Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 643, Three Days and Nights of Fierce Battle

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Time slowly passed by, and in the blink of an eye, three days had gone by.


On this particular day, a perfectly round setting Sun clung to the desert’s horizon, casting a deep and dark red hue over the land.


However, it was difficult to tell whether this redness was the hue of the setting Sun or the blood.


All of this was because, within these three days, an army emerged from nowhere.


They were powerful and terrifying. Even more chilling, each Commander of this army was of the Natural Disaster-Class.


In just three days, the northern desert of the continent, which amounted to one-tenth of the continent’s land, had fallen.


Nonetheless, this was not the most shocking part.


The most shocking part was that Kings of various Mutant Beast had rushed to the desert but had not returned.


Rumor had it that the center of the northern desert still echoed with furious roars and agonized howls.


These were the Kings of Mutant Beasts fighting for their territory.


The Lizard King of the Mutant Lizard Tribe, Green Wyvern.


The Twin Kings of the Mutant Kangaroo Clan, Tarot and Kree.


And the Red Beak Tyrant emerging from the depths of the volcano, Red Beak Platypus.



And also, the most terrifying existence from the Emperor Valley — Behemoth.


“Is this Cataclysmic Army really that terrifying?” Gazing deeply in the direction of the desert, where the Spiritual Energy had already become chaotic, a bipedal Mutant Black Cat pondered.


She was the Queen of the Mutant Black Cat Clan, but due to certain reasons, she had yet to reach Tier-4… thus relegated to a second-rate Force on the continent.


“The army itself is not frightening; what’s truly terrifying are its Natural Disaster-Class Commanders.” At this point, the Mutant Black Cat that looked rather eerie with its three tails, turned pale.


She was the Three-Tailed Spirit Cat, one of the very few members of the Black Cat Clan who had awakened their bloodline.


Rumor had it that she would soon become the new Queen of the Black Cat Clan and lead them to glory.


However, at this moment, seeing the Black Cat Queen still somewhat doubtful, the Three-Tailed Spirit Cat recounted, “When I sneaked in to observe, I saw…I saw the scrupulous yet dreadful Lizard King struck by a massive Tiger Paw, sent crashing through several mountain peaks. I also saw Behemoth locked in a heated combat with a monster that resembled a mountain. The aftermath of their battle had split the ground within tens of kilometers…”



Recounting one tale after another, the Three-Tailed Spirit Cat could not help but gasp. Even now, her limbs were completely cold.


Everything was really beyond her imagination. She really could not digest that each and every King on this continent, who stood at the top of the food chain, would fall into such a dire state.


Not to mention Behemoth, she couldn’t even accept the fact that the Lizard King was in such a predicament. That arrogant King, who was always so conceited, was being toyed like a pet.


*Haaa…* Taking a deep breath, suppressing the turmoil in her heart, the Three-Tailed Spirit Cat noticed that the Black Cat Queen’s expression had become grave.


“What is it, Your Majesty?”


*Haaaa…* With a sigh, the bipedal Mutant Black Cat lamented, “The ruler of the continent is about to change.”


[It really is going to change. Even if there are still some hidden Tier-4, Natural Disaster-Class Kings who hadn’t acted, the defeat of these Kings is enough to determine the overall situation. This continent, known as the ‘Mutant Beast Paradise,’ is likely to welcome a new Master.]




Meanwhile, deep in the desert…


*Rooooaar, rooooaar, rooooaar…* Deafening roars shook the world. At this moment, the gray iron fur of Behemoth was stained red.


Not far from it, the massive mountain-like body of Sarcosuchus was trembling slightly.


However, he was not actually trembling, but rather his muscles were pulsing at a rate beyond comprehension, appearing like a tremor.


However, it was this very motion that allowed Sarcosuchus to truly engage in a contest of strength with Behemoth.


“Booooom!” With another thunderous sound, the ground collapsed as Sarcosuchus, with his thick, short legs, charged towards Behemoth.


Not far away, Behemoth, seeing this, grinned widely.


Roaring, it spread its arms wide and tightly embraced the charging Sarcosuchus’ head.


There were no more actions, just the collision of two mountain-like massive figures. Neither backed down even an inch.


“Booooom, Booooom, Booooom…” One rumble after another echoe. The terrifying force from their clashes transmitted to the ground caused it to constantly cave in under their feet.


In just a few breaths, another tens of meters deep giant crater had appeared in the desert. Even now, this crater was expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A short while later, it was already 50-60 meters deep, and their towering figures had sunk into the ground.


“Don’t these guys ever get tired?” White Tiger, pressing down on the Green Komodo Dragon beneath him with one paw, muttered a doubtful voice. There was a puzzled look on his face.


It had been three days, and even Golden Ant had quietly retreated to a corner to rest.


But Behemoth and Sarcosuchus were still full of fighting spirit, battling evenly.


Actually, many Mutant Beasts suspected that Sarcosuchus had not used his full strength.


However, after thinking it over, they did not comment on it.


Even if he did use his full strength, he might not be able to defeat Behemoth and would instead consume more stamina and Spiritual Energy, which clearly was not worth it.


“This is no longer just a battle; more importantly, it’s a contest of indomitable will,” shaking her head helplessly, Nine Tails also shared her view.


“Uh, okay.” White Tiger was rendered speechless, but he also agreed with it.



Not just the battle here, but a magnificent scene of ice and fire on a more distant battlefield also caught the eyes of the Mutant Beasts.


In the desert, amidst the scorching marks left by what seemed like volcanic eruptions, soul-freezing cold winds howled.


Looking up towards the sky, they could see Little White coiled with interest around ice pillars that shot up to the sky.


Below her was a seemingly cute platypus, with flame patterns winding around its body. When it circulated its Spiritual Energy, weak flames ignited around it once again.


It did not appear to be in a good shape, because there were traces of frost on its cheeks, as if it might freeze at any moment.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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