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    162 Results in the "The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness" category


    • Chapter 97.1, Growth (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   His attacks were swift and heavy, and without a hesitation. A swarm of the armed Skeletons collapsed in the blink of an eye. There was no need for Senri to help. End walking in front of her was already strong enough. His unenthusiastic appearance was evidence that he had changed a lot ever since they had first met. After experiencing many hard fights and victories, End had obtained confidence and the power worthy of that confidence. The current End had…
    • Chapter 97.2, Growth (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   Generally, hunting undead isn’t profitable unless the enemy is a bigwig. You can’t sell their meat or bones and the lower ranked undead don’t hold any treasure on them. It’s a job people won’t take the initiative to take unless they’re from the Order of Death Knights. And, since only Death Knights can deal with those bigwig undeads who stock up treasure, mercenaries don’t get a turn. However, it’s different if there’s a private…
    • Chapter 98, The Anti-Undead Town (4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   The morning gave way to noon which in turn brought on night. I woke up to Senri’s knock as I lay inside the closet of an inn in Dessend.   The inns in ‘Dessend’ are not kind to vampires. There are no curtains, the closets are peppered with the right crucifix symbol and the room was full of blatant anti-vampire measures.   The weakness of vampires to the crucifix is rather subtle. We are weak to a specific crucifix but it is not…
    • Chapter 99, Night Crystal (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   “Are you sure you want to let them join us? Sure, they saved our lives, but ―― they’re obviously suspicious. Also, they’re ‘Vampire Hunters’ of all things.” Lazar answered his teammate with a silent, disappointed look.   Mercenaries also fought against the demons sometimes, but ‘Vampire Hunters’ were a group of madmen who even mercenaries feared. The way those small humans confronted monsters despite not having any…
    • Chapter 100.1, Night Crystal (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   We are exterminating undead in the castle of the Mirage Demon King today as well.   It’s been more than 10 days since we started to secretly help the mercenaries. The castle of the Mirage Demon King seemed to be the focus of the undead. While they weren’t flooding us every day, some undead appeared out of nowhere at least once in 3 days. There were several patterns to the way the undead acted. Mister Lazar and his teammates said that all the…
    • Chapter 100.2, Night Crystal (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   Looks like the mage who’s been sending Skeletons over has lost their patience. Are they telling us to come out or are they planning to forcefully bury the underpass? We ask for the permission from Mister Lazar and the guys, who haven’t noticed anything, and go upstairs together. They would only be a hindrance since they had troubles even with ‘Black Bone’. Their presence wouldn’t make much difference, so it would be better if they stayed…
    • Chapter 101, Night Crystal (4) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   Imagine this. A suspicious duo appears at the site of the old castle every night. One of them is a peerless beauty and the other one has superhuman physical strength. You split up with them every night when returning after finishing the job and never meet them during the daytime. You’ve met them in ‘Dessend’ only once, at an unusual bar that doesn’t serve garlic at night.   It’s strange for me to say this but, Mister Lazar and his…
    • Chapter 102.1, Night Crystal (5) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   An acutely dark presence is approaching. It’s an indescribable feeling. If I must say it―― it’s as if darkness itself is closing in on us. For an undead like me, who’s exempted from the rules of death, that presence is something I’m very familiar with, but I think that the Order of Death Knights and the mercenaries, who confront this with living flesh are really amazing. I escaped from the basement. Although they’re not visible yet,…
    • Chapter 102.2, Night Crystal (5) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   Blood Ruler left by the Lord is a wonderful machete. Its reach, strength and sharpness are just perfect.   Fulfilling my duty of stalling them, I destroy the Skeletons that are rushing in, while avoiding the arrows and sometimes slicing them apart. The Skeletons attacked like the waves. Even if they’re the bones of ordinary people without combat skills, the tombs are finite. The night is still young. Since they’re also undead, they surely…
    • Chapter 103.1, Battle of the Old Castle Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   I thought this when I was hunting the undead with Mister Lazar’s group too, but it seems like the person who’s been sending in the dead this time is devoted to Skeletons. Wraiths also appeared in the second half, but their numbers were obviously different. Though, neither of them pose any obstacle for me currently. Since it was my first time fighting Wraiths (Not counting the Lord’s ghost, of course, but that was an exception) so, I was a bit…