I Am the Fated Villain

I Am the Fated Villain – Chapter 825, A Reincarnated Being, What Role to Play Next

| I Am the Fated Villain |

Translator: Fate

Translation Checker: Silavin


The dazzling sword-like beam seemed to destroy the distant time, cleansing all of existence in an indomitable display.




The space above the Western Immortal Domain was in chaos. It was as if the light of the sword had sliced space itself in two.


A chasm formed in the galaxy. Countless trembled in fear of the aura. They felt a sword-like beam falling down on their foreheads, causing them to be on the verge of exploding.


They were deeply terrified. Their hairs stood on end. The sword-like beam was not targeted at them. Just witnessing its might alone caused their Souls to ache. They felt as if they were on the verge of perishing under its radiance.


It was clear that there would be unimaginable consequences if the sword-like beam touched them.


Even the Dharma Body of the Profound Earth Immortal King was beheaded with a single slash, obliterated from the void. It was a singular domineering move.




To those from the Other Domain, the sword attack was too terrifying. It descended from the clouds to slaughter the Immortal King they thought to be invincible.


Many of the young prodigies who worshipped the Profound Earth Immortal King cried out in disbelief. Why was it that the Dharma Body of their invincible Immortal King, who had just awakened, annihilated by a single sword attack, wiped out just like that?


Naturally, they could not figure it out. In their understanding, the pinnacle of power in this world was the power of an Immortal King, who was seated at the summit of Immortality. Beings who overlooked the changes of time, and witnessed the collapse of epochs.


How could the Dharma Body of such an existence be so easily beheaded? Even someone of the same realm would not be able to do such a thing so easily.


“He must be a Young Immortal King…”


“The Profound Earth Immortal King has fled! He dared not make his descent!”


Many True Immortals who rushed over from the Other Domain were trembling at this moment. Their mouths quivered and they felt chills running down their spines.


They were the most powerful beneath the Immortal King, so they could keenly sense the horrifying strength of that sword just now. It was capable of slaughtering them many times over in just a brief instant. It was clearly a power that they could never contend with. It was capable of annihilating everything and severing time itself. Even an Immortal King’s Dharma Body could not withstand it.


Just the residual shockwave alone made them feel like they were about to explode. Their bodies were in intense pain, and some who had been too close even began to bleed.


All those from the Other Domain in front of the Heavenly Ancient City stood still. They were too afraid to move. They feared that even the slightest strand of aura would make them explode the way the Immortal King’s Dharma Body had.


“Such power. What terrifying might…”


“There’s no mistaking it. That powerful being has to be the King of our Immortal Domain. He has come back from the Source World!”


The Western Immortal Domain was filled with an overwhelming aura. The sudden appearance of the fluctuations of an Immortal King’s aura just now alarmed many of their people, who were hiding in numerous places. They were stunned.


However, they never expected that at the very next moment, they would witness the Dharma Body of an Immortal King being annihilated by a sword-like beam. It was too shocking and far beyond comprehension.


They never would have believed it if they had not seen it with their own eyes. Even now, they were still staring wide-eyed in disbelief.


A tumultuous cheer erupted from all corners of the Western Immortal Domain.


Countless from the Immortal Domain showed up, sweeping away their previous decline. They were now filled with excitement and exhilaration. They roared, unable to express their current excitement and surging emotions.


Nevertheless, Gu Changge’s expression remained unchanged. He no longer needed to do anything else. With the strength of his cultivation alone, he had no reason to fear the so-called Immortal Kings. Mere Immortal Kings could never claim to be untouched by Karma. They could not challenge Fortuity, and modify the trajectories of the world.


As for Gu Changge, even when he was still in the Upper Realm, he could use Fate to erase future events. This was the fundamental difference in the Dao he had chosen.


At the end of the day, Gu Changge’s cultivation path corresponded to his previous self. It has enabled this body of his to reach the heights of a Original True Ancestor.


Ordinary Immortal Kings did not even have the ability to approach the level of a Original True Ancestor. Even if they cultivated for countless epochs, they could never reach such heights. One would only have the ability to set their sights on that realm if they surpassed the Realm of Absolute Detachment, which was a feat among all feats.


“It seems like the Immortal King on your side has chosen to flee… He is indeed pretty smart, and he ran away quite fast.”


Gu Changge stood still. He wore a simple green silk garment that made him look incredibly young. There was a faint radiance flowing through him that made it seem as if he had returned to simplicity.


He slowly walked over as he scanned those of the Other Domain. His tone was perfectly calm.


Upon hearing these words, those from the Other Domain felt as if their heads were about to explode as their Souls were on the verge of being torn apart. They dared not lift their heads and meet Gu Changge’s gaze.


Even the True Daoists trembled, drenched in cold sweat.


“Don’t worry, I won’t make things difficult for you. It’s just that I haven’t returned to the Immortal Domain for such a long time, so seeing everything here evokes memories.” Gu Changge remarked casually. All of a sudden, his gaze turned towards the sky. With a flick of his hand, the sky shook and the stars trembled.


A True Immortal from the Other Domain panicked as he discovered that he was completely restrained. Qi coursed through his body in an attempt to break free, to no avail.


He screamed in terror. He felt like a helpless little chick who could not fight back at all.


He was billions of kilometres away, but in the next moment, a pair of horrifying hands descended upon him and grabbed him.


This filled him with terror and despair. Throughout his countless years of cultivation, it was the first time he had encountered something so terrifying.


This scene shocked all from the Other Domain who were present. They never expected to see the True Immortals they considered nearly invincible to be in such a pitiful state. They were being captured from distant Star Territories, becoming mere fish on the chopping block.


Were they truly the lofty True Immortals? They were no different from ants.


“What has happened in the Immortal Domain since the Forbidden Epoch…” Gu Changge looked at the terrified True Immortal from the Other Domain and slowly asked. His voice was calm. It sounded both as if he were asking a question and sighing.


The True Immortal appeared to be only in his thirties or forties. He had golden wings on his back, with Immortal Light flowing through him. Yet, he kept trembling as if his heart were gripped by a peerless Demon. His face was pale and his voice quivered.


“To answer your question, sir, after the Forbidden Epoch…” He tried to explain and provide the answer to Gu Changge’s question, but his voice was filled with fear.


“I didn’t ask you.” However, Gu Changge’s expression remained unchanged. He simply shook his head and extended a hand, reaching out to the True Immortal’s glowing cheekbone.


“Argh… Please have mercy, sir…” The True Immortal from the Other Domain screamed in terror. The unbearable pain made his face contort.


Everyone could see his Soul being extracted from the top of his head. Gu Changge proceeded to check the True Immortal’s memories.


No one dared to interrupt Gu Changge. Even the True Immortals from the Other Domain in the distance were trembling uncontrollably with ashen faces. They worried that they would be the next ones to be captured.


This was a terrifying being that even frightened away the Profound Earth Immortal King.


“So much has changed. No wonder…” After a long while, Gu Changge seemed to finally understand the many changes that had occurred in the Immortal Domain over the years, and he sighed melancholically.


Immediately after, he casually swallowed the soul of the True Immortal. He did not allow the latter to leave.


After the Forbidden Epoch, the Immortal Domain and the Upper Realm were separated and an overwhelming majority of the Immortals fled to the Immortal Domain.


The leader among them was the one who had initially established the Immortal Palace. Although the Immortal Palace had collapsed, many of its heritage and legacies had been preserved. As a result, the Immortal Domain was soon split into five different regions, with the Central Immortal Domain as the root. Whatever was left radiated in all directions, and was divided into four other regions.


Each region was supervised by at least one Immortal King, but some had quite a number of Immortal Kings.


There were several Palace Masters from the original Immortal Palace, who were at the Central Immortal Domain. They were the ones with cultivation far surpassing that of ordinary Immortal Kings.


That was how the situation of the Immortal Domain stabilised for the time being.


However, those from the Other Domain had realised what had happened.


The battle during the Forbidden Epoch happened to occur right before the Great Purge, thus delaying its arrival. However, the collapse of that epoch had led to great damage to both the Immortal Domain and the Upper Realm. It even cut off the connection between the two. Thus, the Immortal Domain became like floating duckweed without any roots, and the Upper Realm lost its opportunity to ascend to higher realms.


The result, a chain reaction. This had accelerated the decline of the Immortal Domain, allowing the Other Domain to rise up.


Several million years ago, some of the Immortal Kings from the Immortal Domain had declined in strength and had entered their twilight years. For some reason, they could not escape the Five Immortal Decays.


Seeing it as an opportunity, those from the Other Domain launched a massive invasion. They broke through the gates of the Immortal Domain, laying siege to all in their path. The Western Immortal Domain, which bordered the Other Domain, was naturally the first to fall.


After finding out about everything, Gu Changge had to consider what kind of role he wanted to play next. Was he going to abide by his agreement with Gu Qingyi or should he not care as much?


Out of everything, what he needed to pay the most attention to was the arrival of the next Great Purge.


Secondly, the birth of the Sole True World.


Once the Sole True World came into existence, it was likely that those within vast True Worlds who wished to overthrow Heaven would take action. These people have been sharpening their weapons, awaiting to launch another Great War Against Heaven.


In a sense, the current Immortal Domain was actually more suitable for Gu Changge. Although it was constantly at war with the Other Domain, there was a sizeable number of True Immortals and even Immortal Kings.


Gu Changge had long since consumed and refined all of the Dao Fruits from the Ancient Reincarnation Supreme Being. For him, these existences provided excellent nourishment.


The scene made all from the Other Domain tremble in fear. They never expected to see a True Immortal get captured and have his soul yanked out of him before being devoured whole.


Such a scene made them feel extremely uncomfortable. It was as if they had suddenly gone from being the high and mighty apex predators of the Other Domain to being mere livestock whose lives and dignity meant nothing.


Those of the Immortal Domain were left speechless. They never thought this powerful being would be so cruel and merciless.


However, once they remembered that it had been a True Immortal from the Other Domain, they felt relieved and deeply satisfied. After all, when the Western Immortal Domain fell, many people of the Immortal Domain had also been treated as food by those of the Other Domain too…


Almost everyone from the Immortal Domain regarded Gu Changge as their King, since he came from the Source World. Thus, they immediately believe he was on their side.



“He’s so powerful. Just who is he!?” At this moment, in the vast and boundless Other Domain, the Profound Earth Immortal King’s expression changed time and time again.


A look of astonishment and doubt appeared on his face, which was usually as cold as ice. He never thought that his Dharma Body would be severed from him in an instant, immediately wiped out by his opponent.


He did not even have the time to react. The overwhelming terror completely exceeded his expectations.


He had thought that after the dramatic changes in the environment, the gate to the Source World had loosened, allowing experts from the Source World to find a path back into the Immortal Domain.


He never expected such a terrifying being to emerge.


He had a feeling that even if he descended in his true form, he would not be able to hold his own against this young man. He would have been killed and wiped from existence too.


When one was an Immortal King, any thought or feeling would never be a fleeting or inconsequential one. It was always a form of premonition or heightened alertness regarding an impending situation. It was not fear but a clear recognition of one’s own inadequacy, resulting in an instinctive response.


“I must not show myself. He is too terrifying. I absolutely have no chance against him. If I were to descend rashly, I would be annihilated by him.” The Profound Earth Immortal King stepped out of his own cultivation ground and arrived at the cultivation ground of another Immortal King from the Other Domain. He needed to discuss this with someone else. That was just how.powerlessness he felt.


There was no chance of survival for him if he faced Gu Changge alone. He needed to find other Immortal Kings to join forces with him.


The Other Domain occupied a territory that could not be simply described as vast. Even if the Immortal Domain and the Upper Realm merged together, some of the territories were still incomparable to the Other Domain.


Black mist drifted around like an ocean of ghostly spectres. This was formed by numerous ancient universes that had been tainted by Dark Qi. The mysterious mist seemed to stretch on with no end in sight.


“When will you awaken, my friend? There has been a disturbance in the Western Immortal Domain. A being who seems to have reincarnated has appeared. He possesses terrifying might that greatly exceeds that of ordinary Immortal Kings. We need to work together to take him down.” The Profound Earth Immortal King tore through the universe with his large hand and reached out to the cultivation ground of another Immortal King to wake him up.


“A reincarnated being?”


*Rumble* A terrifying aura emerged from this part of the universe, followed by a gaze that tore through the mist. Countless subjects of the Other Domain bowed and ceaselessly worshipped.


Over at another cultivation ground, another Immortal King was awakened by the Profound Earth Immortal King and his Dharma Body, which was millions of kilometres tall.


Dark paths spread out as they stepped out with rumbling sounds. Black lotuses covered the place and black demonic birds flew about, causing the world to tremble.


“Has the situation changed? Is there still an Immortal King in the Western Immortal Domain?”


A humanoid Immortal King, who was shrouded in grey mist, suddenly opened his eyes. His gaze was cold and unreadable. He had a pair of wings on his back.


“The gate we have been searching for has appeared, but a terrifying being has emerged from it… He is formidable. Too formidable. I am far from being his match.” The Profound Earth Immortal King stated this fact without thinking that it was something hard for him to say. He said calmly and frankly stated it and continued. “We will need to join forces to kill him before we can descend to the Source World.”


Finally, he came down to a territory shrouded in Chaos Mist. He was now adopting a somewhat respectful attitude.


This place was a collection of palaces that looked grand and ancient, radiating the brilliance of Heaven.


Upon arrival, the Profound Earth Immortal King bowed lightly and paid his respects, saying, “A reincarnated being has appeared and I fear that something might go wrong, so I hope that you could lead us in battle, Senior.”



| I Am the Fated Villain |

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