I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 815, Attempting to Abolish the Heavenly Dao Authority; the Birth of the One True World

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


In the end, the Ceremony of Immortal Ascension concluded with the appearance of eight True Immortals.


Although various Forces later offered numerous treasures, they failed to stir the Immortal Selection List in the slightest. Those who were included in the Immortal Selection List were exhilarated, blessed by the Divine Empire, and granted the might of an Immortal. It was truly an incredible opportunity to transcend from mortal to Immortal in a single step.


Their figures, like blurry deities, reflected upon the Immortal Selection List, surrounded by swirling celestial radiance, majestic and holy, easily overlooking all with unmatched might. Yet, they all knelt respectfully before Gu Changge, Yue Mingkong, and others, deeply aware of who bestowed upon them everything they had.


Moreover, due to a strand of their Soul being entrusted to the Immortal Selection List, in the eyes of these cultivators who received this blessing, Gu Changge’s presence was no different from the ancient ruler of the world, commanding all Immortals.


Although they already possessed the might of an Immortal, they were still no different from ants before Gu Changge.


With the conclusion of this event, many Forces that missed this opportunity felt incredibly poignant. They knew that if they wanted to activate the Immortal Selection List again after the Ceremony of Immortal Ascension, the price they would have to pay wouldn’t be as simple.


Even if the Immortal Forces exhaust all their resources and even take from others, obtaining an Immortal Ascension Token would still be difficult. As the event progressed, there was no response, even when several Immortal Grade Artifacts were offered to the altar. The Heavenly Dao Steles remained silent, and the Immortal Selection List did not emit any light.


At that, the Forces who displayed their loyalty first rejoice secretly, glad they made the first move because otherwise, obtaining an Immortal Ascension Token would have been incredibly challenging.


Of course, Gu Changge gave them another chance. The Immortal Selection List would manifest every hundred years for another ceremony.


During these hundred years, all Forces could prepare for the next Ceremony of Immortal Ascension. Compared to the arduous time spent cultivating to become Immortal and risk and tribulations they would need to go through, which did not guarantee success, being included in the Immortal Selection List was a godsend. Just getting on the list meant gaining the power of an Immortal and enjoying Immortality. This was an unimaginable temptation for all, with no one able to escape its allure.


Even after the event, numerous hidden experts appeared, seeking an audience with Gu Changge outside the palace, willing to pay any price to obtain an Immortal Ascension Token. They also yearned to become Immortal, and throughout history, despite their use of various secret techniques to prolong their lives, they would eventually face death.


In this era, with Gu Changge ruling over the Divine Empire, even Demonic Immortals that emerged from the river of time getting easily destroyed with a wave of his hand. None of them would be dumb enough to cross him.


However, Gu Changge didn’t entertain the hidden experts and their desires, only stating that the next Ceremony of Immortal Ascension would occur in a hundred years, and if they wanted to get on the list, they must find suitable treasures within these hundred years that could activate the Heavenly Dao Steles and be recognised by the Immortal Selection List.


The universe was vast beyond imagination, with many unexplored regions that undoubtedly contained ancient or Immortal treasures buried within the chaos. If these hidden experts wanted to obtain an Immortal Ascension Token, they would have to find a way to venture into those places, risking their lives in search of extraordinary treasure. Ordinary techniques and artifacts could no longer gain the approval of the Heavenly Dao Steles.


The grand event had undoubtedly shaken the world. Although powerful figures and leaders from various Forces had gathered at the event, the universe was vast and expansive. Many couldn’t attend the event personally, let alone witness the grand spectacle with their own eyes.


Of course, news of the event spread throughout the different regions, and some images were recorded on photographic stones and in books of record for future generations to observe.


During this period, Divine Temples sprung up in various places, and many people spontaneously built temples for Gu Changge. The incense in these temples burned endlessly, and every day, numerous people came to pay their respects.


Throughout the universe, the sounds of prayers and rituals could be heard everywhere. Not long after what happened in the Resplendence Universe, prosperity and tranquillity were restored. The common man thrived, multiplied, and grew stronger.


After the Ceremony of Immortal Ascension concluded, the Heavenly Dao Steles moved and emerged, one after another, in every ancient Divine Cities. They were quaint, simple, and ancient looking, crafted from unimaginable materials.


Starting from the Physique Realm, the steles listed the strongest prodigies of the same realm throughout the ages. If they were listed on the stele, they would be recognised by the Heavenly Dao Steles and receive unparalleled rewards.


Even before ordinary cultivators approached, they could feel the overwhelming and terrifying pressure that could bend one’s legs and make them feel as though they would explode.


Facing any Heavenly Dao Stele was like facing an ancient primordial god. Even cultivators in the Sacred Emperor Realm felt apprehensive and could only observe from afar, not daring to approach one haphazardly.


Once the Heavenly Dao Steles appeared, they immediately caused a terrifying sensation throughout the universe. It was a spectacle as shocking as the Immortal Selection List, as it listed the strongest prodigies throughout the ages.


How many had there been since ancient times? No one could say for certain, not even the beings who had become Immortal, despite knowing so many secrets.


However, after Gu Changge established and ruled the Divine Empire, he first established the Immortal Selection List, breaking the rules of cultivation, and then listed the most powerful prodigies from the past, intending to establish this other use of the Heavenly Dao Steles.


Many Forces realised that Gu Changge’s actions held great significance. He seemed determined to completely abolish the current Heavenly Dao Authority.


If he were to truly succeed, then the universe would become his personal garden. However, for the younger generation, this would be an unimaginable opportunity, allowing them to clearly understand the vast gap between themselves and the countless peerless prodigies throughout history.


Moreover, by having their name enter the Heavenly Dao Stele, they would gain unparalleled opportunities to further advance their cultivation. Still, considering the current situation, the Heavenly Dao Steles has only just  been revealed, and its profound mysteries have yet to be fully showcased, let alone encompassing all the prodigies throughout the ages.


Gu Changge’s actions were merely a precursor, a signal to the world. It made them realise that in the near future, the Heavenly Dao Steles’ appearance, just like the Immortal Selection List, would cause significant changes.


In addition, Gu Changge also had plans regarding the False World.


He personally manifested another Dharma Body, commanding a vast army, sweeping away the remnants of those shattered worlds, which have remained deep and hidden within various spaces since the Forbidden Epoch.


He took the remnants of those shattered worlds’ Sources and fused them together, intending to use them as a sacrifice to create the False World and stir up the Six Paths of Reincarnation, moving the souls of the departed into a different cycle of life and death.


The False World functions similarly to the mythological Hell. If the False World came into existence, it would undoubtedly affect the operation of the World Principles.


Throughout the ages, the functioning of the universe and the cycle of life and death as a unified whole remained debatable. However, Gu Changge’s actions were akin to seizing the authority of the what had been established, seizing the Heavenly Dao Authority, integrating his intentions into the trajectory of the whole world.


Once the False World completely replaced Hell, the cycle of life and death in this world would ultimately be under Gu Changge’s control.


Even if their lifespan dried up and their lives were exhausted, he had a way to make them re enter the cycle of reincarnation, live another life, or even attain eternal life. However, such actions might come at an unimaginable cost.


Therefore, the birth of the False World was exceedingly difficult, to the point where even Gu Changge believed it was only second to reestablishing the connection to the Immortal Domain s. Even the process of collecting the Sources of destroyed worlds was an unprecedented task and immensely difficult.


“If the False World is established, the Six Paths of Reincarnation and Hell must be integrated into it… This is a colossal undertaking that cannot be completed in a short period of time…” Gu Changge sat cross-legged at the edge of the boundless void. Before him, divine radiance sparkled, and a hazy glow permeated the surroundings.


There were also fragments of ancient world Sources, colourful and the size of fists, levitating around him.


He was refining these Sources, attempting to forge the False World. However, in this process, there were neither any signs of manifestation or acceptance by the current world. Instead, in the depths of the universe, several chaotic lightning bolts struck down in his direction.


The Six Paths of Reincarnation itself operated within the current Heavenly Dao Authority. Gu Changge’s current actions were an attempt to completely abolish the rules of the world that had been established since its creation. He was not surprised by the backlash he would face; however, an unsettling premonition arose deep within him.


“This endeavour is too difficult. If I forcefully continue, I’m afraid my physical body will shatter…” Gu Changge noticed a crack appeared on his forehead, and accompanying it was a crack that surfaced on his Dharma Body that reflected in the universe.


In the Divine Temples, incense wafted through the air, and the countless who were worshipping a statue of him were taken aback. They suddenly saw a slight crack appearing on the statue, which filled them with shock and horror. However, that crack vanished in an instant, leading many to believe it was a mere illusion.


In the depths of the void, Gu Changge collected the world Sources that were being refined, and the crack on his forehead gradually healed, disappearing in an instant.


However, he fell into contemplation. This kind of backlash was incredible. It had occurred without his awareness, without any signs or warnings. If he were to continue, even his Dharma Body might shatter.


[Perhaps the timing is not ripe yet, or is this an act that truly defies heaven? Is it because my current cultivation cannot bear it?] Gu Changge pondered, recognising that while his soul was mighty, his physical body had yet to undergo the true baptism of Immortal Tribulation, making it susceptible to anomalies.


With these thoughts in mind, Gu Changge decided to temporarily set this matter aside.


It was about time to accumulate enough power during this period and prepare for the true arrival of the Immortal Domain. Once that happens, he could truly step into the Immortal Realm, both soul and body.


Just as Gu Changge was contemplating the descent of the Immortal Domain…





In a vast and boundless Sea of Worlds, there was suddenly an eruption causing immense waves. With a crash, the ancient barriers of the worlds collapsed and they shattered into countless fragments.


In this infinite Sea of World, vague boats were crossing it. However, the Storms of Great Dao in this place were terrifying. Even the lightning bolts that struck down carried unimaginable destructive force.


This place was vast and obscured, shrouded in dense mist. Mist lingered everywhere, revealing the floating and sinking of ancient worlds and vast universes. Near the point where heaven and earth met, a hazy mirror-like surface emerged.


Outside the mirror, astonishingly, the reflection of ancient worlds and Great Universes levitated, overlapping with each other as if they shared a symbiotic relationship.


However, right then, the worlds inside and outside the mirror were gradually making contact, undergoing some unknown and peculiar changes. At the points of contact, there were instances of collapse and disintegration, as well as fusion and abolition…


In the moment of collapse, the world’s barriers vanished, while in the moment of abolition, there was a sense of new life being nurtured. It was incredibly mystical and miraculous.


All of this seemed slow, but it was progressing methodically. They collided with each other before melting away.


“The birth of the One True World is coming soon, really soon…”


On those vague boats, there were murmurs like ancient gods whispering, and indifferent gazes akin to primordial deities staring cold and distant.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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