Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 623, The Pursuit of the Black Flood Dragon

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Just as Yu Zi Yu was about to complete his breakthrough, about 300 kilometers away from Misty Mountains…


*Rooaar!* Amidst a deafening Dragon Roar, a Black Flood Dragon, hundreds of meters long, surrounded by swirling dense, dark clouds, swooped down.


And not far from the dark clouds, Superhumans happened to be overing straight in the sky, one after another.


“That Evil Dragon…” A Superhuman screamed in rage, gnashing his teeth, as he stared fixedly at the Black Flood Dragon lurking deep within the dark clouds. [Nearly thirty cities were destroyed by him with a mere wave of his claws! Even with the evacuation warnings, numerous cities still suffered heavy losses! Besides other things, there are tens of millions dead and injured, with even more Humans displaced! So this… this is the Evil Dragon’s retaliation!]


[But, it isn’t just China, even the losses of the Alliance of Southeast Asian Nations are considerable, ever more terrifying. Rumor has it that several ancient monsters from the most mysterious temple of the ASEAN had tried to stop this Evil Dragon but it had killed almost all the ancient monsters that had emerged from the temple in just half an hour. If it weren’t for the mysterious power protecting the temple, it would have been destroyed as well!]


*Haaa…* Heaving a sigh, a figure couldn’t help but bent over slightly.


“Let’s retreat. This Evil Dragon is far beyond us.” Saying so, the figure turned around.


“What!?” The figure first to speak suddenly shouted in disbelief. “Retreat? How can we retreat? You should know…”


Before he could finish, the figure that had turned around added, “This is an order from the top. Moreover, according to the analysis from the Spiritual Energy Monitoring Bureau, this Evil Dragon appears to be heading towards Misty Mountains. We have no reason to stop it, nor the ability to.”


Just as these words rang in everyone’s ears, the figure broke into a fit of violent cough.


*Cough, cough…* As he raised his hand and looked, a crimson color phlegm mixed with fragments of internal organs entered his sight.


He was a peak Tier-3 Superhuman, an Emperor of the World. He believed that he could dominate the world. However, he hadn’t expected that just withstanding the shockwave from the Evil Dragon’s attack had left him critically injured.


The figure broke into a miserable laughter as a gloom surrounded him. Then, he lifted his feet and hurried away.


[My time is running out. I’ve to settle everything in the time I’ve left. As for this, I don’t want to get involved in this mess. The terror of this Evil Dragon is far beyond what these Superhumans who have just arrived can imagine.]



*Rooaar…* Another Dragon Roar reverberated across the sky as the dark clouds became even darker and denser, accompanied by countless thunderbolts tearing through the sky.


For a moment, countless Superhumans could only see occasional glimpses of a Dragon within the dark clouds.


It was pitch-black in color, with scales gleaming ominously, emitting a peculiar gloom.


Under the pale lightning, it appeared even more sinister.


“Humans, you shall perish by my claws,” a sudden shrill echoed through the sky as violent gales started blowing.


Everyone promptly looked, and much to their horror, they saw two Dragon Claws reaching out from within the dark clouds, before coming to halt in mid-air, gathering massive black energy.


“Be careful!”




“Quickly, get away…”



Suddenly, chaotic shouts enhanced by Spiritual Energy drowned the clamor of the crowd, with one Superhuman after another madly fleeing in all directions, wishing they had two extra legs.


However, the very next moment…


*Booooooom…* Accompanied by a thunderous explosion, a mushroom cloud like a nuclear explosion rose into the air as a terrifying black storm engulfed everything in its path, leveling mountains, uprooting countless Trees.


For a moment, the world under the dark clouds was filled with despair and destruction. It felt like doomsday had arrived.


*Heng heng…* With a deep, and contemptuous laugh, the Flood Dragon King glanced at the few figures occasionally escaping, paying them little attention.


[Stupid Ants! I’ll have fun with you after dealing with that Tree Monster.] With that thought, the colossal Black Flood Dragon flicked his tail, rushing towards Misty Mountains, carrying the rolling dark clouds.


Right at that moment, unbeknownst to the Flood Dragon, shortly after its departure, a slender figure quietly appeared in the center of the battlefield.


*Haaa…* A light sigh escaped from the lips of a girl dressed in a white gown as she gazed blankly in the direction of the Flood Dragon’s departure.


She wanted to intervene, she really did. Except, she had no control over her power.


[More importantly…] Slowly raising her hand, the girl stared blankly at the patterns on her palm.


“Am I still Human?” She muttered to herself, puzzled.


She was indeed puzzled. Since the dawn of the Era of Transcendence, countless Humans began to awaken, and Snow was one of those awakened Humans.


However, Snow’s awakening seemed different from others. Hers was an awakening of the Mind Domain, developing little by little, out of her control.


Mind Domain Development: 1%…


Mind Domain Development: 2%…



At the same time, her power became more and more terrifying.


In an accidental outburst, she killed her parents and even her siblings, which left a huge trauma on her.


Since then, she had been wandering alone… Until now…


Whether it was an illusion or not, she found that her memories of her family were becoming increasingly blurry, and even her guilt was gradually fading.


In a trance, her emotions were fading away…


Just now, seeing the Flood Dragon destroying cities, she hesitated… hesitated whether to do something insignificant.


*Haaa…* Sighing, the girl took a deep look at the pitch-black sky before choosing to turn away.


[Since I’ve missed the best opportunity, I might as well leave. After all, this Flood Dragon will not pass today… There is no doubt about it. Though this Evil Dragon is strong, it’s impossible for it to defeat the monster lurking in the depths of Misty Mountains. Only I know how terrifying that creature truly is.]


Snow’s body couldn’t help but tremble faintly. Her Mind Domain had already developed to 40%, and she could clearly feel the fear in every cell of her body.


Every cell in her body was afraid and conveyed the emotion of fear to her brain.


“A creature even more terrifying than me…” Softly whispering, Snow tightened her trembling body but left without looking back.



A short while after this…


In Misty Mountains, where nine-colored Spiritual Energy was constantly flowing out of a massive crack in the sky, resembling a scar.


Beneath the sky…


*Rooaar, rooaar…* Amidst the roars of Dragons and Tigers, beings far beyond Human understanding stood solemnly, one after another.


“That guy is quite strong!” Grinning, a gigantic Tiger with wings spanning dozens of meters looked towards the horizon, where rolling dark clouds were sweeping in, its gaze burning with fervor.


However, compared to White Tiger from before, the current White Tiger was quite different.


Not only was he several times bigger, but more importantly, black stripes had inexplicably appeared on his body at some point.


Those stripes seemed alive, constantly undulating on White Tiger’s body, making him look even more eerie.


“After all, he’s someone that had advanced to Tier-4 before the Third Spiritual Energy Tide. The depths of his Spiritual Energy is terrifying.” Narrowing his eyes slightly, Golden Monkey, with eyes sparkling like the starry sky, stated while standing silently atop the mountain.


However, if one were to pay attention to his feet at this moment… they would undoubtedly notice the starlight-like radiance continuously weaving, outlining a complex pattern of thousands of meters on the ground.


Shift Stars and Change Constellations, Overturning the Sun and Moon.


The Innate Divine Ability Golden Monkey had now absorbed the power of the rivers and mountains, all for the sake of that one dazzling strike.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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