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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 294, From Departure To Encounter (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Riding on the back of the Ancient Dragon Emery, Loren and his party set off for the demon territory, but the flight was not that enjoyable.   The ride itself was not too uncomfortable. In fact, it seemed that Emery had really been careful about them, and the flight was not as bad as they had expected. The problem was the speed of the flight and the time involved.   Emery's flying speed was truly fast; there was no time to enjoy the…
    • Chapter 297, From Changing Clothes To Being Watched (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "That's about all I wanted to talk about. I heard there was a guy who looked interesting, so I called him to my side and saw his face. That's the end of my business. Would it be easier to say that I'm satisfied?"   Foras suddenly said this with outstretched arms and a rather playful air, while Lapis looked at Loren with a serious expression on her face.   What Foras had told them was not something to be optimistic about. It could…
    • Chapter 301, From Waking Up to Going North (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Your luggage and transport are ready. Would you like to leave now?"   Loren was rescued from the room that had begun to have a rather delicate atmosphere by a maid coming to inform them that preparation for their trip had finished. The party, already prepared, was ready to leave immediately and decided to depart after informing the Great Demon King.   "Lapis, I await your glad tidings."   "I think it would be better if…
    • Chapter 303, Getting More Members at The Tavern (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Despite a few minor hiccups, the group went straight to the room that had been prepared for them. Although Loren being unable to stand the stares coming from the dining hall also played a part, the biggest reason was that none of them could not overcome their desire to rest their bodies.   The goods brought from the demon territory that were obviously not of human origin, were put away at the bottom of the luggage in advance so that they would…
    • Chapter 305, Getting More Members at The Tavern (5) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Regardless of the course of events or outcome, Luxuria was certainly right, and Loren and his friends decided to spend three or four days in the inn town.   Fortunately, spending time in this town, where hot springs are available, was not too painful for the party, and they were able to spend a relaxing time for the first time in a long time.   If there was a problem, it was that Loren himself felt a sense of uneasiness about the…
    • Chapter 312, A Coordination in the Hospital Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The regular sound coming from the table bedside lulled Loren into a sleepy stupor.   In fact, there was nothing to do but sleep. If you were not careful, you would soon be caught in the hands of drowsiness. Loren, lying on a bed in the clinic, called out to the person who was sitting on a chair beside him, peeling some kind of fruit with a small knife.   "Why you?"   The person who looked up was Klaus, dressed in…
    • Chapter 316, From An Invitation To Joining Forces (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   After the meeting with Yuri, Loren and Lapis paid a visit to the clinic. The purpose was to check up on Gula, who was undergoing treatment.   Loren had been a patient at the clinic until he regained consciousness, so the practitioners working there immediately showed him to Gula's room when they saw his face and heard him mention Gula's name.   "We are very sorry to tell you this, but… We think it's time for you to take that large…
    • Chapter 318, From Departing To Travelling (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Hey, isn't this bad? This seems life-threatening."   "You're better off than me! I don't even have a sleeping bag or a coat! Even an Evil God can die, you know! Will I die?! Will I become a cold body here with no one to love me?!"   The cold wave, which Lapis had feared, hit their camp not long after she had first detected it. Its intensity was indeed, just as she guessed, potentially life-threatening.   Even Loren, who…
    • Chapter 321, From Being Trapped to Freezing (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The voice of the Evil Gods made Loren and Lapis quicken their steps. When they returned, they saw the two Evil Gods squaring off against a man standing opposite them.   The man, whose body was well-defined enough for others to identify his gender even with a coat that hung down to his feet, looked at the newly-arrived Loren and Lapis while ignoring the two Evil Gods standing in front of him.   The man had loosely wavy gray hair and…
    • Chapter 323, From Report to Instruction (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Are you insane? Do we even have a chance to win?"   After leaving Yuri's place, Loren's team gathered in a room at an inn that he had prepared.   After listening to Gula's countermeasure against Wrath, Yuri had kept his promise and provided them with what he considered the best accommodations he could offer.   Loren wondered why an inn originally used by the nobility of the Empire was located so close to the border where…