I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 813, Controlling the Opportunity for Immortal Ascension; Paying a High Price for the Immortal Ascension Token

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Outside the palace was a vast square shrouded in mist.


Despite being crowded with people everywhere, everyone kept silent. Many ministers respectfully awaited for the Divine Lord to appear and announce the commencement of the Ceremony of Immortal Ascension.


As the name suggested, the grand ceremony was specifically held for Immortal Ascension. Practitioners from various corners of the universe came rushing to witness the magnificent event.


Many were also curious and wanted to know if the Immortal Selection List, as mentioned by Gu Changge, was truly as miraculous as he claimed, if it could instantly bestow immortality and allow cultivators above the Sacred Emperor Realm to transcend their mortal selves.


In the forefront of the palace, the ministers stood in the most prominent positions, while behind them were influential and formidable figures, including several hidden experts, as well as the existence of Immortal Grade Artifacts. Even in the present Upper Realm, they remained indisputable overlords.


They also enjoyed esteemed positions in the Divine Empire, with vast territories and immense power.


Of course, among those at the forefront were the Godly Illusion Clan, the Hidden An Clan, and the Primal Celestial Temple.


The current head of the Godly Illusion Clan was bestowed the title of Marquis of Godly Illusion and held a high position of respect. Additionally, Jin Yang, a hidden expert of the Godly Illusion Clan, had a close relationship with a divine consort. As a result, the Godly Illusion Clan held a prominent position in the Divine Empire. Even other Immortal and Formidable Forces treated them with great courtesy.


As for the Primal Celestial Temple, also known as the Primal Demonic Temple among the common folk, it was among the Divine Lord’s most trusted Force. It was referred to as the ‘state religion’ because the head of the Primal Celestial Temple was the Divine Lord’s grandfather. As for the Immortal Gu Family, they were undoubtedly the Imperial Family of the Divine Empire.


At the forefront of the palace, the Lord of the Immortal Ascension Chamber emerged. It was a tall figure wearing a bronze mask and a long, blue robe that obscured the face. The eyes that were visible were deep and cold, devoid of any worldly emotions.


His cultivation was incredibly terrifying, making even ordinary hidden experts tremble in fear.


This person was none other than Yan Luo, the former Fourth Lord of Neraka, who had been bestowed the name Ah Er by Gu Changge.


His has been a Remnant Immortal Realm long ago. Apart from Gu Changge, few beings in the Upper Realm could easily defeat him.


Behind the Lord of the Immortal Ascension Chamber, numerous beardless eunuchs were representing various races. Their cultivations were unfathomable, and they stood respectfully outside the palace.


In addition to the Immortal Ascension Chamber, the Asura Chamber, the Heavenly Secrets Chamber, the four Guardians—Blade, Spear, Sword, and Halberd— and many Forces affiliated with the Gu Family appeared, either as leaders or overseers, all standing respectfully outside the palace.


The Ceremony of Immortal Ascension was of immense scale, a grand event spanning the universe. Even several Divine Consorts and the Empress showed up.


All the ministers in the vast square were shaken by what they saw as they gained a direct glimpse of the Divine Empire’s power.


“Presenting, the Divine Lord!”


The entire universe shook just then, accompanied by a resounding bell toll, and the resounding sounds of the Great Dao could be heard in every corner of the universe.


A slender figure, enveloped in brilliant celestial light, appeared outside the palace. Even his strands of hair exuded an iridescent radiance. He appeared incredibly young, with a noble countenance. His eyes were calm and profound, as if capable of penetrating all the secrets of the universe and ancient times, insightfully observing the past and the future.


His Dharma Body manifested at the pinnacle of the Divine Empire, towering as if reaching the heavens, making the surrounding stars appear minuscule like specks of dust.


Even beyond the Divine Empire, the beings in the vast universe felt a connection, filled with awe and reverence, prostrating themselves in the direction of the Divine Empire.


Following Gu Changge, Empress Yue Mingkong, Divine Consort Yin Mei, and Jiang Chuchu, all appeared outside the palace alongside him.


“All hail, the Divine Lord! Long live the Divine Empire!” A vast chorus of respectful voices resounded throughout the square. All the ministers and living beings kneeled forward, displaying their utmost reverence.


The phenomenon was enough to shake the universe while the world was filled with an immense ritual radiance.


Strands upon strands of silver Power of Faith gathered in the sky above the Divine Empire before finally surging into the resplendent sun.


Crystal-clear light showered down, golden lotuses bloomed, and Dao sounds echoed throughout the world. Almost all beings experienced a profound connection, their souls feeling enlightened and their hearts becoming even more devout.


At this moment, the Fortuity of the Divine Empire soared into the sky. Even at the edge of the sky, the sun and moon radiated with brilliance, outshining the heavens. It then reflected the river of time, with torrents of water surging into great waves.


From one end of the river of time to the other, the powerful beings from the past and future all felt a connection, filled with awe.


“Rise, everyone.” Gu Changge nodded gently, his gaze calm and tranquil, signalling for everyone in the square to stand up before finally directing his gaze towards the Immortal Ascension Altar.


To him, the Ceremony of Immortal Ascension was the best opportunity to showcase the Immortal Path to the entire Upper Realm, so it had to be grand.


As the ministers rose, Gu Changge waved his hand gently, causing boundless light to illuminate the heavens and earth. A golden list appeared, radiating a dazzling and ancient brilliance, with the words ‘Immortal Ascension’ written in resplendent characters.


The list exuded an intense Power of Faith. Even the corners permeated with the aura of transcendence.


Even the hidden experts harboured a desire right then, believing the Immortal Selection List contained the opportunity to become Immortal.


The Tree of Epoch and the Epoch Dao Fruit were both under Gu Changge’s control. By refining those two items, he could easily grasp the chance to become Immortal.


Even if the environment of the heavens and earth were to revert back to the Immortal Epoch, ordinary people would probably not have the qualifications to tread the Immortal Path. After all, achieving immortality was of tremendous significance.


As if Gu Changge couldn’t sense it! No way could he watch a True Immortal rise before him and threaten his position!


The birth of the Immortal Selection List had long predetermined everything. After Gu Changge unified all under heaven, it would be the only opportunity for others to become Immortal. This opportunity could only be bestowed by the Divine Empire, while the Divine Empire would enjoy the faith and worship of all. However, getting on the list meant being bound by the Divine Empire and Gu Changge, with their lives held in his hands.


Right then, all the ministers and subjects of the Divine Empire gazed at the golden list at the top. It seemed boundless, standing high above the clouds, spanning half of the universe.


“The grand ceremony begins.” As a True Doaist eunuch loudly announced, the ministers positioned at the forefront of the Imperial Palace trembled, then walked forward without hesitation.


They respectfully looked at Gu Changge, each of them swearing without hesitation, “We are willing to follow the Divine Lord for generations and submit to the Divine Empire. This commitment is evident to the heavens and the earth, and audible to all living beings…”


As their words fell, there seemed to be a resonance in the void. A faint golden light began to fall upon the Heavenly Dao Steles on the palace square, casting reflections upon them.


“We, the Immortal Kui Family, present the Nine Heavens Vast Seas Armour and the Four Directions Cloud Realm Flag in exchange for an Immortal Ascension Token…”


A majestic and tall middle-aged man stepped forward. He was the patriarch of the Immortal Ji Family. With great respect, he spoke while a small ancient world appeared behind him. A dense celestial light enveloped the two items, shining brightly. Then, they transformed into two streams of light that directly merged into the Immortal Ascension Altar.




The Heavenly Dao Steles trembled, emitting a resounding force that shook the heavens and the earth. Profound radiance and rules flowed on them as if evaluating the value of these two items and whether the man was worthy of obtaining an Immortal Ascension Token.


The events stunned all the ministers. The Nine Heavens Vast Seas Armour were one of the hidden foundations that supported the Immortal Kui Family. After all, once worn, even Immortals would find it challenging to penetrate through its defences.


As for the Four Directions Cloud Realm Flag, it was a renowned Innate Treasure in the Upper Realm. It was said to have been nurtured by the world energy of all four directions of the Cloud Realm in ancient times. There were four flags in total, and when wielded, they created extraordinary phenomena, causing the heavens and earth to become chaotic. They could defend and suppress enemies with profound and limitless techniques. If all four flags were gathered, a grand array could be deployed, capable of slaying even immortals.


The Immortal Kui Family had spared no expense in pursuing an Immortal Ascension Token. This caused many other influential Immortal Families’ expressions to change.


Silavin: Immortal Kui Family is technically the Immortal Ji Family. Characters are different in Chinese. But, I believe it is confusing cause we already have a Hidden Ji Family. So, I’m changing it to Kui, which is the pronunciation for the word ‘季’ in Hakka



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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