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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 152, A Massacre Starting From Dawn Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   It was the morning of their second day on the journey. Lapis was watching the sunrise and got totally mesmerized by it. In front of her was the bonfire, which surprisingly had not gone out and was still blazing brightly, beneath her buttocks was a tightly-wrapped Gula.    "The morning feels so refreshing…"   "I don't feel refreshed at all…"   "Please consider this a lesson. I'm starting to wonder if you're actually…
    • Chapter 156, From Fighting to Preparing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Leaving the luggage to Lapis and Tizona, Loren and Gula rushed towards the location, from which smoke was rising.    "Is’t alright for me to fight a lil more seriously this time?"   Gula asked Loren as she followed him closely from behind. Still running, Loren spared her a half-glance and replied:   "Not a good idea. Play it safe, play it safe."   "Why’d you leave Tizona-chan behind then?"   If…
    • Chapter 167, From Confusion to Conclusion Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Eh? What? That power is resistible?"   Gula was as confused as Mammon. Unlike the powers of other Evil Gods, Mammon's power wasn't the offensive type, so she had always thought that it couldn't be resisted. Yet Loren's greatsword wasn't snatched away, and he was able to continue attacking Mammon. This completely overturned her belief that the only way to fight against Mammon's power was to dodge.   After failing the first time,…
    • Chapter 173, From Departure to Sinking Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   They went to buy groceries and medical supplies the next day. They also rented a carriage as their destination was quite far this time.    After loading the carriage with all their luggage, they left Kapha.    This time, they would have to travel to the center of the continent from Wargenburg, which was in the southwest. It was already quite a considerable distance even without the return trip.    But it seemed like it…
    • Chapter 174, From Sinking to Registration Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Being swallowed by sand definitely wasn't a pleasant experience.    As he couldn't escape, Loren had no other choice but to resign himself to it and follow Lapis' advice. He took in a deep breath at a seemingly-right time and held his breath before his head got under the sand. He felt sand on his face almost as soon as he closed his eyes and knew that he had been engulfed by the desert.    And then, he continued sinking down for a…
    • Chapter 141, From Opponent To Agent Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "And what did you come here for? It can't be to stuff my lovely children into your bottomless stomach, right?"   Luxuria asked Gula.  Gula clicked her tongue sharply and made a truly contemptuous face at his question.    "Don't say stupid things. Even if you beg me, I'll never come just to eat your kids or whatever."   "Why did you come then?"   Luxuria talked while wiggling his body from side to side, and…
    • Chapter 142, The Resolution to Fight an Evil God Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Gula gave no details about the benefit she was offering. Loren had tried to get her talking, but she had said nothing other than it would be something good.    Even though Loren had every intention to pursue the matter, he was worried that Gula would tell him 'I'll just fight Luxuria myself then' if he complained. So, for the time being, he had no choice but to trust her words.    As Loren readied his sword and stepped forward to…
    • Chapter 154, Attacked Since Breakfast Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   With a gang of bandits looming ahead, Loren believed it would be better if they just turned back. However, Tizona didn't have the luxury to make that decision. She wanted to depart as soon as she got out of bed the next day, but Gula and Lapis stopped her.   "We haven't even had breakfast yet."   Gula said. Last night, the innkeeper told the party that he hadn’t stocked up much food because he didn't have many customers these days.…
    • Chapter 155, From Being Too Late to a Counter Attack Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren's party hurriedly left the store and got back to their inn. They headed for the stable, where their donkeys were kept, as soon as they arrived. Sensing something had happened, the innkeeper asked them about the current situation, but they had no time to answer him. They packed and loaded the donkeys, but before they could take them out of the stable, the situation had changed.   "Ah, this is no good, ain't it?"   Gula, who was…
    • Chapter 159, From Annihilation to Interrogation Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   In the end, Loren wondered if they used more force than necessary to deal with the bandits.    Attacked from the front and the rear by Tizona's fire and Gula's Gluttony power, the bandits weren't able to regroup for a retaliation. They fell into disorder with no need for interference from Loren and Lapis, couldn't properly fight back, and ended up either being burned to ashes or becoming food to some invisible stomach.    "Don't…