I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 818, The Truth of Everything; On the Path of Training the Secondary Account

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


Many memories surfaced in Gu Changge’s mind as his gaze deepened.


It concerned Gu Qingyi, the first Great War Against Heaven, and even the reason he annihilated heaven with a single palm during the Forbidden Epoch.


It was actually all a part of his plan. He would transform into the Demon Lord and assume a role of a virtuous vanguard against heaven of unknown origins from another True World before the Great Purge descended upon this True World.


Naturally, he would participate in the Great War Against Heaven alongside other cultivators, attempting to invade the Source Realm.


After all, if he wanted to deceive the world and the other Two Original True Ancestors, he had to deceive himself as well. Otherwise, his plan to merge with and eliminate the other two Original True Ancestors would inevitably fail.


The three of them were the most terrifying beings in this world, capable of perceiving all things with a single thought. They had long stood in an unfathomable realm, invincible with the concept of causality, reaching a level that all living beings found hard to comprehend.


They balanced and constrained each other and even made an agreement. Each billion-year Great Purge was initiated by one of the Original True Ancestors to carry out a grand purification.


As one of the Original True Ancestors, Gu Changge had already planned and arranged countless years in advance for this, including deliberately crafting the origins of the anomaly who had memories of being Transmigrated, transcending fate itself.


There were many anomalies in this True World, so naturally, many Transmigrators would appear as well. In fact, far too many anomalies had appeared since the beginning of time, and Transmigrators were just one of them.


What were anomalies? They were born outside the calculations of the Heavenly Dao, and their true origins were shrouded in mystery. It was challenging to deduce or comprehend everything about them.


Anomalies often possessed an unfathomable and immense Fortuity, which could alter the course the Heavenly Dao had laid out for them. They could thus reach realms beyond the capabilities of ordinary cultivators.


How could one describe it?


The Three Original True Ancestors could simply take a glance and know the past, present, and future of the living beings born in the True World. They could discern when they were born, when they would perish, and when they would reincarnate or reach a certain level of attainment.


There were no secrets in this world that they couldn’t fathom.


They controlled the future, understood destiny, comprehended the Heavenly Dao, and knew all things. With a single thought, they could make the True World replay its course or plunge everything into chaos…


However, among all of these, anomalies were the exception.


Anomalies transcended the shackles of karma and fate; their origins remained a mystery. Even the Original True Ancestors would be surprised by them. Moreover, the achievements and cultivation realms attainable by anomalies far surpassed those of the ordinary.


Countless anomalies have appeared since billions of Great Purges ago. Some even reached the strength surpassing True Spirits and World Overlords. They would eventually dare challenge the Original True Ancestors.


Of course, the fate of these anomalies always ended in tragedy. They were continuously scrutinised and dissected, allowing the Three Original True Ancestors to deepen their understanding of these anomalies.


Therefore, Gu Changge chose to take on the identity of a Transmigrator anomaly, transforming into the Demon Lord and participating in the Great War Against Heaven in this True World.


The other two Original True Ancestors had long been aware of these anomalies, and they weren’t surprised or concerned at all. In fact, they were even waiting, waiting for the moment when these anomalies would grow strong enough to stand before them.


[Even if one were to reach the strength of a World Overlord and consider themselves worthy to be titled Immortal Emperor, they would still be like ants in front of the Original True Ancestors. Even the Original True Ancestors never revealed their true forms throughout the Source Realm. They merely showed a glimpse of their power, hidden beyond countless unimaginable spaces… The so-called Great War Against Heaven, in the eyes of the Original True Ancestors, is akin to children playing house.]


Gu Changge knew all of this all too well. He knew, to the cultivators and living beings, the power of the Original True Ancestors shouldn’t even exist in this world because the disparity in strength was too vast.


No matter how strong an ant might be, it would still be an ant, and humans could easily crush it to pieces with a gentle press. The gap between the Original True Ancestors and cultivators was much, much more terrifying than that between ants and humans.


In this world, only anomalies had the true qualifications to grow and stand before the Original True Ancestors. However, even so, it was only to that extent.


[So, in order to scheme against the other two Original True Ancestors, I took on the identity of an anomaly, the Demon Lord, and travelled through the True Worlds, laying out my plans. The Mountains and Oceans True World, which is where I am now, is just one of the True Worlds.]


[As for Gu Qingyi, a True Spirit born in this world, faced the Great Purge, she initiated the first Great War Against Heaven and became the World’s Will, leading the other Heavenslayers of this world to attack the Source Realm. In that battle, she encountered a counterattack from the Source Realm’s Forces and suffered severe injuries.]


[As the Demon Lord, disguised as a virtuous vanguard against heaven from some other True World, I appeared in time and rescued her and the other Heavenslayers, leading them to safety… Xianer, sadly, was one of the Heavenslayers who fell in that battle. But, as someone from the Mountains and Oceans True World, Gu Qingyi sent her to reincarnation.


[Overall, they managed to delay the Great Purge for the Mountains and Oceans True World… But, the cost was great. Many Heavenslayers perished in the first Great War Against Heaven, including Gu Qingyi, who was severely injured. This world’s vitality withered, spiritual energy became scarce, and it fell into the end of an era, which was what Hong referred to as the Immortal Burial Era…]


[After the Immortal Burial Era, there was a long period with little historical records of cultivators. They were even struggling to gain divine consciousness. Still, after countless years, things gradually improved, and the spiritual energy of the world was restored… Cultivators reappeared, sects were established, and the Mountains and Oceans True World regained its vitality. Some of the Heavenslayers who were sent to reincarnation began to reincarnate and embark on their cultivation paths.]


[To prevent the other two Original True Ancestors from suspecting anything, I personally took action, causing the Great Purge of this world to descend early, attempting to erase the identity and any trace of the Demon Lord. At that time, this True World had not yet fully recovered. It was not even by ten per cent. Gu Qingyi worried and discussed with my Demon Lord persona, trying to find a solution. This then led to the Forbidden Epoch, where the Demon Lord destroyed this world with a single palm, shattered heaven, and becoming a forbidden existence.]


Many thoughts came to Gu Changge. Many things became clear at this point, as if the fog had dispersed, and everything became evident.


Before the Forbidden Epoch and before the second Great War Against Heaven began, the Great Purge descended.


If they hadn’t made any preparations, this world would have been completely devastated, and reincarnation would no longer be possible. Even the souls of those fallen would have crumbled and dissipated, vanishing from this world.


That was why Gu Qingyi had discussed with him, devising a plan to act out a play, which resulted in the destruction of this world, which led everything back into reincarnation. This allowed the Mountains and Oceans True World to delay the arrival of the Great Purge once again.


As the Demon Lord, he naturally became the forbidden figure, feared and dreaded by future generations.


Of course, it all sounds simple now, but back then, Gu Qingyi paid a great price to accomplish all of this. She knew that such actions might provoke the fury of the Masters of the Source Realm, and the anger could even extend to Gu Changge, resulting in a fate of complete annihilation without entering reincarnation.


Meanwhile, Gu Changge, to fully immerse himself in the act, even considered sending down a furious Immortal Tribulation from the endless void outside, personally killing his alias as the Demon Lord.


Of course, this event was also part of their plan. Gu Qingyi foresaw the retribution and fury that would befall them from the Source Realm. Therefore, she conspired with Gu Changge early on and used a forbidden technique to send a sliver of his soul to reincarnation, avoiding complete annihilation and allowing him to be reborn in future generations.


However, Gu Qingyi was clueless about Gu Changge’s true identity and always treated him as the Demon Lord, waiting for the day when he would awaken and regain his memories.


And the various precautions were all because of the so-called ‘anomaly,’ as they feared that the Masters of the Source Realm might awaken prematurely and discover that the Demon Lord, the anomaly, remained alive.


“So, all this time, I have been cooperating with her and playing the role of an anomaly… The purpose is for this anomaly to grow to a level comparable to my own and then work together to eliminate the other two Original True Ancestors. After all, I know myself best and understand the power needed.”


Gu Changge regained his calmness. Stirring many memories at this time wasn’t really a bad thing for him. At least now, he was following the plan and acting without any flaws.


In simple terms, he was now acting as an anomaly, training a secondary account to advance the main account. Later on, the two identities would merge and, through various arrangements, eliminate the two Original True Ancestors, taking what he believed to be the final step.


Afterwards, Gu Changge and the big red bird set off, stepping onto the Immortal Path outside the Celestial Ancient Continent. A brilliant light radiated from it, and astonishing celestial energy flowed within.


The divine light was bright and extremely rich. A vague and faint path appeared in the high sky of this ancient site, resembling a massive fissure.


Right then, even the populace of the entire Celestial Ancient Continent felt the fluctuations. They were shocked, believing that the Immortal Path had reappeared and the events from ancient times were replaying.


The connection between the Immortal Domain and the Upper Realm had been severed. The world’s environment experienced drastic changes, causing unpredictable transformations in their boundaries. As a result, the Immortal Path was disconnected, making it challenging to access directly.


The big red bird also said that the Immortal Domain underwent changes, and after the Forbidden Epoch, many alterations led to the fragmentation of the Mountains and Oceans True World.


A complete True World, apart from parts like the Upper Realm and the Immortal Domain, also included what the Mountains and Oceans True World locals called the Other Domain—the Yin of the True World.


However, it was not like the Yang of the True World was in any good condition. The Immortal Domain was in shambles, and the World Principles of the Upper Realm were incomplete, making it impossible to form a complete Yang of the True World.


Due to these two, the current state of the True World was far from being the true Mountain and Oceans True World.




As Gu Changge and the big red bird walked along that vague passage, an immense and terrifying ancient aura came crashing down on them, only to dissipate into nothingness the moment it landed on the two.


“This Immortal Path has already been ruined…” said Gu Changge as he looked at the desolate and dilapidated scene before him and shook his head lightly.


Compared to when he first stepped in here, it seemed to have deteriorated many times over. They could even see a dense blood light pervaded, staining the sky with a bloody red hue at the end of the path.



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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