Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 548, The Most Terrifying Innate Talent

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Hazily, Yu Zi Yu felt his mind and body both shaking, as an indescribable force circulated within his body.


Subtly, it even affected Yu Zi Yu’s massive Tree Body.


Different from the destructive power of Elements, or the strange Cosmic Energy, this force had a different fluctuation.


It resembled Vitality, yet it was purer than Vitality.


Faintly, it seemed to signify hope and beginning.


Yu Zi Yu named this force the Evolutionary Force, the pure force that guided everyone’s evolution.


And now, under the influence of Evolution Points, Yu Zi Yu’s Innate Talent—Absolute Evolution became even purer.


After some unknown time…


*Haaa…* Yu Zi Yu finally opened his eyes, heaving a long, deep breath.


At this precise moment, bright and shiny words on the status screen caught Yu Zi Yu’s sight.


Innate Talent: Absolute Evolution – You can change parts of your own body into other forms for a short time according to your own cognition, and gain unique abilities. (Note: The deeper the cognition, the more terrifying the form.)


After reading the introduction, Yu Zi Yu fell into silence.


Compared to the short description before him, Yu Zi Yu had greater understanding of it from the information that had mysteriously appeared in his mind.


Yu Zi Yu couldn’t help but admit that after consuming hundreds of thousands of Evolution Points, Absolute Evolution had indeed become extremely terrifying. It was much more terrifying than he had imagined.


Just like now, with a thought, the ground shook as a thick, pitch-black root, as thick as a water bucket, emerged from the ground, swaying not far from Yu Zi Yu like a snake.


Then, as Yu Zi Yu calmly stared at this Secondary Root, his Spiritual Energy surged.


After a moment, to Yu Zi Yu’s surprise, this thick root began twisting and turning, transforming into a vicious slimy ball.


However, it didn’t stop there, the vicious ball started to further transform.


*Rooaar…* Suddenly, a roar echoed through the night sky.


Looking towards the source, Yu Zi Yu saw a Giant Azure Wolf the size of a calf appearing in the air.


This Giant Azure Wolf looked quite fierce. It had a massive and agile body, covered in muscles like steel.


Yu Zi Yu even saw countless azure hairs fluttering in the wind.


However, at this moment, if one were to look behind this Giant Azure Wolf, they would definitely see a root as thick as a finger attached to it, growing thicker and thicker the further it was away from the Wolf, ultimately becoming a root as thick as a water bucket once again.


“The Secondary Root actually transformed into a Storm Wolf!?” Yu Zi Yu exclaimed in surprise. At the same time, a subconscious urge surged in his mind.


After a moment, as if responding to Yu Zi Yu’s urge, the Giant Azure Wolf not far away suddenly howled towards the sky.


*Roooaar…* While it was roaring, a whirlwind visible to the naked eyes could be seen growing in its jaws.


Shortly afterward, with a deafening roar, the tornado suddenly shot out, sweeping towards the distance, uprooting countless trees in its path.


Adding more to the dread, even the countless fallen leaves were ripped into countless pieces by the storm.


*Tsk, tsk…* Clucking his tongue, Yu Zi Yu finally gained a true understanding of his new Innate Talent—Absolute Evolution.


It allowed him to change parts of his body for a short time, taking the form of other lifeforms. In those respective forms, Yu Zi Yu could also gain their corresponding abilities.


This was the advanced version of the Sea Beast King’s Innate Talent–Absolute Evolution.


After all, the Sea Beast King’s Innate Talent would lose its original abilities after evolution, while Yu Zi Yu’s Innate Talent would not, because Yu Zi Yu was only changing a part of his body.


Although it only lasted for a short time, it was enough for Yu Zi Yu.


“This Innate Talent has truly become terrifying.” A rare smile flashed on Yu Zi Yu’s lips, feeling satisfied. With such an Innate Talent, the likelihood of Yu Zi Yu getting countered in the future would be greatly reduced.


If he couldn’t win, he could just switch to another form and fight again.


However, this was merely all in theory.After all, even the most perfect talent would have its shortcomings. This Innate Talent — Absolute Evolution — was no exception.


Firstly, Yu Zi Yu must have a deep understanding of the form he was switching into.


What did this imply?


It meant that Yu Zi Yu must understand his target creature in order to switch into its form.


Moreover, it was not enough to have surface level understanding; he must be like some mad scientist, constantly dissecting and learning, until he had completely analyzed the target, including its form and abilities.


This way, when he had switched into a form he had thorough understanding of, his combat power would shoot to a terrifying level.


For example, if Yu Zi Yu used Nine Tails as the template, even if he completely simulated the form of Nine Tails using one of the eighty-one powerful Secondary Roots, he could only display up to 50% of the target’s combat power.


This 50% combat power may not even be comparable to a single strike of Yu Zi Yu’s Secondary Root.


Moreover, the consumption of Spiritual Energy when using the target’s abilities after switching forms would be doubled as well.


In other words, for the same ultimate move like Firestorm Sweeping Through the Nine Heavens, if Nine Tails consumed 500,000 Spiritual Energy then Yu Zi Yu may consume one million or even two million Spiritual Energy. Though, it greatly depended on the complexity of the ability.


However, the doubling of Spiritual Energy consumption was inevitable. The more complex the ability, the more terrifying the Spiritual Energy consumption for Yu Zi Yu in the same form was.


“This Innate Talent has two restrictions: one is the cognitive limitation, and the other is the Spiritual Energy limitation…” Yu Zi Yu murmured his observations as his understanding of this Innate Talent became deeper and deeper.


Leaving aside other factors, just the cognitive limitation alone would not allow Yu Zi Yu to have too many forms to choose from.


After all, merely seeing a creature once would not allow Yu Zi Yu to exert much power.


For example, even if he copied the form of a Mutant Beast known as the Lord of Desert lurking in the depths of the Western Desert, Yu Zi Yu would merely be able to display less than 12% of its combat power.


And this level of power wouldn’t even compare to a direct strike from Yu Zi Yu’s Secondary Root.


In other words, Yu Zi Yu’s only hope of displaying his true strength lay in using the Mutant Beasts he was familiar with and known for a long time, like Nine Tails and Bull Demon, as templates.


Of course, it would be even better if it were Mutant Beasts that Yu Zi Yu had personally killed.


By fighting and observing the status screen, he could fully understand their abilities.


Then, by dissecting the corpse and devouring it with his roots, he could understand the form and structure of the Mutant Beast.


Only in this way could Yu Zi Yu copy a Mutant Beast and then completely replicate it.


*Haaaa…* Taking a deep breath, as Yu Zi Yu looked at the Innate Talent displayed on the status screen, his eyes flickered with a touch of radiant splendor.


There was no denying that he was completely satisfied with this Innate Talent, really satisfied.


This Innate Talent seemed tailored for him.


Thanks to the status screen, Yu Zi Yu could gain understanding of various Mutant Beasts and even races.


And as a Divine Tree lording over a region, Yu Zi Yu had the opportunity to observe the behavior and habits of various Mutant Beasts.


When necessary, he could also deepen his understanding through sparring or even fighting.


This way, he would naturally have many forms to choose from.


However, too much was as bad as too little. There could only be very few forms that he should really use.


After all, with Yu Zi Yu’s current strength, if his opponent couldn’t even handle an all-out attack from his true form, then switching to other forms would be useless.


“In other words, the strength of this Innate Talent ultimately depends on the ‘form itself’,” murmuring, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes flickered uncontrollably.


[If I can perfectly copy a prodigy of a Terrifying Race from the previous era, then the power of this Innate Talent would be infinitely magnified.]


Yu Zi Yu thoughts began to wander as he pictured himself, his towering tree form spanning across the sky, with prodigies of various races standing on the canopy.


[Then no one would be able to rival me!]


Of course, in this scenario, Yu Zi Yu failed to consider the consumption of Spiritual Energy and the likelihood of gathering so many terrifying races.


Even so, no one should ever stop dreaming since who knows when they might just come true.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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