Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 660, The Most Terrifying Viper

| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Three years ago, during the invasion of the Sea Clan, the Barbarian King awakened and welcomed back an Ancient Soul. Through this, he inherited the Will that had led the Barbarian Clan to its current state.


No one knows how powerful he was.


Not long ago, dense and enormous gray-black clouds covered the entire Imperial City, with lightning streaking across the sky like Silver Serpents, and claps of thunder shook the world. Yet, amid this apocalyptic scene, a massive shadow of a spiked mace, enlarged several dozen times, appeared in the depths of the Imperial City, smashing into the gray-black clouds.


*Booooom!* With a thunderous explosion, the clouds dispersed, revealing the Barbarian King standing silently atop the Imperial City.


“It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this shiver…”  In a deep and resonant voice, the Barbarian King looked towards the distant south. There, he sensed a terrifying aura—oppressive and mysterious.


Just sensing it made him shiver, not out of fear, but excitement.


‘The Barbarians are battle-fanatic,’ this wasn’t just a saying, especially for the Barbarian King, the inheritor of the previous era.


“Come, fight with me to your heart’s content,” whispering a command, the Barbarian King began to move.


*Booooom…* With a thunderous clap, the ground instantly cracked, unable to bear his strength, while his burly and towering figure, wielding a spiked mace, zoomed towards the south.


Although from afar, his figure appeared to be walking, his every step covered a thousand meters, disappearing from the view of the Barbarian Clan in an instant.


As soon as he vanished…


*Swooosh, swooosh, swooosh…* Several figures emerged from the Imperial City, one after another.


Unlike the terrifying presence of the Barbarian King, their auras were slightly weaker but they were undeniably Tier-4 Transcendent.


They were the current top-tier experts of the most powerful clan of this continent—the Barbarian Clan.


Four Natural Disaster-Class Warriors upheld the strength of their faction.


Apart from the Barbarian King, there were two men and one woman, each extraordinarily talented. Their Inner Talents were on par with top-tier Mutant Beasts, and they possessed complete legacies.


However, this Clan had always been low-key, and in the last era, they were considered part of the Human Race. They had no desire to contend with the Human Race. If they had, the current dominance of the Human Race might be in question.


Of course, the Human Race’s dominance was merely on the surface; many powerful Clans had already risen in secret. The Barbarian Clan was just one of them, and perhaps the strongest out of them all.


“Let’s go. It looks like there’s going to be a fierce battle tonight.”


“A fierce battle!?” With a bitter smile, the High Priestess of the Barbarian Clan, also the Saintess, tightened her grip on her bone staff.


She possessed the ability to foresee disasters. Today, she had already predicted that the most terrifying force of another continent, and this world, would arrive on the African Continent — A force that they could not stop or resist.


[But, the Barbarian Clan doesn’t surrender.] With a flash of determination in her eyes, the High Priestess led the other two Natural Disaster-Class Warriors southward.




*Thump, thump, thump…* With synchronized footsteps, tens of thousands of Barbarian Warriors started to march, singing an ancient song of the Barbarian Clan.


“In ancient times, there were Barbarians, and they were never destroyed.

Today, there are Barbarians, the legend lives on.

The way of the Barbarian. We fight, and fight only.”


As the Barbarian Clan came into action, other top entities on this continent also did not remain silent.


*Rooooaar, rooooaar, rooooaar…* With thunderous roars, the Mutant Lion Clan, the Kings of the Savanna, started charging southward like berserkers.


There were not many of them, just over a hundred, but each exuded an aura no less than a Tier-3 Transcendent. Among them, the most terrifying aura was enough to make one’s hair stand on end.


The Snow Lion. Its long, pure white fur fluttered in the wind like snow. It moved as if flying on clouds, creating storms through the Savanna as it galloped.


This was the Snow Lion King, one of the mightiest Kings of the Savanna, a true Natural Disaster-Class Beast.


In addition, the Mutant Elephant Clan, known as tanks, were also on the move.


Dozens of Giant Elephants, each towering 50-60 meters high, trumpeted towards the south.


Moreover, the Mutant Ant Clan, Wolf Clan, Wild Buffalo Clan… all the continent’s powerful Clans felt the terrifying aura emanating from the south.


One by one, their strong warriors emerged.


If it were merely an ordinary threat, they might have ignored it. But the aura they sensed now was overwhelmingly terrifying, suffocating even for those at Tier-4.


This was the aura that could only belong to a peak Natural Disaster-Class Entity, a truly terrifying existence standing at the pinnacle of Tier-4.


They simply could not ignore such a fearsome entity. If they did not unite, there would be no place for them on this continent.


The aura they felt carried unrestrained malice, enough to make even Tier-4 Transcendents shiver.


“Should I go or not?” In a remote corner of the continent, a half-meter-long, pitch-black Mutant Snake, radiating with a faint and eerie glow, suddenly spoke like a Human.


This was the Soaring Snake, one of the most infamous Vipers on the continent. Even before the Era of the Transcendence, this Viper was notorious. Not only did it attack other animals, but it also preyed on other venomous Snakes. There were records of Soaring Snakes killing and devouring Tree Snakes, Black Mambas, and Cobras.


Terrifyingly, sometimes it would not even spare its own kind.


And this dreadful Viper had managed to grow into a Tier-4 Transcendent.


If people came to know about its existence, even Tier-4 Transcendents might be restless.


Now, casting a playful glance southwards, the Mutant Soaring Snake hesitated for a moment before slowly moving its body.


Whether to go or not wasn’t important.


Considering there would be plenty of its preferred prey, it seemed necessary to go.



| Evolution Begins With A Big Tree |

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