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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 159, From Annihilation to Interrogation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   In the end, Loren wondered if they used more force than necessary to deal with the bandits.    Attacked from the front and the rear by Tizona's fire and Gula's Gluttony power, the bandits weren't able to regroup for a retaliation. They fell into disorder with no need for interference from Loren and Lapis, couldn't properly fight back, and ended up either being burned to ashes or becoming food to some invisible stomach.    "Don't…
    • Chapter 158, From Arriving to Attacking Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Comparing the information Loren got from the bandit with Lapis' map, they found out that the bandits' depot was on a mountain. It would take them a day to get there on foot, but they could arrive in no time on horseback.   Wanting to save as much time as possible, the party decided to borrow some horses from the town. However, the town didn't have enough horses for all of them, so they had to make do with one fast horse and a sturdy carriage…
    • Chapter 157, From Information to Taking Up a Job Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "In conclusion, interrogating an underling is not that worthwhile."   Loren washed his blood-stained hands at a well by the road, dried them with a piece of cloth torn off from the bandits' clothes, and said. Gula frowned at him a little.    They had successfully intercepted the raid, but since the bandits were too efficient, it didn't make much of a difference. Half of the stolen goods were left behind, and Gula killing off…
    • Chapter 156, From Fighting to Preparing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Leaving the luggage to Lapis and Tizona, Loren and Gula rushed towards the location, from which smoke was rising.    "Is’t alright for me to fight a lil more seriously this time?"   Gula asked Loren as she followed him closely from behind. Still running, Loren spared her a half-glance and replied:   "Not a good idea. Play it safe, play it safe."   "Why’d you leave Tizona-chan behind then?"   If…
    • Chapter 155, From Being Too Late to a Counter Attack Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren's party hurriedly left the store and got back to their inn. They headed for the stable, where their donkeys were kept, as soon as they arrived. Sensing something had happened, the innkeeper asked them about the current situation, but they had no time to answer him. They packed and loaded the donkeys, but before they could take them out of the stable, the situation had changed.   "Ah, this is no good, ain't it?"   Gula, who was…
    • Chapter 154, Attacked Since Breakfast Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   With a gang of bandits looming ahead, Loren believed it would be better if they just turned back. However, Tizona didn't have the luxury to make that decision. She wanted to depart as soon as she got out of bed the next day, but Gula and Lapis stopped her.   "We haven't even had breakfast yet."   Gula said. Last night, the innkeeper told the party that he hadn’t stocked up much food because he didn't have many customers these days.…
    • Chapter 153, Complaints At A Post-Town Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   It was just before nightfall, when Loren's party reached the post-town.    They had been attacked by demons and bandits multiple times that day, but they only drove their attackers back instead of killing them. Lapis said they were too pitiful, as they couldn’t even harm the party.   It was understandable though: after all, their party did consist of two twice-named mercenaries (even though one kept denying it), an Evil God and a…
    • Chapter 152, A Massacre Starting From Dawn Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   It was the morning of their second day on the journey. Lapis was watching the sunrise and got totally mesmerized by it. In front of her was the bonfire, which surprisingly had not gone out and was still blazing brightly, beneath her buttocks was a tightly-wrapped Gula.    "The morning feels so refreshing…"   "I don't feel refreshed at all…"   "Please consider this a lesson. I'm starting to wonder if you're actually…
    • Chapter 151, From Departure to Camping Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The party left Kapha city,  and their journey so far was a little better than expected, though they didn’t manage to get far on the first day. All they did during the day was following the main road and exchanging greetings with the occasionally passing travelers.    Since they couldn't go farther than planned, they decided to set up a camp on the plain along the main road and called it a day.    "Is it just me, or we're going a…
    • Chapter 150, From Idle Talk To Preparation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "I want to ask you something, Miss Human Flint."   "What an ill-bred, impolite person…"   Early next morning found Lapis and Tizona at the south gate of Kapha city.    After accepting Tizona's job yesterday, they had talked for a while, and it was decided that they would start preparing for departure now. Thus, Lapis and Tizona were watching their luggage while Loren and Gula went to rent a donkey to carry…