Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 563, Shocking the Strong

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


*Mooooooo…* Suddenly, a painful bellow echoed from the depths of the night sky before a Black Bull flew hurling towards the earth like a meteor.


However, before this meteor could hit the ground, a streak of silver light caught up to it.


In that very moment, thunderous claps continuously roared, shaking the entire battlefield.


At the same time, if one were to look up at the sky, they would see Bull Demon’s body frozen in mid-air, but with numerous indentations appearing on him continuously, a result of Sirius’ repeated strikes.


Her speed was so fast that she seemed to disappear altogether.


“Can you still do what you just did?” A cold voice rang in Bull Demon’s ears, bringing out a subtle smile on his lips.


However, it was not surprising either.


Despite Bull Demon’s miserable appearances, his injuries were not severe, and it was because of the faint glow around Bull Demon’s important body parts.


It was his chest armor, which boasted a formidable defense that ordinary Mutant Beasts couldn’t penetrate.


As for fatal body parts like his head, Bull Demon’s strength was more than enough to defend them.


The reason why Bull Demon wasn’t counter attacking right now was simply that he was waiting… waiting for a real opportunity.


After all, he was indeed slightly inferior to this Silvermoon Heavenly Wolf. Especially now, when she was under the moonlight, this gap had further widened.


To achieve victory, he needed an opportunity that could turn the table.


However, just at this moment, Sirius’ fur stood at their root ends, as if sensing something.


Subconsciously turning her head, she was stunned to see a vast sea of fire in the distant horizon, roaring towards them. And within the sea of fire was a Giant Red Fox with its fur dancing along the wind and a hint of crimson flashing in its eyes.


“How dare you…”  The cold voice seemed to come from the depths of the underworld.


At the same time, the aura of Nine Tails visibly rose at an alarming rate.


Suddenly, a cracking sound, like the sound of something shattering, echoed in the sky.


Immediately after, much to Sirius’ shock, the sea of fire surged violently as flame twisters materialized in its depths, one after another. 


“Are you kidding me!?” Crying in disbelief, Sirius’ pupils shrunk to the size of a needle, because at this moment, another tail had grown beside the four tails of the Red Fox.


Although this extra tail was illusory, its appearance was followed by a horrifying pressure emanating from the Red Fox.


“She broke through just like that!?” Still reeling in disbelief, the corner of Sirius’ eyes twitched.


Just right at that instant…


The crimson waves rolled through the sky as a claw made of flames materialized, ruthlessly reaching for her.


“Damn it!” Voicing her frustration, Sirius subconsciously tried to dodge.


However, just a moment later, her expression froze, because a terrifying gravitational force suddenly came down on her.


“Go to Hell!” Suddenly roaring, the disheveled Bull Demon suddenly transformed back to the Humanoid Figure, a purple glow emerging from him as he wielded the Giant Axe, fiercely chopping towards Sirius.


*Boom…* Sirius couldn’t even react, much less dodge.


Sandwiched in between the sudden joint attack of two powerful Transcendents, Sirius’ figure shook before blood splashed across the sky as her body fiercely crashed towards the ground, like a meteor.


Even her aura had visibly declined.


*Boom…* Another thunderous clap resounded and fearsome tremors shook the ground for kilometers as Sirius crashed into the ground, creating a massive craters several hundred meters deep, much to the shock of countless Mutant Beasts.



Meanwhile, in a distant location, a chubby figure walking on the ground, wearing a wide-brimmed hat suddenly narrowed its eyes, as if sensing something. 


“Elder Sister…” murmuring to himself, Brewmaster also raised his eyes, looking towards the northwest direction of the continent. His Elder Sister’s fleeting yet formidable aura didn’t go unnoticed to him.


However, her aura happened to be very unstable, like a hurried breakthrough.


More importantly, Brewmaster also sensed his Elder Sister’s indescribable killing intent.


“The Wolves of the grassland, huh!?” murmuring, Brewmaster who was heading towards Ghost Domain, suddenly turned around.


Immediately afterward, his figure melted into the ground, rushing towards Great Prairie at a terrifying speed.


The ability Brewmaster had just used was called Earth Escape, a formidable ability. It allowed his body to melt into the ground and travel at a terrifying speed.


In addition to Earth Escape, Brewmaster was also proficient in Ice Escape, Flame Escape, and even Lightning Escape.


This was the result of Brewmaster’s pre-planned cultivation over the past three years to compensate for his inadequate speed.



At the same time, not only Brewmaster but other peak powerhouses of Misty Mountains had also sensed the change in Nine Tails’ aura.


“Looks like there’s been an accident after all…” Sighing, a girl with a beautiful and mesmerizing Five-Colored Flower on her shoulder spun the bamboo flute around her finger, quietly heading in the direction of the Great Prairie.


However, if one were to look at the place she had left, they would not be able to help but cry out in shock, simply because, where she was before was actually a city.


And judging from its appearance, it seemed to be a small city of the Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations.


However, this city happened to have fallen into a deathly silence. Even the sounds of the insects could not be heard.


Perhaps, as she had once stated, she really sank everything into silence with a tune.


But fortunately, Aurora was ultimately not a Demon.


Except for those Tier-2 or Tier-3 Superhumans, whose Souls had shattered by her music, perished both in body and mind, other ordinary Humans had only fallen into deep sleep.


Presumably, they would awaken in 2-3 days.


The reason why Aurora came here was simply because the Human Body controlled by her was rooted in this city.


In order to obtain something for the cultivation of this girl, Aurora had to personally take action.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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