I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 788, The Man Whose Existence Is Forbidden, the Chaos Immortal Ascension Pool Manifests

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Gu Changge’s expression remained indifferent as he ignored the words of others. With a sweep of his wide sleeves, heaven and earth trembled, and a terrifying wave seemingly capable of engulfing the entire universe surged.


The Grand Flask accompanied by a vast black light that enveloped the Star Territory soon descended. Even the sweeping grey haze trembled as it was on the verge of collapsing. 


The surrounding Star Territories exploded one after another, turning into nothing but fragments.


The devouring force that threatened to swallow the souls of cultivators was terrifying beyond imagination. Filled with fear, the hidden experts imprisoned in the Dark Cages started trembling all over. They could feel their Sources separating from their bodies, about to be swallowed by the hovering flask.


“Why would you have… a forbidden item…”


“So you are the Successor of Demonic Arts who manipulated the entire Upper Realm from the shadows.”


Some widened their eyes in fear and disbelief when they recognised the legendary Great Flask. They promptly turned pale when they figured out who Gu Changge was.


Not only was he the reincarnation of an Absolute Being from the Forbidden Epoch, but he was also the one suspected of causing the collapse of an era and the River of Time. His very existence had become a taboo that was forbidden to be mentioned. Even ancient records and classics dared not document him, as it would incur unknown and terrifying retribution. 


Someone like him had actually unexpectedly appeared in the present era! He even became the Young Master of the Immortal Gu Family and a prominent figure of the Upper Realm.


No one had ever doubted his existence, nor had anyone truly suspected that he was the puppet master behind the scenes, scheming with his Demonic Arts and leading the Upper Realm into chaos.


Before this, Sky Emperor Mountain, Endless Fire Kingdom, and other influential Forces wanted to label him as the Successor of Demonic Arts, which had sparked public outrage and were denounced by countless people. No one could have imagined that coincidences really did happen, and he truly was the Successor of Demonic Arts.


At this moment, these hidden experts who had learnt the truth turned pale with anger, fear, regret, and unwillingness… They couldn’t fathom how Gu Changge had orchestrated everything, or how he had secretly manipulated the entire Upper Realm.


“What’s the use of knowing everything at this point? The vast Upper Realm will become nourishment for my ascension,” Gu Changge nonchalantly mentioned. Standing in the depths of the universe, he observed everything without a hint of emotion in his deep and ruthless eyes.



The chains around them quivered and fell from all directions before they finally enveloped these hidden experts like shackles, rendering them completely motionless. 


Right then, an expanse of black light erupted like a brilliantly shining black sun before his eyes. The sun promptly exploded, and the boundless black light dripped and transformed into a Black Hole suspended above Gu Changge’s head.


Life Force filled the air where celestial light lingered and Chaos Mist spread. Finally, an endless array of Principles intertwined, forming a Chaos Immortal Ascension Pool.


Within the next moment, the pool abruptly expanded, shrouding the terrified hidden experts before it gradually engulfed them until not a single trace remained. The blood-coloured mist spread like a dense fog, covering all the Star Territories.


Gu Changge stood there with closed eyes, his exquisitely handsome face seemingly frozen. At this moment, he appeared to have become the embodiment of the true Heavenly Dao, who was devoid of any emotional fluctuations, as he coldly viewed all of heaven and its various realms to be insignificant as ants.


In the distant Gods’ Ruins, Tao Yao watched this scene in silence. She felt that Gu Changge and the figure from countless epochs ago were gradually merging and overlapping, but that illusion quickly dissipated.




Colourful Five-Hued Celestial Energy emanated from Gu Changge’s body. When he opened his eyes, his gaze seemed to reflect countless images such as the reversal of the River of Time, the collapse of starry skies, and the revolution of the sun and moon spanning across countless epochs. Just by standing there, he exuded a terrifying aura that made all of heaven submit, leaving the realms to tremble. It seemed as if this universe couldn’t contain him.


[Indeed, I’m still far from reaching that threshold. I need to summon the true Immortal Path and ascend to become an Immortal on it…] Gu Changge shook his head. He realised that even though his cultivation had reached the Peak of the Nirvana Realm, that he was close to the True Immortal Realm, his Primordial Spirit couldn’t emit Immortal Radiance if he didn’t undergo the baptism of Immortal Principles from the Immortal Tribulation. 


Not only his Primordial Spirit, his physical body would also have trouble truly ascending into the True Immortal Realm if he didn’t experience the tempering of Immortal Principles and welcome the Immortal Tribulation.


Although the world was undergoing drastic changes, and the World Principles were becoming more complete, it would still take hundreds of years for him to go through the Immortal Tribulation. His only possibility now was to set foot on the Immortal Path and forcefully undergo the tempering of Immortal Tribulation on it.


Since Gu Changge had the Epoch Dao Fruit, he naturally could allow his Primordial Spirit to cultivate to the point where it would emit Immortal Radiance. But if he wanted to break through to the True Immortal Realm, he still had to be on the actual Immortal Path.


Gu Changge had already formed another plan in his mind. [The real Immortal Path is still nowhere to be found. I need to return to the Upper Realm and then guide the Immortal Path down here again.] 



In the following days, more and more hidden experts from the Upper Realm arrived outside the Resplendence Universe. They formed a vast army that extended beyond the horizon. Terrifying fluctuations collided there as different Great Daos intertwined, causing terrifying rifts to appear in the sky.


However, they were all cautious. After they sensed that the aura of those who had gone into the universe had already vanished, they chose not to enter. Instead, they remained outside the universe, engaging in deductions or other methods as they waited for the best time to rush into the Resplendence Universe.


From where they were, they could feel a thick wave of the Tree of Epoch’s energy fluctuations diffusing from the depths of the Resplendence Universe. The invigorating aura made one’s pores open like when these cultivators were ready to ascend to the Immortal Realm.


The only radiant place was the Northern Dipper Star Territory, where the sky was illuminated. Everyone could see an ancient yet leafy towering tree standing in the centre of the universe. Chaos Qi surged around it, and stars floated in the sky, creating an incredibly mystical and beautiful sight.


“There is an incredibly ancient existence in this universe. His cultivation at its peak definitely surpasses the Immortal Realm. It is him who stole the Tree of Epoch and schemed for countless ages, waiting for us to come and become his nourishment.”


“The Tree of Epoch is inside, and the opportunity for Immortal Ascension is also there. Now, what will you choose? Any thoughts, Fellow Daoists?” Gu Changge’s words echoed outside the Resplendence Universe where these hidden experts had gathered. They were now a terrifyingly big group, consisting of at least dozens of Immortal and Formidable Forces.


The One-Eye Daoist from Sky Emperor Mountain, with an uncertain expression, had already arrived and was conversing with several old friends beside him. They had brought creatures that were resting in the Resplendence Universe from other universes and gained insight into the history of the Resplendence Universe—including the origins of Gods’ Ruins—from their memories.


The Ancient Buddha Sha Na, Golden Sun Gifted Lady, and other hidden experts also appeared. Just like the One-Eye Daoist of Sky Emperor Mountain, they all had a frown on their faces as they observed the scene unfolding in Resplendence Universe.


“This is a place of great risk and danger. I have decided to leave. My Buddhist faith has warned me of the danger of perishing here.” Ancient Buddha Sha Na joined his hands together as his white eyebrows drooped to his cheeks, displaying a compassionate countenance. However, he couldn’t hide the solemnity in his expression. His eyes, which had been closed for a long time, suddenly opened as if trying to see through the scenes in the Resplendence Universe.


Upon hearing his words, many of the hidden experts present had a slight change in their expressions as feelings of unease washed over them. To put it frankly, the vast majority of the strongest individuals from the Upper Realm had gathered outside the Resplendence Universe, and many Forces had staked their entire heritage, risking everything.


“Before our arrival, at least ten or more hidden experts had rushed to this place, but they vanished without a trace along with their armies. Furthermore, someone must have used an Immortal Grade Artifact. The residual aura has not dissipated yet…”


Golden Sun Gifted Lady of the Godly Illusion Clan, who had restored her original appearance, also spoke up. No longer with the white hair from before, she now had beautiful and shiny golden locks. 


In preparation for the opportunity to become Immortal, she had made all the necessary preparations and restored her body to its peak state. But now, she was hesitating. She was even planning to retreat. Ascending to the Immortal Realm might be important to her, but she didn’t want to die here for no good reason.


As all the hidden experts felt a sense of fear and unease due to the eeriness of Resplendence Universe, they decided they wouldn’t set foot in it again.


Suddenly, the Resplendence Universe trembled, and wisps of Celestial Energy overflowed into heaven and earth. The mysterious sight made everyone’s hearts drop to their stomachs.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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