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    228 Results in the "The Strange Adventure of a Broke Mercenary" category


    • Chapter 296, From Changing Clothes To Being Watched (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "Now, I'd tell you to relax, but that would be hard to do, wouldn't it?"   The Great Demon King's said as they sat at the table the maids had prepared, and Lapis was the only one who could respond with a wry smile. Sitting at a not-so-big table with the Great Demon King and being surrounded by maids, Loren would like to meet anyone who can relax in such a situation.   In addition, the room had no windows. Loren was feeling very…
    • Chapter 311, From Marching To War To Combat (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "I've always thought you're bad, but to think you actually have the nerve to do it right in front of me!"   While Loren was looking for an opportunity to attack Rage, the conversation between the two Evil Gods continued. It seemed that it was not only going nowhere, but was also starting to spark Gula's anger. Her eyes bulged and her shoulders trembled, while Wraith eyes glared at her with a vicious, evil stare that was hard to imagine from…
    • Chapter 314, From Invitation to Joining Forces (1) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The soldier who contacted Loren was, as they had expected, a messenger from the Imperial Army.   He had come to inform Loren's team that there was a general who wanted to meet the group to ask them directly about their experiences, as their names had been listed as the only survivors in the reports of the destruction of the guerrilla units.   Loren had been thinking of getting in touch with someone of high rank in the Imperial Army,…
    • Chapter 158, From Arriving to Attacking Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Comparing the information Loren got from the bandit with Lapis' map, they found out that the bandits' depot was on a mountain. It would take them a day to get there on foot, but they could arrive in no time on horseback.   Wanting to save as much time as possible, the party decided to borrow some horses from the town. However, the town didn't have enough horses for all of them, so they had to make do with one fast horse and a sturdy carriage…
    • Chapter 160, From Confirmation to House Search Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   "This has become a kind of odd story, don't you think?"   Loren muttered after finishing his interrogations, and the others all nodded to show their agreement.    After Loren had questioned all the surviving bandits, they had checked the information with Lapis' map, and had found the approximate location of the bandits' base. And that was what Loren mentioned as 'odd'.   "No matter how you look at it, this place…
    • Chapter 171, From A Discussion to A Monologue Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   The decision to go to the demon territory had been made without consulting Gula, the other member in their party, so Loren insisted that they had to talk to her. His suggestion was met with Lapis' cold reaction. It was just a trivial matter to her, but Loren did consider Gula a companion, and he decided that they would talk to her when she came to the Adventurer Guild.  Gula had no other places to go except for her inn and the Adventurer Guild, so it…
    • Chapter 180,  From Entry to Discovery Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren thought that the Great Tunnel must be quite large due to its name. But then, considering the dwarves' stature, their tunnels should be a bit of a tight squeeze for him. Either way, he would know once they were there.   But the actual sight of the tunnel made him gape. He was at a loss for words for a while, and could only watch.    "You look like you didn't expect this at all."   Lapis didn't need to voice that - it…
    • Chapter 183, From Repelling Attack to Infiltrating Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   Loren's group left that area, leaving the motionless spiders behind.   The ones being carried decided to walk on their feet, worrying that they might tire the members carrying them off. They proceeded to walk to the end of the tunnel.   Jack and others wanted to burn the spiders, but Loren and Nim objected:   "Making such a big fire in an enclosed space like this, we'll all die choking, won't we?"   "Spiders are…
    • Chapter 187, From Encounter To Conquest Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   First thing first, they needed to ensure visibility.   "<<Ball Lightning>>!"   Quartz shot a burst of magic at the ceiling. He seemed to have strengthened the spell - white light shining down from the ceiling was meager but strong enough to illuminate the whole hall and the spider inside it.    Next, the battle started with an arrow from Nim, who had the longest attack interval and the fastest attack speed.…
    • Chapter 191, From Escaping to Clashing Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Lizz Proofreader: Xemul   With their blades locked and neither able to move, Loren managed check his opponent's appearance.    He was the same height as Loren, but built slightly thinner. His appearance didn't match his strength, considering that he was able to stop Loren's double-enhanced attack with just one hand. He wore fitted black metal armor and a black cloak. His almond eyes were also black, however his countenance rather than being cold, gave off a cruel…