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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 202, From Being Sabotaged To Being Discovered Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "What the? What the hell just happened?"   Gula, startled by the explosion that shook the rocky surface, tumbled out of the cave she had dug. Loren hurriedly grabbed her to stop her from rolling down the mountainside, then quickly looked around as he threw Gula into the cave again.   "Where the hell did they come from?"   "From that direction, I think."   Lapis looked in the direction where the light spheres…
    • Chapter 203, From A Close Encounter To Battle Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren's honest impression, if he had to give one, was that it was not that big.   From the term 'Ancient Dragon', Loren had expected a being that could cover the sky with its wings. But when he thought about it, he realized that if such a huge creature existed in this world, its home must also be huge. The mountain they were currently on was a huge mountain, but it was not big enough to be described as covering the entire earth. Since the…
    • Chapter 204, From Battle To Ceasefire Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The action Loren took, when the thought 'It's bright' crossed his mind, was neither attacking nor defending, but evading.   Like a premonition, the moment that bright clot of energy was about to be spat out from the dragon's mouth, a clear image of him dying on the spot appeared in his mind should he not move.   Lapis seemed ready to defend against the attack, while Gula looked like she thought it might be hopeless with her stiff…
    • Chapter 205, From Meditating To Eating Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   As soon as the truce with the Ancient Dragon was settled, Lapis took out an ink pot, a pen, some sheets of paper from her luggage, then started to write something on them.    Lapis took some time to finish her writing as Loren and the dragon looked on. Then she signed the papers, waited for the ink to dry, then rolled them up and presented them to the dragon.    "I've written a letter to Mother. If you show this to her, she will…
    • Chapter 187, From Encounter To Conquest Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   First thing first, they needed to ensure visibility.   "<<Ball Lightning>>!"   Quartz shot a burst of magic at the ceiling. He seemed to have strengthened the spell - white light shining down from the ceiling was meager but strong enough to illuminate the whole hall and the spider inside it.    Next, the battle started with an arrow from Nim, who had the longest attack interval and the fastest attack speed.…
    • Chapter 188, From Investigating to Mind Reading Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   During the short break they took after the spider was defeated, Loren went to examine its corpse. Others kept a distance from the carcass, and Loren was the only one who approached it. He had a reason to though.   Loren stabbed the spider carcass with the tip of his sword multiple times to make sure it had really died before coming closer. The first thing he examined was the spot where Gula's <<Fireballs>> hit. The exoskeleton was…
    • Chapter 189, From Investigating to Camping Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Hey, come here guys."   At Jack's call, everyone came over to where he was hiding. The place was right in front of the exit, where sunlight from the outside did reach. The lantern was put out, and they looked into the direction Jack was pointing.    If the tunnel exit on the demons' side was the same as the exit on human's side, there should be a dwarven village here. And yes, there surely was a village, where someone had lived.…
    • Chapter 190, From Camping to an Encounter Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   And so, night came.   According to Lapis, a fire at this outer region wouldn't attract the demons' attention. The reason was, the demons were actually aware of humans and other races entering their domain and collecting intel. If humans came near or into their town, of course they would think about dealing with them. Otherwise, they would simply acknowledge that there were few trespassers doing something sneakily, but they didn't care enough to…
    • Chapter 191, From Escaping to Clashing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   With their blades locked and neither able to move, Loren managed check his opponent's appearance.    He was the same height as Loren, but built slightly thinner. His appearance didn't match his strength, considering that he was able to stop Loren's double-enhanced attack with just one hand. He wore fitted black metal armor and a black cloak. His almond eyes were also black, however his countenance rather than being cold, gave off a cruel…
    • Chapter 192, From Destination to The Next Commission Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren drowsily thought that he remembered this sensation.   He remembered swaying in a vortex of unthinkable magic power and could only cry. He couldn't tell exactly when it happened, but he was strangely sure that it really did happen. Loren didn't even remember when the last time he cried, so it was probably from a long time ago. He vaguely remembered someone else being there and kept soothing him though.    As he reached out for…