Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 620, The Final Transformation! Breakthrough

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


“My God, what on earth is that?”


“Are you kidding me? Is this the end of the world?”


Gazing at the distant horizon, countless Humans and even Mutant Beasts witnessed a magnificent black energy wave erupting from the ground.


The sheer force of the shockwave generated winds akin to a Category 12 hurricane, uprooting giant rocks and ancient trees alike.


At the sight of this, not to mention ordinary Superhumans, even Tier-2 and Tier-3 Superhuman couldn’t help but have their pupils contract to pin needles.


*Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh…* Amidst endless swooshing sounds, the entire ASEAN and even half of China were alarmed.


The powerful Spiritual Energy fluctuations were impossible to ignore.


Even those in the midst of breakthroughs or awakenings were compelled to awaken because, at the moment of the explosion, an overwhelming sense of dread arose within them, a crisis so intense that it made goosebumps explode all over their bodies, and their hearts pound loudly.



At the same time, in the depths of Misty Mountains, within the void rift…


“I can’t believe it. He’s coming out of the deep sea at this hour…” Murmuring to himself, Yu Zi Yu gazed southward thoughtfully.


The Flood Dragon King was one of the Seven Sea Kings of the deep sea, and was also the ‘second known’ individual to break through to Tier-4 before the Third Spiritual Energy Tide.


If not for Yu Zi Yu, he would have been reigning the current era.


However, using careful planning and relying on his unfathomable strength, Yu Zi Yu had personally taken action, and severely injured him during his breakthrough.


To Yu Zi Yu’s surprise, he had recovered so quickly.


Moreover, judging by his aura, he had already reached the second or even the third realm of Tier-4.


Except, his aura was quite unstable, suggesting a most recent breakthrough.


“Judging by his current direction, it seems he’s heading towards me… Misty Mountains…” Feeling a bit puzzled, Yu Zi Yu’s expression turned peculiar.


[Could it be that this guy discovered that the Purple Python is actually me? That doesn’t seem likely.] With Yu Zi Yu’s methods, even if the Flood Dragon King had just broken through, he would not have noticed. Even now, when both were at Tier-4, the Flood Dragon King could not have noticed it was his doing..


Even back then, Yu Zi Yu and the Flood Dragon King were at completely different levels back then. And now, the gap has only grown bigger.


Speaking of which, Yu Zi Yu’s accumulation alone had pushed his Spiritual Energy to 90 million recently. And this wasn’t an exaggerated figure.


As a Life Form that had long broken through to Tier-4, Yu Zi Yu had been meticulously preparing for the Third Spiritual Energy Tide.


His preparations were thorough.


Within just a few days, relying on his canopy, which covered an area equivalent to several cities, he endlessly devoured the nine-colored Spiritual Energy.


The speed at which a Tier-4 Transcendent absorbed Spiritual Energy was beyond comparison.


Moreover, as a plant, Yu Zi Yu had an innate advantage in absorbing Spiritual Energy was significant.


Additionally, his body that had been strengthened by Evolution Points had already far superior to his counterparts.


This kind of far superiority extended not just to his physical strength but also to the absorption of Spiritual Energy.


With such continuous accumulation, Yu Zi Yu completed the final round of Spiritual Energy accumulation for Tier-4 in just three days. As a matter of fact, when Elsa broke through, her Mermaid Song echoed throughout the Pocket of Lightning during her breakthrough, providing Yu Zi Yu with a spiritual baptism.


This baptism could be called crucial, but was not as well, as Yu Zi Yu’s profound foundation meant that the qualitative transformation of his Soul was just a matter of a few days.


Her Mermaid’s Song served more of a catalyst, hastening Yu Zi Yu’s final spiritual transformation.


What did this mean?


“Hehe…” Grinning, Yu Zi Yu, seated at the top of his canopy, felt his form woven from countless roots stir with anticipation.


As Spiritual Energy and spirit came in contact with each other, they seemed to resonate, causing an indescribable force to surge within Yu Zi Yu.


*Boom, boom, boom…* In the depths of the void fissure, thunderous sounds instantly started echoing.


Even more astonishing, the vast sea of nine-colored Spiritual Energy that engulfed the entire canopy began to swirl into a massive vortex.


At the center of this vortex was Yu Zi Yu’s immense body.


Devouring, and devouring, like a ravenous beast, endlessly consuming the boundless Spiritual Energy.


However, unfortunately, this enormous vortex, spanning half a continent, remained unseen by anyone. Otherwise, everyone would realize a very terrifying fact.


Of course, Yu Zi Yu had intentionally hidden this.


Times were different now, having a few trump cards was quintessential.


The arrival of the Third Spiritual Energy Tide had awakened numerous famous races from the previous era, creating countless prodigies. Even though Yu Zi Yu was confident, it was prudent to keep some secrets.


It was not just true for enemies, but also for the Beasts of Misty Mountains. Yu Zi Yu would hide his full capabilities even from them if necessary.


Therefore, for this breakthrough, Yu Zi Yu chose a remote void fissure.


At this moment, if someone were to look along Yu Zi Yu’s enormous trunk, they would undoubtedly discover that it reached a height of 10,000 meters, extending further into the void beyond, reaching an end 10,000 meters away. And the void fissure into which Yu Zi Yu’s body merged was webbed shut by countless branches, sealing off both vision and aura.


In other words, no one knew about Yu Zi Yu’s breakthrough, nor could anyone detect it.


*Haaa…* Exhaling deeply, Yu Zi Yu paid no attention to the Flood Dragon King’s approach.


Judging by his dilly-dallying and his occasional stops to destroy towns and cities that came into his sight, he was bound to be intercepted by Superhumans.


Even at the fastest, it would take him half a day to reach Misty Mountains.


Half a day was more than enough for Yu Zi Yu to complete his breakthrough.


With this in mind, Yu Zi Yy focused his attention on his body, ready to finalize the breakthrough.


“Tier-4, known as the Natural Disaster Class, signifies a qualitative change in the Hierarchy of Life itself, enough to establish an ecosystem with oneself at the apex. The cultivation at the Tier-4 involves two aspects: the accumulation of Spiritual Energy and the breakthrough of psychic strength, achieving a qualitative transformation of one’s very being. If cultivation before Tier-4 was about Spiritual Energy and adapting Spiritual Energy to the body, then Tier-4 is about integrating Spiritual Energy with the body, making them indistinguishable. Every movement unleashes immense power, embodying calamity… Considering this, cultivation at Tier-5 likely focuses on the Soul. However, since the Soul is the most mysterious and hardest to cultivate, it would be better to merge Spiritual Energy and Psychic Power, achieving a resonant frequency… This way, through the cultivation of Spiritual Energy, one could significantly drive the growth of the Soul…”



Amidst murmuring, Yu Zi Yu’s understanding of Tier-4 and even Tier-5 became clearer.


Vaguely, Yu Zi Yu even had a glimpse of a path to Tier-6.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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