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    162 Results in the "The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness" category


    • Chapter 66, Demon King’s Army Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   While I was looking around the base of Demon King Rainel’s army, I realized why such weak creatures as humans could prevail in a world swarming with mythical and magical beasts. The physique of the beasts might be suited for hunting, but it’s not fit for building civilization. And, they take up a lot of space since they walk on all fours. There might be individual differences in their reproductive capabilities, but even if they’re as…
    • Chapter 65, The Demon King Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   “A King of the Night… an Ancestor, you say?”   “Yes. There’s no doubt as Oliver has a keen sense for sniffing out vampires.”   There exists a being called the Demon King. It is a title given by the weakest and most populous under the sun, the humans, to a being that rules over enemies of mankind.   There have been many different kinds of Demon Kings. Intelligent beasts as well as dragons. Or even what was…
    • Chapter 64, Base Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   I enjoyed floating in mid-air while being held by Monica. Demons can still fly fast even while carrying another person and the flight wasn’t very shaky either, so I felt very comfortable. In addition, they can hold the same flight speed for a long time. Monica’s mobility might be the reason she was chosen from Demon King Rainel’s army to attack the caravan. Oliver was following us on ground in his werewolf form, leaving behind a  cloud of…
    • Chapter 63, Demons Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   ‘Feeding’ is an ability much like the abilities a ghoul possesses, such as ‘Sharp Claw’ and ‘Sharp Fang’.   Though lesser vampires do not possess what makes vampires the powerful demons they are, the ability of ‘feeding’ is something a few among them are capable of using.   There is a scent in the air. A sickeningly sweet scent.   Vampires do drink blood, but not just the blood of any human. They can…
    • Chapter 62, The Attack  Part III Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   If Senri had one shortcoming, it would be the fact that she had never fought alongside others much weaker than herself.   The Death Knights typically move in units led by a first class knight. Until now, Senri had fought beings of darkness with people who were Death Knights much like herself and needless to say, relied on her Master Epée’s strength. She had reliable seniors like Lufry and Neville (even if they were not as strong as…
    • Chapter 61.2, The Attack Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   And at that moment, Katerina who had been trembling in her mother’s arms, shook them off and stepped forward. Her face was a mess from tears and fear. Even so, she threw cutlery at Oliver and yelled shakily.   For better or for worse, the bowl with soup still in it, spun around and hit Oliver square on his head.   “L-Let go of Baron!! You monster!!”   “H-Hey, Katerina!”   I found myself incredibly…
    • Chapter 61.1, The Attack Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   He was overwhelmingly powerful. Three people were sent flying in a flash with a swing of his arm. Though it was unclear if they survived, they did not budge an inch on the ground where they lay. That single attack broke the spirit of all the mercenaries who had come running to the rescue.   He did not possess any extraordinary skills. It was simply the pure physical strength of a beast. Every single move of his was so swift that no human…
    • Chapter 60.2, The Attack Part I Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   This is unfair. This is really below the belt. I lay dispirited on Katerina’s lap.   The scent of Senri’s blood is the best but Katerina also gave off a very delicious scent. It goes without saying that I cannot indulge in my cravings, but the simple act of laying on her lap felt tantalizing. Had I been just any other vampire, then the girl would have found herself devoid of all the blood in her body.   As she gently caressed my…
    • Chapter 60.1, The Attack Part I Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   Vampires are demons of the night. Even if it were a darkest cave into which not a shred of light seeps into, they still would not be able to exert their full strength. However, that is not so for their archenemies, the Death Knights. The reason they hunt down undead during the day is because the undead are weak to sunlight and not because their strength weakens at night.   The day the plan was to be executed. An almost perfectly round moon…
    • Chapter 59, Travel with the Merchants  Part IV Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   “There’s no mistaking it. That’s not something humans are capable of… it must be a soldier in the Demon King’s army. There have been many casualties among peddlers so far… but never was it this bad.”   With a grim look on his face, the one who spoke was the young leader of the group.  The important members of the group were gathered in front of the crackling bonfire that had been lit to keep monsters away.   A few…