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    162 Results in the "The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness" category


    • Chapter 36, Training Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   “You don’t need it.”   The sky looked empty save for the twinkling stars. It is the new moon today and also the day when the dark forces are at their weakest. We never came across any humans after that one instance and our journey proceeded smoothly. We should reach town within a few days as we were making our way through a well- trodden path. It would be difficult to do any hands-on training once we reach town. After all, I cannot…
    • Chapter 45, The Escape  Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   I was born into a noble house of a small country. That said, it was neither a powerful or illustrious house… probably. It was of the title of Baron, and we were never invited to popular huge gatherings. As I was bedridden since the age of ten, I was unable to take a look around our domain or enjoy any of the special privileges that came with the class, but our house was enormous and I never had to go hungry. A number of servants were employed by the…
    • Chapter 52, The Curse Part II Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   It was a demon. If Albertus was like a dark wind earlier, she appeared more like a demon now. Her strength, speed, size, anything and everything looked completely different.   I made the split second decision to move to the side to evade her gigantic self. Albertus crashed head first into a closed shop and that was all it took for the building to crumble as if it were no more than a pile of bricks.   Although it was nighttime,…
    • Chapter 64, Base Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   I enjoyed floating in mid-air while being held by Monica. Demons can still fly fast even while carrying another person and the flight wasn’t very shaky either, so I felt very comfortable. In addition, they can hold the same flight speed for a long time. Monica’s mobility might be the reason she was chosen from Demon King Rainel’s army to attack the caravan. Oliver was following us on ground in his werewolf form, leaving behind a  cloud of…
    • Chapter 77, Corrosion (3) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   At first, there was only a single strange lion. The oldest scenery in his memories was a sacred mountain devoid of life and his roaring self at its summit.   The powerful dragon blood flowing in his body made Rainel ‘aloof’. By the time he had become self-aware, there was nobody except for the preys around him. It wasn’t until after a while that he found out that lion magical beasts lived in packs.   The trigger was the lone Demon…
    • Chapter 85.2, Ancestor Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   “I shall put a wedge on you. I will not harm you, but―― this is a blood contract. My blood will stay inside your body and kill you, depending on the situation. There are no ways to resist it.”   There’s no mistaking it. This is an anti-vampire ability.   Curses and magic don’t work on vampires. But this is not that kind of ability. It’s also different from the absolute obedience the Lord put me under. Sable’s ability…
    • Chapter 88, End’s seriousness (2) Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Nonon Editor: Silavin   Vampires are terrifying demonic creatures that cannot be dealt with ordinary means by Death Knights. Their physical strength, regenerative ability and special powers are all powerful, but the worst thing about them is the fact that those Undead possess the body of a human and the heart of a monster.   Vampires are strong. And they’re cunning. Therefore, they are still deeply rooted all around the world despite being burdened by countless…
    • The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness – Prologue, The Resurrection Ritual. Cover
      by Gills Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   And thus, I was revived.   I opened my eyes and my foggy, blurry vision was greeted with a room made from stone.   Lining the walls were rows of bookshelves with a bright red magic array drawn on them.   Everything felt so new, like I hadn’t seen or felt anything before now. My slate had been wiped clean, like I hadn’t had a will or consciousness or even any intelligence until now. All these changes felt like how one…
    • Chapter 3, The Difference in Perception Cover
      by Gills Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   The bear yelps out in pain and keels over. I simply keep swinging the machete down at the half-dead bear with all my might. My blade strikes relentlessly and tears through the thick coat of the bear and proceeds to hack at its flesh. The blood spatters everywhere but my hand doesn’t stop.   My body is moving on its own. I am witnessing everything that is happening, from a distance, separated from my own body. The blood spatters onto…
    • Chapter 35, Lesser Vampire Cover
      by Silavin Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   Vampire. It happens to be one of the most well known among the undead, also referred to as the King of the night.   A genuine monster that possesses a number of special abilities that enable it to take on an entire army all by itself. Although I am still only a lesser vampire, I possess considerable strength. A human who possesses the same physical attributes as I would probably be referred to as a hero.   I landed on all fours.…