Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 597, Pillaging

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


The Nine Realms of Heaven had its own independent space, which was capable of pulling living organisms from the outside. However, organisms that were too weak could not survive in this space.


The seven space pockets formed by Nine Realms of Heaven currently lack habitable conditions for anyone to survive.


According to Yu Zi Yu’s speculation, the size of space must reach 110,000 square meters, or even 100,000 for it to have habitable conditions for anyone to leave and cultivate inside.


Of course, there were exceptions for strong Transcendents like the Mermaid Queen, Elsa.


As far as an Emperor of the World like her was concerned, she could survive several years even in the most violent Pocket of Lightning. Even if she couldn’t survive, Yu Zi Yu could care less about it.


Compared to her survival, Yu Zi Yu found observing this bloody feast more important.


Increasingly enraged roars echoed as one Sea Beast after another churned up the deep sea.


However, at this moment, something caught Yu Zi Yu’s attention. It was a slightly smaller Sea Beast, who happened to be stealthily approaching the Dark Willow Tree, unnoticed by anyone, thanks to its stealth abilities.


*Crunch…* Opening its gaping maws, it fiercely bit off a piece of the Dark Willow Tree’s root, and swallowed it right away.


However, just as it bit off a piece of the Dark Willow Tree’s roots, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow slightly. Simply because, right at that very moment, a massive shockwave burst from it before the slightly smaller Sea Beast, that bore some resemblance to a Deer, began expanding at a speed visible to the naked eyes.


At the same time, a very complex and mysterious mark appeared on its forehead, faintly flickering.


“What’s this?” Yu Zi Yu promptly focused his gaze, and immediately saw the information that finally satisfied his curiosity.


The Brand of King — It can suppress the Sea Beasts, and can also unlock the inheritance of Sea Beasts.


After reading the introduction, Yu Zi Yu finally understood.


[So that’s how it is. No wonder why each Sea Beast has gone so crazy. Unexpectedly, the Sea Beast King still had such a secret.]


Meanwhile, the Deer-like Sea Beast didn’t seem to be in a good situation. Because the commotion it caused while it was integrating with the Brand of King was simply too big, attracting the gaze of every single Sea Beast.


Roars so fearsome that it seemed that they would tear apart the very sea echoed again and again.


The roars were filled with penultimate fury. 


At this moment, every single Sea Beast, countless in number, abandoned their opponents and cast a savage gaze towards the Deer-like Sea Beast.


This spectacle served as a revelation for Yu Zi Yu, unveiling the terrifying aspect of the Brand of King.


It served as a test, a test for kingship.


Only those who can deeply cut a bloody path through countless Sea Beasts and endure the time it takes for the Brand of King to integrate truly deserved to be crowned as a King and become the next Sea Beast King.


And obviously, this Deer-like Sea Beast didn’t have the strength to endure.


Despite the boost in strength granted by the Brand of King, it proved insufficient for the task at hand.


Suddenly, the Deer-like Sea Beast let out a piercingly shrill roar, trembling violently.


Looking up, its right leg had been bitten off by another Sea Beast.


However, before this Deer-like Sea Beast could react, with a sudden terrifying roar, a ginormous claw came down along the surging sea currents.


It was one claw, just one claw, but it smashed the Deer-like Sea Beast into a mist of blood, annihilating its body and Soul.


Right at that very moment, the other Sea Beasts spotted a terrifying monster in the shape of Tiger afar in the deep sea, charging towards them.


Its aura was so dreadful and oppressive that not to mention ordinary Sea Beasts, even Yu Zi Yu’s eyes narrowed slightly.


“An Emperor of the World…” Muttering to himself, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes couldn’t help but shimmer at the sight of this Sea Beast.


[Amazing, such a powerful Sea Beast has actually appeared.] However, just at this moment, as if sensing something, Yu Zi Yu couldn’t help but sigh in pity.


Simply because this Tiger-shaped Sea Beast was not the one to obtain the Brand of King, but rather it was another fearsome Sea Beast, no less than it.


It was exceptionally slender, stretching hundreds of meters in length. Its back bristled with rows of menacing spikes, while its narrow, cold eyes betrayed no hint of emotion.. 


It was a Boa, but not just an ordinary one.


It was this Sea Beast that suddenly opened its gaping maw, and sucked in the blood mist when the Tiger-shaped Sea Beast crushed the Deer-like Sea Beast. And within that blood mist, the Brand of King was shining brightly.


“What a pity.” Once again lamenting, Yu Zi Yu’s gaze shifted to the Boa-like Sea Beast that was slowly integrating with the Brand of King.


[Not bad, it looks quite ferocious.]


With the blessing of the Brand of King, its body was continuously growing larger. At the same time, the essence of blood and flesh began to emerge from the blood and mountains of carcasses floating in the deep sea, all pouring towards the Bao-like Sea Beast.


However, at this moment, a fearsome roar echoed as the Tiger-shaped Sea Beast, as well as the other terrifying Sea Beasts in the vicinity, cast a cold and murderous gaze at the Boa-like Sea Beast. At the same time, spine-chilling killing intent erupted from them while their Spiritual Energy surged.


Except, before these Sea Beasts could truly make a move, a shout resounded through the deep sea, “Nine Realms of Heaven.”


Followed by this deep and resonant shout, whirlpools of different colors manifested around the Boa-like Sea Beast one after another.


Among these whirlpools, a terrifying suction erupted from the green whirlpool that exuded a rich vitality.


*Hiss, hiss…* The Boa-like Sea Beast let out terrifying hisses as it erupted with a terrifying strength, deeply resisting this suction.


Right at that very moment, the Dark Willow Tree on the reef trembled violently, and a terrifying moment slowly erupted from it, as if it revived.


“Kill,” with a deep and resonant shout, Yu Zi Yu controlled the Dark Willow Tree to launch a lightning-fast attack using his psychic power.


With thunderous momentum, countless branches of the Dark Will Tree converged into one, shooting towards the Boa-like Sea Beast.


*Boom…* The thunderous impact from the branches caused the Boa-like Sea Beast to lose its footing.


And in that very moment, the suction also intensified.


Visibly, the Boa-like Sea Beast was gradually being swallowed up by the deep green whirlpool.


*Roooaar…* Roaring in anger, the Tiger-shaped Sea Beast finally reacted and rushed out fiercely.


However, just as it was about to approach, the Dark Willow Tree flew up and blocked its path.


One after another, the branches assailed the Tiger-shaped Sea Beast like a storm, stirring up the depths of the sea, steadfastly resisting its pounce.


On the other side, the roots of the Dark Willow Tree turned into Pythons, fiercely attacking other Sea Beasts attempting to approach the Boa-like Sea Beast.


However, this battle did not last long.


Just as the Boa-like Sea Beast was completely swallowed by the green whirlpool, a purplish  root suddenly emerged out of thin air, entwined around the Dark Willow Tree, before disappearing completely from the sea.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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