Evolution Begins With A Big Tree

Evolution Begins With A Big Tree – Chapter 727, The Extreme Dao Imperial Artifact: Radiant Galaxy

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Translator:  Ashish

Translation Checker: Silavin


Meanwhile, away from the fervent Martial Arts Tournament taking place in the heart of Misty Mountains, in the depths of the Void Space, Yu Zi Yu fell into contemplation.


“If the Quintessence of Steel can metalize objects and grant them the growth property…then my Flying Willow Leaf Blades…” Amidst his murmuring, a fierce and sharp aura erupted from the depths of Yu Zi Yu’s body.


*Scrrrrrrip…* Seemingly tearing through space, a pitch-black rift appeared on Yu Zi Yu’s trunk.


And within this rift, five shimmering Willow Leaves could be seen chasing each other in the sea of Spiritual Energy, like playful children.


If one took a closer look, they would notice that the center most Willow Leaf among these five was blood-red in colour, adorned with a jade-like sheen that spread across its surface in a vein-like pattern.


*Whoooaooaooaoo…* Faintly, a lonely and extremely prolonged Whale’s song could be heard emanating from this leaf.


And this was Yu Zi Yu’s Innate Divine Artifact, a low-grade Sentient Artifact that was just a hair-breadth away from achieving mid-grade.


At this moment, as if sensing Yu Zi Yu’s call, with a sharp swoosh, a streak of blood-red flashed in Yu Zi Yu’s expectant gaze, followed closely by four green streaks.


These Flying Willow Leaf Blades were the embodiment of Yu Zi Yu’s Dao of Sharpness.  They were even named as the Heaven-Slashing Flying Blade, symbolizing their ability to slice through Heaven.


And now, they were living up to their name.


Crisp swooshes continuously rang around Yu Zi Yu as the Void Space around him was split asunder again and again, with black arcs like blade cuts filling the space around him.


This was just a result of the sharp aura radiating from Yu Zi Yu’s Flying Willow Leaf Blades.


[“I wonder if you can withstand the baptism of the Quintessence of Steel…] Thinking this, Yu Zi Yu drew out strands of Quintessence of Steel from within the Steel Elemental Heart.


The Quintessence of Steel was limited. In total, Yu Zi Yu had only nine strands.


Bestowing one to Long Shao and witnessing its effect, Yu Zi Yu drew out five strands at once.


Immediately, visible to the naked eye, the Steel Elemental Heart suspended in the sea of Spiritual Energy within Yu Zi Yu gradually grew weak, its metallic luster losing its bright sheen.


However, Yu Zi Yu did not regret this. He believed that as long as the treasure managed to boost his strength, it served its purpose. If these strands of the Quintessence of Steel could help the five Flying Willow Leaf Blades undergo a transformation, then it would all be worth it.


*Buzzzz…* Suddenly, the daggers trembled slightly.


Much to Yu Zi Yu’s astonishment, these Flying Willow Leaf Blades conveyed a hint of excitement. Although this excitement was subtle and hard to detect, Yu Zi Yu’s heightened senses still captured it. It was like an infant yearning for something.


“Well!?” Murmuring, Yu Zi Yu stared fixedly upon the five Flying Willow Leaf Blades, even opening the blood-red Heavenly Eye.


With an increasingly long and rising cry, the five Flying Willow Leaf Blades, led by the blood-red dagger, suddenly soared into the sky, before circling around Yu Zi Yu continuously, chasing each other.


It seemed they were yearning for something.


“Is this what you want?” With a questioning tone, Yu Zi Yu’s branch twirled through space, with the metallic silver-gray liquid climbing over it.


Then, a drop of silver-gray liquid emerged from its tip. However, before the silver-gray liquid could fall from the branch…


*Swoooosh…* With a flash of red light, the blood-red Flying Willow Leaf Blade swiftly flew towards the branch, catching the drop of silver-gray liquid.


As soon as the drop of silver-gray liquid landed on the Willow Leaf, ripples, akin to a stone dropped into a lake, spread across the Willow Leaf, accompanied by a mysterious burst of energy.


*Booooom…* Immediately, the blood-red Willow Leaf vibrated with what seemed to be joy.


Even more astonishing was that the intricate patterns on the blood-red Willow Leaf slowly turned silver-gray.


Red and silver intertwined with each other as a cold, metallic luster suddenly appeared on the Willow Leaf.


“Really, has it become metallic?” In surprise, Yu Zi Yu saw the other four Willow Leaves streaking to the branch, catching the remaining four drops of silver-gray liquid.


*Booooom, booooom, booooom…*


One after another, thunderous explosions erupted from the Willow Leaves as silver-gray luster spread down them, seemingly dying them.


Gradually, the four green Willow Leaves had turned silver-gray, more thoroughly than the blood-red Willow Leaf.


However, this was not the end, as the five Willow Leaves, resembling Divine Artifacts, continuously evolved before Yu Zi Yu.


Sometimes they chased each other, their sharp edges tearing through space.


Sometimes all five leaves appeared, led by the red and silver Willow Leaf, continuously appearing and disappearing in the Void Space.



More surprisingly, a thunderous bang erupted in the Void Space as Yu Zi Yu felt a massive drain of Spiritual Energy.


Immediately after, the five evolving Willow Leaves seemed to have been infused with some power and started continuously splitting apart.


One became two…


Two became four…



In just a few breaths, a sea of silver filled Yu Zi Yu’s vision.


In his sight, within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, countless silver-gray Flying Willow Leaf Blades were floating. Among them, the silver-red Willow Leaf was the most prominent.


It seemed to be the leader.


*Hummmmm…* With a long humm from the tip, the silver-gray Willow Leaves floating in the Void Space simultaneously turned, before shooting off in a certain direction.


*Boooooooom…* In an instant, Yu Zi Yu saw a dazzling silver galaxy of stars, like the Milky Way, tearing through the Void Space. Wherever it passed, even the space continuously collapsed.


[Is it teaching me how to use them?] In a rare moment of contemplation, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes sparkled as he observed the dazzling galaxy.


After a moment, Yu Zi Yu was suddenly struck with a thought, and seemingly sensing his intent, the dazzling galaxy suddenly paused.




*Swoooosh, swoooosh, swoooosh…* Like raindrops falling in the Void Space, a rain of silver light covered Yu Zi Yu’s sight, piercing through the entire Void Space and riddling it with holes.


And after piercing through the Void Space, the silver-gray flying blades gradually vanished, leaving only the five most brilliant flying blades quietly suspended in the depths of the void.


[As expected of a Sentient Artifact, not only can it communicate with my mind, but it can also guide me on how to maximize its power.] In a rare moment of praise, delight filled Yu Zi Yu’s eyes.


With rare praise, Yu Zi Yu’s eyes showed delight.


He had really hit it big this time. While these Flying Willow Leaf Blades might not have become mid-grade Sentient Artifacts in terms of quality, they already possessed some of the powers of one. In addition, his was an exceptionally rare combination of Sentient Artifacts — a Compound Sentient Artifact.


The blood-red Willow Leaf was the primary artifact, while the other Willow Leaves were auxiliary artifacts. To be precise, the blood-red Willow Leaf was the real, most lethal Sentient Artifact, with power surpassing the other Willow Leaves by dozens of times.


The four Willow Leaves were illusory, capable of splitting into countless clones. Here, countless was just a concept. With Yu Zi Yu’s current strength, each of these Willow Leaves could split into millions, and the four could reach four million… enough to form a dazzling galaxy for attack.


Adding more to the dread, these Willow Leaves could continuously be combined and arranged according to Yu Zi Yu’s will, switching between offense and defense at his command.


If Yu Zi Yu mastered the so-called Formations from the previous era, he could use millions of daggers to form a ‘Heaven-Shattering Killing Formation,’ greatly enhancing the artifact’s power by several or even dozens of times.


That would finally be the true majestic power that a Sentient Artifact should possess.



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