I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 801, A Brilliant Sun Rises, Forging the Everlasting Imperial Treasure

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


The majestic Power of Faith gathered from the many territories and formed a vast silvery ocean in the central region of the Upper Realm.


All could witness the awe-inspiring scene. The shocking silver glow stretched across the sky and bathed everything with its radiance before igniting like a godly flame.


A sound echoed through all under heaven as countless knelt in devotion in its direction. 


In just a short amount of time, the Divine Empire that surfaced in the central region of the Upper Realm, emerged from an ancient world in all its ancient glory.


This could be described as a miracle. An ancient world that had exhibited for an unknown amount of time had been claimed by Dark Heaven.


They created an empire with territories and structures that seemed to stretch on from eternity. The towering divine trees and majestic ancient mountains stretched on endlessly as well.


Countless Forces across infinite distances and innumerous territories saw the miraculous scene that was manifesting. Booming sounds echoed within that enigmatic empire, with them reaching every single corner of the universe.


The empire could even be seen to be illuminated by the radiance of Celestial Light. Immeasurable armies appeared from all directions. They rode in with their beasts as their arms bore various heavenly weapons. It was a magnificent and imposing sight.


“The imperial ritual begins!”


Apart from that, 108 True Daoists could be seen standing in the four different directions of the empire. Their Dharma Bodies, tens of thousands of kilometres tall, prostrated themselves in the direction of the palace as divine light circled them. They were all displaying their utmost devotion.


They were the 108 Divine Generals of Dark Heaven, who were all of the Nirvana Realm. This single force was formidable enough to suppress any Force in the Upper Realm.


36 hidden experts appeared from a different direction. Their monstrous auras exerted pressure that felt like a blazing furnace, and that pressure seemed to crush the entire universe. It was as if the world could not bear the load of their true bodies.


They were the Star Kings, who wore robes to signify their status. They had various artifacts suspended above their heads. As they ruled over Star Territories, they had boundless land and men under their command. Yet, they too prostrated themselves towards the Immortal Divine Empire that Dark Heaven created with deep devotion.


Over the past few decades, Dark Heaven swept across the Upper Realm and had long since grown to be in absolute dominance. Many experts were their followers, be it through forced submission or voluntary surrender. As a result, Dark Heaven had an alarming and unprecedented number of followers.


This Empire had been established in this ancient world a long time ago. It simply remained hidden from the many worlds. Now that the time was ripe, it finally emerged and exerted its dominance over all of existence.


Countless followers knelt devoutly while facing in its direction. They kept tapping their heads against the ground. A sea of silvery Power of Faith surged out of their heads and turned into silvery godly flames that lit up the universe above Dark Heaven.


Numerous hidden figures added various divine materials and sacred artifacts to the silvery flames. It was to create the Imperial Treasure of the Divine Empire. 


It was to be a supreme artifact that could bless the Divine Empire’s Fortuity. It was made out of the Power of Faith, bolstered by all manner of divine materials, and would last for all eternity.


The godly flames which were powerful enough to incinerate the universe forged the  Imperial Treasure right in front of the entire Upper Realm.


This scene was too shocking, causing countless beings who witnessed this spectacle to fall into a daze.


Next, everyone saw the appearance of a hazy silhouette of an Absolute Being who was shrouded by Celestial Mist. The silhouette recited the ceremonial text and began to cast Immortal Runes to forge the Imperial Treasure.


Immeasurable radiance erupted. It dazzled so brightly like the unimaginable brilliance of an eternal sun that could destroy everything and sink everything back into chaos.


Even the basic form alone was enough for everyone to sense the spread of a grand aura that could suppress all of existence. 


“Dark Heaven’s  Imperial Treasure shall be forged in the form of a brilliant sun.”


Gu Changge whispered as his true body became visible. He used the silvery True Flames of Faith to refine the various divine materials. Then, he began to forge the  Imperial Treasure and added Grand Runes to it.


He had long planned to make a brilliant sun and turn it into the Divine Empire’s Imperial Treasure. It would be suspended high in the sky; remaining there in its eternal and indestructible form. Its light could destroy anything it touched.


Everyone who witnessed this scene could not help but surrender themselves with absolute sincerity. They were shaken to their core.


“The Master of Dark Heaven…”


“The ruthless individual who terrorised the entire Upper Realm has finally emerged.”


Within some of the sealed ancient worlds, many of the ancient beings who had awakened were looking on as well. Their voices trembled as they were filled with shock and fear.


Although they could not see Gu Changge’s true appearance clearly, they could still see a hazy silhouette.


Even though he was simply just standing there, an unparalleled kind of pressure naturally emanated from him. It made all the territories shake.


He had a tall and slender figure that made him seem ethereal. His hair overflowed with Five-Hue Divine Light and his figure was surrounded by Chaos Qi. Everyone bowed in worship. No one dared to show any kind of disrespect.


This was the enigmatic Master of Dark Heaven who was finally showing himself. His aura, that of an Immortal, spread out across the universe. Under his gaze, even the hidden experts quivered and submitted themselves to him. 


Dark Heaven emerged and established itself as an everlasting and Immortal Divine Empire. Light streaked across all of existence and illuminated everything.


Countless Forces bore witness to this spectacle. Even within the oldest and most mysterious Forbidden Areas shrouded by mist, there were Absolute Beings who reacted in shock as they turned to see what was happening.


As Gu Changge continued to refine the Imperial Treasure, countless indescribable mysterious phenomena appeared in the sky above. This included celestial suns streaking across the sky, Celestial Phoenixes striking in the air, Chaos Qi separating, many beings coming into being, and ancient individuals worshipping the heavens…


The grand ceremonial texts were set on fire as if they were an offering to the world in the worship of the Imperial Treasure.


Everyone was bowing and worshipping. Living beings filled all of existence.


In the end, the ceremonial texts shot to the far reaches of the universe, stirring up the power of unknown and abstruse territories.


Thunderous rumblings echoed as the universe trembled. Bolts of lightning as wide as stars flashed alarmingly as an Immortal Tribulation, the likes of which had never been seen before, started up as the Imperial Treasure was being forged. The lightning streaked across the sky and even descended upon Gu Changge.


These terrifying bolts of lightning contained so much Immortal Light and Chaos Qi that even the hidden aces could not bear them.


After the drastic changes in the environment, World Principles had been affected. Immortal Principles descended and transformed into a terrifying Heavenly Tribulation that showered upon the Imperial Treasure.


Countless shivered in terror. It was their first time witnessing such a massive and frightening Heavenly Tribulation.


This was no ordinary Heavenly Tribulation. It was an Immortal Tribulation that only an Immortal could bear.


“This has never happened before, not even when the Immortals forged their Immortal Grade Artifacts in the past…”


“Dark Heaven has come into power. Even heaven has recognised their Imperial Treasure. Once this tribulation ends, no one will be able to stop them anymore.”


The ancient beings within the Forbidden Areas shrouded in mist lamented with mixed emotions.


They had personally witnessed an Immortal Divine Empire rising within a few short decades; one that was built on the ruins of numerous Immortal and Formidable Forces.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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