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    162 Results in the "The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness" category


    • Chapter 2, The Test Cover
      by Gills Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   I meekly obey the Lord and follow him out of the mansion. I am lost for words as I blankly look in awe at the scenery that unfolded in front of my eyes.   I had spent most of my life bedridden. The reason being a strange debilitating illness that inflicted headache, stomachache, and never-ending pain all over my body. Nobody knew the cause. There was no known cure. No great doctors or sorcerers were capable of healing me. People…
    • The Undead King of the Palace of Darkness – Prologue, The Resurrection Ritual. Cover
      by Gills Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   And thus, I was revived.   I opened my eyes and my foggy, blurry vision was greeted with a room made from stone.   Lining the walls were rows of bookshelves with a bright red magic array drawn on them.   Everything felt so new, like I hadn’t seen or felt anything before now. My slate had been wiped clean, like I hadn’t had a will or consciousness or even any intelligence until now. All these changes felt like how one…
    • Chapter 1, The Living Dead Cover
      by Gills Translator: Wisteria Editor: Silavin   “End. Follow me.”   The Lord gives me a curt order and leads us out of a room that resembles a research laboratory. I follow him without a word. My body moves well. My extremities move as I will them. I wonder how long it’s been since I was able to walk properly….   It felt strange to have a body that feels no pain. Somehow, it hasn’t really sunk in yet… as if I’m watching a dream unfold.   After leaving…