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    162 Results in the "The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness" category


    • Chapter 48, Homecoming  Part III Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   I suppose the negotiation went neither badly nor well. My father asked me for some time to come to a decision. Which is only reasonable. The plan I proposed is something nobility would find themselves typically unable to accept.   The risk is too high, and if I were him… I would probably agonize over the right choice. I do not expect to be accepted right away. On the contrary, it would be scary if I were.   However, it would…
    • Chapter 47, Homecoming Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   My father’s change in expression was dramatic. And I realized at this late hour that, my expectation on how he would react had been warped by my emotions.   I never imagined it would be a moving reunion. However, rationally speaking, how would it really feel to have one’s dead son come back alive? To make matters worse, that son had perished after years of suffering from an unknown illness. He also had not been visited by any of his…
    • Chapter 46, Homecoming Part I Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   We succeeded in making it into town unsuspected by anybody, and planned our next move in an inn.   We were already in the Formet Barony, but the particular part of town felt unfamiliar. The town was needlessly huge with the buildings here and there, and it had an overall idyllic atmosphere. There were not many soldiers guarding the town, and most of the residents we spotted seemed to be either farmers or merchants. Never would they have…
    • Chapter 45, The Escape  Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   I was born into a noble house of a small country. That said, it was neither a powerful or illustrious house… probably. It was of the title of Baron, and we were never invited to popular huge gatherings. As I was bedridden since the age of ten, I was unable to take a look around our domain or enjoy any of the special privileges that came with the class, but our house was enormous and I never had to go hungry. A number of servants were employed by the…
    • Chapter 44, The Escape Part 1 Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   I forgot about the pain as I ran through the night like a madman. I had no destination in mind. My only thought was to put as much distance between us and the Keeper as possible.    I stopped once to patch Senri up. Her condition looked a bit more stable. She should not die as long as she was not poisoned or something else along those lines. The aura of blessing around her never dimmed. Even as she was wrapped in a thick robe, the pain…
    • Chapter 43, The Vampire Hunters Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   The pain lingered. However, I shall press on as long as I am able.   Pain and undead do not go together. Thanks to my previous life experiences, I quickly gathered my wits and made it out of the smokescreen, but originally, the undead can barely feel pain, nausea or dizziness. If such an undead’s weaknesses were suddenly targeted, it could be rendered motionless for a moment.   What dreadful tactics! Anybody else would have…
    • Chapter 42, Vampire Hunter Part I Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   My objective is survival. I would do anything to increase my odds even just a little.   Why else would I waltz into enemy territory to get the Night Crystal that I so desperately need? Unbelievable. Even if they had set the time of meeting at night during the working hours of the tavern which is favourable to me and displayed that they meant no harm, they are professionals that hunt dark beings for a living.   I have come across…
    • Chapter 41, Negotiation Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   The girl introduced as Albertus had a fire lit her eyes and looked like she could pounce on me any second. If anything, it was almost unbelievable that she had not already done so.   I returned the Keeper’s stare. The weird man whose thoughts I cannot seem to decipher, rubbed two thinly gloved hands together and a very unpleasant expression adorned his face.   “Didn’t expect that? Neither did I. The one in your grasp seems…
    • Chapter 40, Negotiation Part I Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   The night wore on and the town soon became deserted. I stepped out of the inn alone.   Hardly any people could be seen out and about since it was a fairly rural town. Even so, I moved furtively as I headed towards the location mentioned in the letter.   A half moon shone in the sky. I suppose it is neither good nor bad in terms of phases of the moon. Nevertheless, my body is brimming with power. I might even be more powerful than…
    • Chapter 39, Under the Radar Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   Just as Senri had said, our destination was a much smaller town than Cemeserra or Engey.   Stone buildings and mud roads. Be it the number of carriages or people, both were a lot fewer than Cemeserra. It was a dimly lit, idyllic little town.   And as one would expect, there was a pit in front of the gate and water was flowing through it, but maybe because it was not properly maintained, the water was almost stagnant. So it did not…