I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 795, The Cruel Truth, Returning to the Upper Realm

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Gu Changge stood there in his white robe with his aura converging into calmness. His elegant features, deep and tranquil eyes, as well as shimmering hair all made him look extraordinary.


He left the depths of Resplendence Universe and returned to his usual self without being shrouded in Immortal Light. He looked completely normal, and yet, the entire universe seemed to move with his every breath.


“Has Senior become an Immortal?”


Inside Gods’ Ruins, the Tree of Epoch still emitted dazzling divine light accompanied by a thunderous sound. But, the fluctuations of Grand Dao were gone because Gu Changge had taken the Epoch Dao Fruit.


Empress Huang Yu looked on in shock. She could not believe that she would one day witness the breathtaking sight of an individual reaching the Immortal Realm.


However, Tao Yao was a lot calmer as she had foreseen this a long time ago. She knew that with what Gu Changge was capable of, he would not allow himself to fail.


Everything had been destined from the start. There was no room for any surprises.


Gu Changge nodded as he cast a glance at the two of them. He did not say anything. With a wave of his wide sleeves, he put the Tree of Epoch away within his Inner Universe. For him, the fact that his Primordial Spirit had reached the Immortal Realm basically meant the same as if he had become a real Immortal.


Now that he was done with everything here, it was time for him to return to the Upper Realm and carry out the purge.


At the same time, the Resplendency Universe began to shrink before him as per his will. It was as if a mighty force was removing the universe from the void.


He took Resplendence Universe with him and erased all traces of it from this place as if it had never existed and he had never been here.


Except, of course, for the wreckage of ancient battleships scattered outside the Resplendence Universe.


These scenes were too shocking. They terrified many living beings in distant universes.


After the Light of Immortal Ascension burst out from the Resplendence Universe, the surrounding area swiftly crumbled apart as if it had plunged into an eternal black hole. All Principles were destroyed.


And now, even the Resplendence Universe had vanished. It had been completely erased from existence.


This sequence of events horrified them. Only a genuine Immortal could do such a thing.


There was no doubt that an Immortal had been born. The intense fluctuations had spread across thousands of territories, and almost all cultivators felt it. They felt a supreme Dao Ability that seeped into every corner of the universe.


It was the birth of the first Immortal after the Forbidden Epoch, and nobody knew his origins. All they knew was that countless living beings were now buried here. It was impossible to count them all.


Even True Daoists became cannon fodder, dying in rapid succession.


Dozens of hidden experts disappeared without a trace after charging into the Immortal Gate.


The events here would undoubtedly alarm all of existence. Even the ancient worlds outside of the Upper Realm would be shaken and horrified.


The curtain fell on the Light of Immortal Ascension, but peace did not settle in the Upper Realm. Among the armies that had rushed towards Resplendence Universe, some had arrived back in the Upper Realm and the first thing they did was inform the others of what had transpired over there.


The Upper Realm, which had been in chaos already, suddenly erupted once more as the flames of terror blazed strongly.


None of the Forces could remain calm. Even the beings in the most ancient of Forbidden Areas trembled. They too felt an immense sense of fear.


Something had gone wrong. The opportunity was fake. It had not been real.


Had the Epoch Dao Fruit merely been bait?


Did all the Forces, and hidden experts who rushed over there become fish that got trapped in the net and lost their lives as a result?


The one who became an Immortal was not one of the hidden experts but another mysterious individual instead. He was the dark mastermind of the overlapping epochs and a sinister individual who plotted against everyone.


What a cruel truth that was. Many people shouted in disbelief when they heard it. They could not accept this news. Some even fainted as their hearts filled with endless grief and sorrow.


As if to confirm this news, strange phenomena appeared in the skies above some of the homelands of certain Forces. Blood poured down from the skies, accompanied by the sounds of heartbreaking cries. The chilling sight stretched out across the entire Upper Realm.


Mystic Mountain, which had only left a remnant soul of a hidden expert behind to watch over the place, was the first to collapse.


The wailings of the people could be heard as a mist of blood scattered in a way that seemed to reflect the events which took place over the Resplendence Universe. Streaks of life that felt like the Grand Dao were slowly dying out.


Each one that disappeared signified the death of a hidden expert. This was an unimaginable loss for the Upper Realm. It was a true tragedy and the most unbearable pain for the Force.


Apart from the deaths of the hidden experts, the Immortal Grade Artifacts that belonged to the Force had also been lost in that battle and their whereabouts were now unknown.


This was a terrifying and unbearable painful loss. Without the protection of the hidden experts and the Immortal Grade Artifact, in the chaos of the Upper Realm right now, it might only take a few years for these Forces to be entirely erased from existence.


This was the result of a desperate gamble.


Naturally, as the Upper Realm was already in chaos, the Forces that were exterminated on a daily basis numbered so greatly that they were like droplets of water in a never ending river. 


Nevertheless, these Forces had not been around for as long as the Immortal Forces.


“This is a calamity. Almost everyone who went over in the hopes of becoming an Immortal has died…”


“A ruthless individual plotted against the whole Upper Realm for countless years. The plot began from the moment the Tree of Epoch was stolen. He hid within the River of Time, like a shadow in the darkness, and only revealed his true face now.”


“Perhaps that ruthless individual is the one who founded Dark Heaven, which suddenly emerged during this time.”


“No one could figure out the origins of Dark Heaven in the past. The thought of the master of Dark Heaven being a True Immortal is a truly terrifying one.”


Many hidden experts who had not joined the hunt for the opportunity of Immortal Ascension felt chills down their spines. They were immensely relieved.


However, they also felt a belated sense of fear as they realised that if they had not restrained themselves earlier, they would have likely died there too.


The hidden experts who returned from Resplendence Universe were even more restless and fearful. They were worried that the ruthless individual would come after them too. Although they escaped in the end, in the eyes of an Immortal, that would not make a difference.


From this day onwards, a cloud of extreme fear and unease hung over the Upper Realm. Everyone felt as if their lives were in danger.


Inside the grand Mortal Palace, Jiang Chuchu’s slender face was turned up as she gazed at the distant starry sky and whispered, “Have you succeeded?”


Although Gu Changge did not tell her about what he had planned, she knew that he was the one who plotted against everyone.


Mortal Palace did not get involved with worldly affairs and was thus unaffected by the calamity that befell the Upper Realm.


Moreover, because of Gu Changge, Mortal Palace was protected and distanced from everything.


However, Jiang Chuchu looked weary. Despite knowing that what Gu Changge had done was a heinous act that brought disaster to all of existence, she could not help but worry.


It was a massive plot that involved many hidden experts. How was he going to handle them?


At the same time, she felt conflicted and lost.


She, the Saintess of Mortal Palace, could not save all living beings. The teachings of Mortal Palace seemed impossibly weak right now.


In the end, she was able to accept it all. She thought that Gu Changge had been right. One should prioritise oneself above all else.


“You will come and see me, right? You promised.”


Jiang Chuchu smiled faintly as she continued gazing at the starry sky, waiting for Gu Changge’s return.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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