a silver rank adventurer they had known in the past, like Loren, but she did…
    • Chapter 267, From Qualifications To Restriction Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "You know Loren, I'm also in the business, so I'll respond accordingly, but... I can't believe my ears when I heard what you said, and I doubt your sanity."   It was Ivy who threw such words over the counter. She was looking at Loren with a sales smile plastered on her face and a reluctant look.   This girl, who was formerly the Evil God of Envy and whose real name was Envy, had accompanied Loren's party on a commission they had…
    • Chapter 266, From Proposal To Resignation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "What's with the gloomy face?"   Loren looked over to see a girl dressed in a white priest's robe with a ponytail that was swinging from side to side standing over him and peering into his face. He was slightly taken aback by the fact that he did not notice her approach until she called out to him, but considering the girl's true identity, it was quite understandable.   She was Lapis, Loren's companion.   At first glance,…
    • Chapter 265, Adapting To Destruction Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Rumors abounded that a certain remote town had been destroyed.   Not some village, but a proper town, even though remote.    Loren did not even want to think about how many people the rumors would affect, considering the relatives of the town's sizable population. And since he had a direct hand in the destruction of that town, the feeling was quite strong.   Even leaving aside the excuse that he had no other choice, he…
    • Chapter 264, From Conclusion To Sleep Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "And thus, Loren the Swordsman, with the beautiful Priestess in his arms and the two Evil Gods in tow, crushed the enemies that came at them like raging waves and conquered the city of Suest, which had been struck by calamity!"    "Hey…"   "Are the trials and tribulations that stand before him a curse? Blessed be the God of Knowledge upon him!"   "God's blessing is the last thing I need… Listen to people, will you?…
    • Chapter 263, Sealing From Aboveground Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Loren? What in the world…"   Lapis, who had noticed Loren's state and climbed the stairs to check on the city as he did, was speechless when she saw what he had seen.   What they saw was not the same city they had been in before entering the sewers.   "My goodness… How much things have changed in such a short time."   Gula casually said as she shaded her eyes with her hand and watched the city's buildings…
    • Chapter 262, From Falling Down To Climbing Up Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The moment Loren saw the face of the man who had fallen, he involuntarily took a couple of steps backward. But he immediately felt a shadow over his head, and he jumped away from the spot.   Almost at the same time that Loren jumped, an old woman fell onto the spot where he had been standing.   It was an old woman who, by all appearances, had slammed head first into the floor, and her neck was bent in a direction that suggested she…
    • Chapter 261, From Results To Escaping Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   It did not take long for Lapis to return from the compounding room holding thin ceramic containers filled with clear, colorless liquid in her hands.    They drank up the containers Lapis offered and took a sigh of relief; even if the parasites had entered their bodies, this drug would make it difficult for them to survive and reach their brains   "I've done some examination on the equipment, but things aren't looking…
    • Chapter 260, From Inspection to a Guess Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren's group did not relax for a while, even after Noel had disappeared.   Transporting was a tricky thing; even if no one was there a moment ago, someone could appear a moment later. They were bracing themselves for the possibility that Noel might suddenly appear out of nowhere after pretending to have vanished, but Ivy's muttering made them realize that they were wrong.   "It seems she has really gone."   "She's not…