I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 253, Red Clothed Demoness’ Revenge, Even the Worst of Hell Could Not Eliminate Her Hatred Towards You

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Linzi

Proofreader: Silavin


Ye Liangtian and Ye Liuli got up and bid goodbyes after discussing this matter. Their purpose was to tell Gu Changge about this matter. However, matters related to the Successor of Demonic Arts was a grave one and they felt uneasy even after telling Gu Changge about it. Although Gu Changge was strong, he might not necessarily be able to deal with two Successors of Demonic Arts.


It has been eventful recently, with the Eternal Outcast battlefield attracting countless cultivators. There were fishes and dragons mixed together. Among them, not only was there the most suspicious Prince Ying Shuang, but there was also now a possibility that another Successor of Demonic Arts had slipped into the mix.


When the time comes, not only would they need to guard against Eternal Overcast creatures, they also need to worry about the Successor of Demonic Arts hiding in the dark. It was a truly treacherous journey.


“Take care, Brother Ye.” Gu Changge gave a small nod after seeing the two leave, a peculiar look appeared in his eyes. [I have to figure out who this new Successor of Demonic Arts is no matter what. I have some guesses but unless I actually see the person himself, I cannot conclude his identity.]


Gu Changge moved to write a letter. He had some orders for Yan Ji. He wanted her to investigate it. 


[The entrance to the Eternal Outcast battlefield has yet to be confirmed, but the location of the Eternal Overcast can be narrowed down. Though, I would need to find a tool to lead the way…] Gu Changge pondered. 


[I must obtain the Eternal Overcast no matter what, even if it meant exposing my Demonic Arts. So long as I can get hold of the Eternal Overcast, I will be able to make the entire Upper Realm tremble with fear. Though, with my current cultivation level of my Demonic Arts right now, I should have no real danger of me being exposed. Still, obtaining the Eternal Overcast is another form of insurance and it would certainly become my trump card.] Gu Changge thought and recalled a certain person. 


[Wang Zijin, someone who also transmigrated like me. According to Wang Wushuang, she also came to the Southern Flourish Heaven. But for some reason, she disappeared. Well, no matter. I have my ways to make her appear.]


As the Fortuitous Lady with the Celestial Physique, Wang Zijin possessed a shock amount of Fortuity. With so much Fortuity, it was impossible for her luck to be poor. Her cultivation base was also far higher than her peers, and she was a darling of heaven. Instead of encountering something bad, they would be fortuitous encounters, and plenty of them.


Gu Changge was considering how he could make Wang Zijin the tool to show him the way. [Although she is sly, she is still a transmigrator. She has transmigrated with her lazy and drama-loving deposition from her previous life. When she had nothing better to do, she liked to randomly roast people and jump in on the fun. It’s quite painfully clear, and I noticed it the first time I spoke with her… While others cannot understand what she is saying, it is plain as day for me. So, scheming against her will be fairly simple. Even more so when she seems fairly interested in me.]


“Someone, pass a message to Wang Wushuang. Tell him, when he learns of his sister’s whereabouts, let me know about it.” Gu Changge summoned Ye Han and ordered.


“Yes, Young Master.” Ye Han retreated after receiving the order.


Shortly after, Gu Changge heard a prompt from the System. 


<Ying Shuang’s Fortuity has been damaged.>


[All within expectation.] The amount of Fortuity wasn’t much and Gu Changge didn’t care much for it. However, it still showed Ying Shuang’s Fortuity was weakening, and everything was going according to plan.


“System, the image I saw of the Peach Village a couple days ago, was it an omen of the next Fortuitous One?” This time, Gu Changge remembered something important and asked the System. Back then, he saw an image of a woman with fine black hair. She was hugging both her knees and had a lonely expression. She sat under the withered peach tree, waiting for something. 


Gu Changge felt that image had something to do with Tao Yao. Furthermore, since he was the only one to see it, it most likely meant that it had something to do with him. However, he was still not certain about this because he had no idea what kind of memories would suddenly appear in his mind one day. 


Just like the Nommening from before, one after another, memories would re-emerge in his consciousness. Gu Changge could not even claim with affirmation that they were something like his previous life. After all, was it not possible for him to be a Demon in his previous life?


Hearing Gu Changge’s inquiry, the System replied, <This matter is currently beyond the System’s prediction. User can ask another question.>


Gu Changge did not expect a straight answer from it anyway. However, the reply was rather confusing. [What does it mean by, currently beyond prediction? Is it suggesting that it might be a possible future? Haa… this dog of a System is really unreliable when it really counts…] 


“Then at the Heavenly Star Realm, the memory that resurfaced after I took Yao Yao as my disciple, what was that about?” Gu Changge asked again. Every time he encountered something like this, he had to notice that the System would prompt him of a new Fortuitous One. Otherwise, he needed to be in close proximity with a Fortuitous One before he could trigger a System mission.


Thus, Gu Changge thought he might as well test it out. The familiar yet strange feeling back there manifested. It was truly something hard to forget. 


At this time, hearing Gu Changge’s question, the System prompted, <Ding, triggered: The Fortuitous Lady, Red Clothed Demoness.>


<Originally, she had faded from history, her body sank into the bottomless abyss.>


<However, even the worst of hell could not eliminate her hatred towards you.>


<Her consciousness had already returned from the darkness. At any time, she might bathe the whole world in blood in vengeance, all to get back at you.>



Hearing the System’s reply, Gu Changge couldn’t help raising a brow. [Which family does this Fortuitous One come from?  Why is this so different from the usual route of things? How much must she hate me to be willing to return from the bottomless abyss? Is it truly solely out of revenge? Could it possibly be hatred born out of love?] 


[You know, a single Yue Mingkong, who wants to take revenge against me is already enough. Now, there is this Red Clothed Demoness out there to get me as well? As I thought, every single Fortuitous One was proof of Heaven’s ill intent towards me.]


“System, what’s the prompt this time?” Following after, Gu Changge opened his mouth to ask again. After all, the appearance of a new Fortuitous One always meant a new prompt. However, for him, it was no different than waiting to harvest leeks.


*Buzz!* At the very next moment, after Gu Changge finished speaking, a radiant flash engulfed his eyes. Following that, visions began appearing. However, they felt like deeply buried memories that were resurfacing in his mind. 


At the foot of the hill, a little girl, who liked to wear red, was tugging at his sleeve timidly without speaking. In front of them was a group of despairing mountain bandits with panic-stricken expressions.


“These people are your enemy. Your family was all killed by them, and your village was also burned down by them… I have caught them, so you can handle them as you see fit. Be it kill them or release them, it’s all up to you…” He softly caressed the girl’s head and softly said.


Sword in hand, the little girl decapitated them one by one. 


“Master, when I grow up, I want to marry you…”


He smiled, “We’ll talk about when you grow up.”


20 years later, the grown up girl ran up to him with a devastated look, “Master, those mountain bandits from back then were actually under your command?”


His expression didn’t change the slightest, “Correct, how did you know?”


The girl’s sword slashed towards him, but couldn’t fall in the end.


She wept, “I can’t do it. Master, can you tell me why you did it…”


His expression remained the same, “I can’t.”


The scenes ended there.


Gu Changge was silent for a long time at this melodramatic plot. [Why the hell is it this kind of bitter, hate-filled drama again?]


Right now, he didn’t even know who this Red Clothed Demoness was. The only thing he knew was that he was her Master at one point, and she hated him. So, out of nowhere, there he now had a disciple who wanted vengeance on him.


[Strength-wise, she is not comparable to Ye Ling, Long Teng, or the Mortal One’s reincarnation. But, if I combine what I know of her to the memory that played back when I was in the Lower Realm, there was a figure in red that got knocked into the abyss by the Demon Halberd in my hand…]


Gu Changge had a hunch. [Looking at the pieces so far, it seemed like I’m either that Demon Lord in my past life or some manifestation of him. So, there is a chance that the red clothed figure had something to do with that version of me at the time. Haa… well, I can only take this one step at a time. Carrying more hatred doesn’t really matter. On the bright side, I don’t have to worry about my leeks, with how many there are.]


[From the looks of it, I shouldn’t have bumped into the Red Clothed Demoness yet…] Gu Changge thought like this and decided to set this matter aside for now.



At the same time, runes flickered inside of a grand palace.


In the midst of it, a youth wearing a gorgeous long robe was cultivating. It was Ying Shuang.


At this moment, he was cross-legged with closed eyes. Little by little, the essence of the universe gathered in one spot according to his breathing. 


An imposing Sovereign Dao Phantom stood proudly over the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms, revealing peerless might. When it appeared behind his back, it looked exceedingly mystical. 


“I have pretty much gotten down all the spell Ying Shuang knows. When the time comes, even if others suspect something, they would never know that I’m a fake.” Saying this lightly, Ying Shuang sighed in relief and finally let go of his worries. He opened his eyes, which were gentle and calm with an indescribable dignity.


During this period of time, he had perfected impersonating Prince Ying, down to his aura and speech. Slowly, it became difficult to find any difference between him and the previous Ying Shuang. 


He explained it to his little sister, Ying Yu, that he had regained parts of his memory, and the problem developed at the beginning of his cultivation was nearly resolved by him as well. 


Ying Yu had little doubt towards this explanation. As for everyone else in the Sky Emperor Mountain, no one noticed anything wrong with Ying Shuang at all. After all, during this period of time, Ying Shuang had obediently stayed put inside the Sky Emperor Palace and did not dare to venture out.


As for the outside world, those that believe him to be the Successor of Demonic Arts, Ying Shuang was accustomed to it. It was also something he could not wash clean right now. Still after he arrived at the Southern Flourishing Heaven, he didn’t believe there would still be people who would dare to act against him. After all, no one actually saw him kill someone using Demonic Arts. Everything was merely speculation.


So long as there was no evidence to prove he was the Successor of Demonic Arts, he didn’t need to do anything and Ying Shuang understood this.


Right now at Southern Flourishing Heaven, everyone was all here for a spot at the Immortal Academy. Their attention was all focused on finding the Eternal Outcast battlefield, so they hardly cared to waste time on him.


Furthermore, other than him, many ancient monstrosities had come out, and they were what everyone needed to take notice of.


[Not to mention Gu Changge, I don’t know if he noticed the horse-feeder servant’s abnormality back then or not…] Thinking of Gu Changge, Ying Shuang’s expression became gloomy and was full of dread. Even now, he did not understand, that horse-feeder boy that Prince Ying had possessed, who was his past self, was now in Gu Changge’s hands.


[If that is really true, that means Gu Changge already has a hold on my weakness.] Thinking of this made Ying Shuang restless. 


[If it was anyone else, it would still be fine, but it just had to be Gu Changge. His power and influence is far above me. Right now, just how can I deal with him?]


“Ying Yu. She went out for such a long time supposedly to gather information, but why have I still not gotten a reply? Did something happen?” Ying Shuang suddenly remembered Ying Yu and began to fret.


The interactions he had during this period of time towards his younger sister, was more than satisfactory. Although Ying Yu’s personality was a bit frank and she also liked to suspect him, it did not affect his affection towards her. He already viewed her as his own sister.


In the past, he was merely a servant that fed pegasi. He had no family or friends. Beside Lady Yin Mei, who was kind to him, everyone else looked down on him. But now, he had a kin. Thus, Ying Shuang would naturally cherish it.


He soon left the palace, planning to inquire about Ying Yu’s whereabouts. However, just as he walked out, he met Ah Gu and the others returning to the manor from outside. The two maidservants were even supporting the inebriated Ying Yu by her arms while they brought her back


“Greeting, Young Master.” They saw Ying Shuang standing there without any expression. Thus, the group’s expression quickly changed as they hastily gave their greetings. 


Although Ying Shuang stayed in and rarely headed outside, everyone at Sky Emperor Mountain held him in high esteem to a terrifying degree. 


“What happened? Why is my sister so drunk?” His eyes fell on Ying Yu. He furrowed his brows and asked.  Even from a distance he could smell the alcohol. [Ying Yu never touches a drop of alcohol. So, why did she suddenly drink out of the blue? And got so drunk?]


“Reporting to Young Master, it was like this. Not long after she went out, she happened to meet Young Master Changge at a pavilion, then some things happened. Following after, Young Master Changge extended an invitation, and she found it hard to refuse…”


“So…” The maid servant’s complexion paled as she spoke. She recounted everything that happened, terribly afraid that Ying Shuang would blame her.


“What happened…”


“Gu Changge…”


Listening to these, Ying Shuang’s expression changed. There was shock and dread in his eyes. He quickly became gloomy. He never would have thought Ying Yu would encounter Gu Changge after going out for a short while. Gu Changge even even forcibly kept her to accompany him to drink. 


[No wonder Ying Yu was drunk to this point, despite never drinking.]


“Gu Changge… You’ve simply going too far!” At this moment, Ying Shuang’s expression was extremely warped and dark. His fists were clenched tightly in fury.


Everyone kept quiet.


Only Ah Gu, an ancient monstrosity from the same period as Ying Shuang, did not feel afraid.


He spoke voluntarily with a slight change in expression, “Young Master, it was under special circumstances. Mistress had accidentally offended a crowd. Coincidentally, Young Master Changge happened to be there and appeased the crowd, otherwise we would’ve had a hard time returning safely to report back to you.” Speaking up to here, he saw Ying Shuang’s expression grow even uglier and he inwardly shook his head.


[Just what is wrong with Ying Shuang during this period of time? He is acting so differently from before. He now acts too arrogantly, like he always wants to show off. To think such a small matter could even anger him. He is like the rumours say, acting like a pathetic, scorned rat. His bearing of a prince is completely gone. He does not even dare to go outside out of fear of confronting Gu Changge. All he does is curse at others a few times behind their backs….] 


“And you believed what Gu Changge said? If it weren’t for him, how would my sister have offended the crowd?” When he heard Ah Gu speak up for Gu Changge, his expression grew increasingly ugly. He couldn’t help but scold, “Fools, the bunch of you. How could Gu Changge have any good intentions? My sister might be naive, but how did the bunch of you all became stupid too?”


Seeing Ying Shuang so angry, the group kept silent. Even Ah Gu was making a bitter smile and chose to close his mouth. In the end, he was merely a follower. His words could not change Ying Shuang’s view of Gu Changge.


“Forget it, I’ll let it pass today. Don’t let this happen again.”


Ying Shuang waved his hands. He knew that there was no point in blaming them, he was just angry in the moment. He worried Gu Changge might have said something to Ying Yu.


However, at this moment, little did Ying Shuang know, his follower’s attitude towards him had changed greatly.


Ah Gu’s expression fluctuated several times. In the end, he seemed to have made a decision. 



| I Am the Fated Villain |

6 thoughts on “I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 253, Red Clothed Demoness’ Revenge, Even the Worst of Hell Could Not Eliminate Her Hatred Towards You”

  1. This guy… Letting bandits attack a village and saving a girl, he has let it happen twice apparently. He literally doesnt change his methods lol. Though I guess in Yao Yao’s case he didnt let anyone die so improvement?

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